Chapter 4 - The end of the night

She was stunned and sad and didn't notice her father's presence immediately.

  • Dad? What are you doing here? Mikaella asked, surprised.

  • Can't a father pay a visit to his own daughter anymore? After all, you are still my daughter, even if you forget to call me or ignore my calls.

  • Sorry, Dad, I've been really busy, she tried to deflect.

  • I know, I can imagine how busy you are. Roberto made an effort to recognize the man coming from the kitchen with an ice pack on his chin. They both froze for a few moments, and both Mikaella and Betina noticed that they seemed to know each other.

  • Dom...

  • Roberto Assunção! Roberto interrupted Julio's words.

He remained silent, staring at his future father-in-law. Julio looked horrified but didn't say anything.

  • So, this is your new "boyfriend"?

Roberto scoffed.

  • You left Peter to be with a guy like this? Honestly, Mikaella, you never cease to disappoint me.

Mikaella glared at him.

  • Well, Dad, unfortunately, I'm not as perfect as your little son, so you better come to terms with that. If you can't accept me for who I am, it's best that you leave!

Roberto didn't even flinch, he didn't lose his composure.

  • I came for a dinner, dear, and I'll be part of this dinner. Let's go, it's getting late. He said, heading towards the table. Betina, who had been silently observing, followed him.

  • Hi, Uncle, how are you? She teased Roberto, who returned the smile.

  • Much better now, my dear. Your presence even makes the air lighter. He said, pulling out a chair for her to sit and taking a seat next to her.

  • Dad, that's gross! Can you stop flirting with all my friends? Mikaella asked, irritated.

Betina and Roberto smiled and nodded. This dinner had the potential to be the most disastrous of all, but surprisingly, they managed to keep up appearances for a while.

As soon as dinner ended, Mikaella stood up to clear the table.

  • I'll help you, Mi, Betina offered. She saw the perfect opportunity to finally talk to her friend and reveal the truth.

However, Julio also seemed to understand Betina's intentions and was quicker.

  • Not dear, let me clear the table. It's the least I can do after this wonderful dinner you prepared. Betina can help, right, Betina? He suggested with a challenging look.

Betina wanted to refuse, but Mikaella's knowing look convinced her. She followed him to the kitchen.

  • What was your intention in wanting me to help you? She asked directly.

  • Ah, my dear, did you really think I would leave you alone with Mikaella to tell things your way? Not a chance!

  • We can't keep hiding the truth from her; sooner or later, she'll find out and hate us.

Betina said.

  • No, she'll hate you, after all, you're the one who lied. I was just one of your victims; I didn't know anything until you showed up. Don't forget that you have a lot to lose by telling the truth. I have nothing to lose, but you'll lose your best friend's trust.

  • I know she'll be disappointed in me, but I need to be honest at least this time. I need to take the risk.

  • You're not going to tell her today!

He declared.

  • I think you're not thinking straight, Mon cher. Don't forget that I also know some of your darkest secrets. After all, you didn't think I would never find out about that story where you were responsible for the tragedy in a friend's life, right?

Betina stared at him, horrified.

  • No, you wouldn't dare to do that.

  • Oh, I would. He threatened.

  • It all became clear when I met Mikaella, and she told me about her mother's death. Did you really think I wouldn't notice the resemblance? And your exchanged looks with her father? How disgusting! The two of you are worse than I am.

Betina just stared at him with tears in her eyes. She was so nervous that she dropped one of the plates. The sound of breaking glass caught Roberto and Mikaella's attention.

  • Tina, are you okay? Are you hurt? Mikaella asked, examining the girl from head to toe.

Betina didn't react, she just remained silent while a tear rolled down her cheek. Mikaella looked from Betina to Julio, trying to understand what was going on.

  • What happened? Is everything okay? Roberto asked, approaching and fixing his gaze on Betina.

She didn't think twice and stood by his side.

  • Please, just get me out of here, she pleaded.

  • Friend, please, let's talk, tell me what happened. Mikaella begged, but Betina didn't say anything.

  • It's clear that she doesn't want to talk, Mikaella. You should talk to this guy and find out what he did to make your best friend like this.

  • Come, dear, let's get out of here. Roberto looked at his daughter disapprovingly as he led Betina out of the house.

Mikaella couldn't remember how much time had passed since that dinner, but what she knew was that something had broken inside her, specifically between her and Betina. And it hurt her every day; the absence tore her heart apart. She no longer could stand being away from her best friend. Despite always hearing news about Betina through Leona, she didn't feel the same connection. She wanted to be there with her best friend, to make sure she was truly okay. She always wondered if she had made the right choice by being with Julio and distancing herself from her friends, and she knew the answer, but she liked Julio, felt good with him, and it was painful that her friends didn't accept her happiness and didn't want to be a part of it.

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