Accepting orders


"Step up again with those wax strips and I'll stick this in you...". I look at the utensil in my hands, which is undoubtedly an additional instrument of torture.

"Curling iron," replies Carol , with a strip of wax in her hands and a sigh of frustration on her lips.

Mery rolls her eyes and sits down at the dressing table.

"I'll shove this curling iron up your ass while you rage. You have no right to cause me pain. If Eliot wants me to wax, he can go to hell. I'm a natural. Period!"

"Revean , the first time it hurts, but after a while, you won't even notice it. You just have to relax. I promise this is the only part that hurts. The rest will be fun. I don't think anyone has ever pampered you before; let me be the first. And not because Mr. Snow demanded it, but because you deserve it." Carol sets the wax band on the floor and gestures for me to go back to bed.

"You can do the pretty thing, but leave my pussy alone. Give me a razor and I'll shave my legs."

The truth is, I don't want to be shaved anymore. I've burned my hands with hot water and on the restaurant stove, but that pain was nothing compared to having the hair pulled straight out of my pussy.

"I've been in your shoes." Mery gets up from the chair and wraps her arms around her chest. "Probably even worse. I didn't even have a trailer to live in. I spent nights on the street because it was better than being at home with an abusive father."

"Mery ." I step forward not knowing what to do or say. I've only known this woman for an hour, and that's a very personal thing to reveal.

"It's okay. I've come to terms with it, but only thanks to Andrew and Eliot . Andrew and I are married. I underwent the beauty treatment when I got here. I got my pussy waxed, and you know what? It hurt like hell, but afterwards I felt free. I felt like a normal person for the first time in years because someone cared enough to do something for me. I know that sounds strange because Eliot and Andrew are strong men. I also know that Eliot has told you that you are his. In your mind, that probably means a lot of bad things, but in reality, it does not. He will treat you like a princess if you give him the chance. Neither of those two men will do bad things to you, not like my father did to me."

I feel tears welling up in my eyes. I thought my life was bad, but it's nothing compared to what Mery went through . I never really knew my father. I may have lived in poverty, wondering when my next meal would be, but I was never mistreated.

"I'm sorry. I guess I'm just a little overwhelmed with everything. Yesterday I was wondering if I'd come home and find my mother OD'd, and today I'm God knows where in a room so big it's like nothing I've ever seen. I should be more grateful. I'm sorry." I leave the curling tongs on the dresser as I return to the bed and nod toward Carol , confirming to her that she can continue what she's doing.

"You will be overwhelmed for the next few weeks, Revean , and not just because someone is taking care of you for the first time, but because Eliot has strict rules. He's not a man to be trifled with. You are his, no matter what. Accept it and do what he tells you."


I lie back down on the bed as Mery's words echo in my head, consuming me with worry for her and trepidation about having to obey Eliot . I don't know anything about him, which scares me.

I'm so absorbed in my thoughts that I don't realize Carol has finished waxing my entire body until she says, "We're done with the horrible stuff. Now let's get to the fun stuff. We need to fix those nails. There's nothing like a good manicure to make a person feel special."

Carol holds out a robe for me. I slip my arms into it and look at my now hairless body. It's strange, I had never thought of shaving. A razor seemed like an unnecessary expense. However, I like the look of my legs. I reach down and caress them. Soft to the touch.

"I must admit, you were right about the waxing. How often do I have to suffer through it, though?"

Carol laughs. "Every three to six weeks, depending on how fast the hair grows back. I'm going to start you on some permanent hair removal treatment, which will provide a more long-term solution."

I swallow. "Permanent! How much is that going to hurt?"

"Not at all. Don't worry."

Carol directs me to sit at the vanity and begins to do my nails. I feel a twinge of disgust when I see how much gunk she removes from under them. It's another part of my body that I haven't taken care of.

"What is Eliot's real job?". I ask Carol as she pushes back my cuticles and puts fake nails on a couple of fingers where the nails are badly broken. "I've only seen this bedroom, which is huge, and his private jet. He must be very wealthy. I get the feeling he has a lot of staff at his service."

I feel a little more relaxed about this deal, and I want to know more about the man everyone tells me I belong to. Carol looks up at Mery , and a look I can't interpret passes between them.

Mery replies." It looks like Cecilia is only here to perform the beauty treatments."

"What do you know about Las Vegas?" asks Mery .

"Uh... it's like the casino capital. One of the richest places in America." I may not have a fantastic education, but there are certain things I know, mostly from listening to tourists passing through the dining room.

"And Eliot told you we're in Las Vegas?"

"Yes, although judging by the fact that there's nothing but desert around us, I'm thinking he might have been lying. I was told there were hotels and buildings everywhere."

"No, I wasn't lying. We're in his mansion outside of Las Vegas. There are acres and acres of land here, and the nearest neighbor is miles away. It's very private, the way he likes it, but it's close enough to the city for him to do his business. He owns one of the biggest casinos on the Strip." Mery opens the curtain as she speaks, offering me the view of the endless desert again.

I don't know whether to be scared or glad that the nearest neighbor is miles away. We really are in the middle of nowhere.

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