She Was Pregnant?

Don emerged from his sleek BMW, his bodyguard Tyson close behind. As he looked up, he saw Katrina stepping out of her car, her expression unreadable. Don's lips curled into a wide, self-assured smirk as he made his way towards her.

The tension between them was almost palpable, like the electricity before a storm. Every step brought them closer, but the gulf between them seemed to grow wider with each passing moment.

"You're looking quite dapper," Katrina muttered, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "And here I thought you only dressed to impress for business meetings. But I suppose you never miss an opportunity to show off." She slammed her car door shut, emphasizing each word as she spoke.

Her movements were stiff and rigid, betraying the tension simmering beneath the surface. "So, are you going to tell me what this little fashion show is all about?" she asked, her eyes narrowing as she waited for an answer.

"It's my first day at work, shouldn't I try to look at my best? I hope this doesn't seduce you," He spoke trying to listen to her response. She flicked her hair, sending her cascading hair back to her shoulder.

"I'm sure you want to make a good first impression," Katrina replied coolly. "But I'll be the judge of whether or not you succeed." Her tone was light, but her words carried a challenge. Don shifted on his feet, suddenly unsure of himself. The silence stretched between them, thick with anticipation.

As Katrina stepped into her office, she was hit by the familiar smell of old paper and dust. The sunlight streaming through the window cast a warm glow over the room, highlighting the stacks of files and books that cluttered her desk. She took a deep breath and tried to focus on the tasks ahead of her, ignoring the nagging feeling of dread in the pit of her stomach.

The door swung open and Emily strode into the room, a whirlwind of energy and enthusiasm. "Hey there, Kat!" she exclaimed. "I've missed you! It's so good to have you back!" She plopped down in the chair across from Katrina's desk and grinned. But it wasn't as if Katrina took a leave or something. "So, dish. How's it going?"

"What do you mean?" Katrina feigned ignorance, though she knew exactly what Emily was getting at.

"Oh, come on!" Emily exclaimed, throwing up her hands in mock exasperation. "Didn't you called me about how your mum asked you to choose one between Don and Brock?" Emily asked, her brow furrowed in annoyance.

"What else could I have done?" Katrina said, her voice tinged with resignation. She looked down, unable to meet Emily's gaze. The weight of the situation felt like a heavy burden, pressing down on her shoulders.

"So, who did you decide on?" Emily's voice was brimming with curiosity. She leaned forward, eager for an answer. Katrina hesitated, unsure of how to respond.

"Do you honestly expect me to choose between those two?" Katrina asked, a hint of indignation in her voice. "I'd rather meet someone new entirely than make such a choice. As far as I'm concerned, Don is off the table."

She said the words with conviction, but a part of her wondered if she could really follow through on them. After all, it wasn't so easy to just forget about someone you once cared for. She once did, Don left a wide scar on the palm of her heart which was almost healed, but his return made the scar reveal itself again widely.

A faint creak from the door made both women freeze. "Who's there?" Emily called out, her voice trembling slightly.

A heavy footfall was their only answer. Then, silence. The spy must have fled the scene. The question now was, who was it, and why were they listening in on their conversation?


Tyson stands in the doorway, his chest heaving as he tries to catch his breath. His eyes are wide, and his face is pale. Don raises an eyebrow, a look of curiosity mixed with suspicion on his face. "Well?" he says, his voice low and commanding. "What is it? What did you find out?"

Tyson takes a deep breath and begins to relay what he heard. "Katrina was talking to someone," he says, his voice low and intense. "And they were discussing about her marriage. I think she has to choose one between you and Brock."

Don's eyes widen, and he leans forward even more. "What was it? Who did she choose?" he asks, his voice urgent.

Don's mood shifted rapidly from curiosity to anger as he stared at Tyson, waiting for an answer. The bodyguard was clearly uncomfortable, caught between two powerful figures with opposing interests. He hesitated, not wanting to cause any more trouble.

"Neither of you was chosen, but even if she were to choose, it definitely wouldn't be you," the words stabbed at Don like knives. A heavy headache pounded behind his eyes, the disappointment weighing on him like a crushing weight.

Tyson stood, hands braced against the desk, protruding against the wood, eyes wide and chest heaving as Katrina stormed in, her eyes blazing and finger pointed accusingly.

Then, suddenly, the door bursts open and Katrina storms in, her eyes blazing. "What is the meaning of this?" she demands, pointing an accusing finger at Tyson. Don looks up from his desk, a look of surprise on his face.

"What's going on?" he asks, feigning innocence. The tension in the room is thick enough to cut with a knife! "Tyson, excuse us." Tyson bowed lightly to both of them before taking his leave.

"I thought we had an understanding that we would stay out of each other's business and focus solely on the company's growth," she said, a hint of accusation in her voice. "So why was your lackey snooping on my conversation?"

Don's heart pounded in his chest, and a cold sweat broke out on his brow. He stood frozen, mouth agape, unable to utter a word.

Don took a deep breath, gathering his courage to speak. "Do you really hate me that much?" he asked, his voice quavering and his eyes wide with disbelief. His eyeballs were shaking as if it was going to fall off from its socket.

"I admit, I made a mistake when I left you. Can't you find it in your heart to forgive me?'"

"Do you have any idea what that day cost me? Do you realize how happy I was, and how much your betrayal crushed me? You turned the best day of my life into the worst. I came to you full of hope, with a letter in my hand, but you ripped it from my grasp and replaced it with divorce papers. Your actions spoke louder than any words could have." Her voice quavered with emotion, her eyes flashing with anger and hurt.

Don stood rooted to the spot, his eyes widening in shock as her words hit him like a physical blow. His mouth opened and closed, but no sound emerged. It was as though the air had been sucked from the room, leaving him gasping for breath. When he finally found his voice, his words came out in a stammer, his legs trembling as though they might give way beneath him. "What... What did you lose?"

"Pregnancy," she said, her voice breaking on the word as though it were too painful to speak. "I brought you the results from the doctor, but the shock and distress you caused me cost me everything." She spoke the words slowly, as though each one were a weight she could barely lift. Her face was drawn and pale, her eyes dull with grief. Don felt guilty.

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