He went back to his office after receiving the greatest shock of his live. He sat down gently without making the slightest sound, he rested his chin on his palm. For a minute closing to two, he couldn't think about anything.
His thought was truncated by Tyson, his bodyguard's knock. He kept knocking expecting his boss approval for him to come in but he heard nothing. Even though he knew for sure that Don was in the office, still, he dared not enter unless he had received an approval from him.
When Don noticed that the figure behind the door had stopped knocking, he knew it could either be Emily or Tyson. No one except that two would come for him.
After clearing his throat thoroughly, he found his voice back. "Come in," He muttered as he arranged his files in a well orderly manner.
"I know this is unexpected, I was also shocked when I received the news... "
"Can you just let the cat out of the bag? I can't stand your nonsense teasing." Don cuts in angrily, Tyson kept shut for a while before resuming his so called nonsense by his boss.
"Well, miss Emily requested to see you." Don wasn't sure if what he just heard, he looked up suddenly. But he decided to meet up with her before he could think of anything funny.
"At what time does she want us to meet?" He asked, with a smirk at the corner of his left lips.
"8pm tonight,"
"A great time to show off. Something interesting is coming up, surely!" He nodded as his guard dispatched away from his office.
"He's going to come, I'm sure of that," She murmured to herself as she looked sideways and craned her neck to check the main door, in order to prepare once she spot Don coming in.
She was dressed elegantly in a simple dress. A reddish gown which looked more like wine in color, her handbag color matched with that of her gown. Her heels were too high for him but she had no other choice as it was the only footware that befitted the occasion she came for.
Her maid had even commented about her lips, it was too red but she didn't mind about it, that was exactly how she wanted it. She sipped the Budweiser drink before her, then she slipped her hand into her bag which brought her her phone.
She let out a deep sigh, her head heavy with fatigue. She had been there for straight two hours long, and she was ready to be off the clubhouse and on her way. But just as she was about to stand up, a man dressed in a well-fitted suit sat in the seat across from her.
"Are you here to hook up with a random stranger or you're waiting for your guy?" The man's polite question sounded like an insult to her hearing but she wasn't ready to abuse or cuss him to avoid unnecessary troubles.
"Does me sitting here affects you in anyway? I wonder why some men are so jobless to care about something like this." She hissed. She never thought what she had offended the gentleman, but he was gentle with her because he had something to tell her.
"I'm not so jobless as I am a businessman, so I just came out here to relieve myself of the stress of the hard work I did today. But how would I see a lady like and not beckon myself to check on you?" His words were all lies to Emily, as soon as he was done with his words he felt someone tap him on his shoulder.
The man looked at Don right his head to his toe, he hissed and turn to face Emily but Don drew him back and pushed him to the floor. Don sat on the seat while the man got up and was ready to put up a fight.
"It's advisable for you to withdraw if you don't want to spend your night in the cell." Emily advised but he was not ready to listen, all on his mind was to attack Don.
Tyson's frustration boiled over, and he grabbed the man's collar and shoved him towards the security guards. Don, seeing the situation escalating, stepped in and demanded that Tyson give both him and Emily some space to sort things out.
Emily's words hung in the air, heavy with the weight of their history. Don knew that Emily was close with Katrina, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of dread as he considered what this might mean for his relationship with Katrina.
"What did you say to her?" Don asked, his voice low and tense.
Emily hesitated, then sighed. "I told her that I thought you were still in love with her, and that you'd never stopped thinking about her. I told her that you did what you did last three years ago was ignorance and you're now ready to begin afresh with her."
Don's face fell as he listened to Emily's words. He knew that there was some truth to what she had said, but he had hoped that his feelings for Katrina were a thing of the past. He didn't want to hurt her, or Emily for that matter, but he wasn't sure what to do.
"What do you want me to do?" he asked, his voice soft and uncertain.
Emily looked at him, her eyes full of compassion. "I want you to be honest with yourself," she said. "And with her. You owe it to both of you. But my advice is that you let her go, don't hurt her anymore. You entering her life is enough and it's making her cry, please just talk business with her and don't go near relationship at all," She continued.
Don's heart ached as he listened to Emily's words. He knew she was right, but the thought of giving up on Katrina was almost too much to bear. He had loved her for so long, and he couldn't imagine his life without her.
"I don't know if I can do that," he said, his voice breaking. "I'm not sure I could ever stop protruding for her sake."
Emily reached out and took his hand, her eyes filled with tears. "I know it's hard," she said. "But you have to try. For your sake, and for hers."
Don and Emily both turned as they heard the sound of footsteps approaching, and saw Katrina walking towards them. She was dressed simply, in jeans and a t-shirt, her hair pulled back in a ponytail. But even in her casual attire, she looked radiant, her beauty shining through. Don's heart skipped a beat as he took in the sight of her, and he could feel his resolve wavering.
"Katrina," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "I'm so sorry."
"Emily, did you seriously call me here for this?" Katrina demanded, her voice full of anger and hurt. She turned to leave, but Emily reached out and grabbed her arm.
"Katrina, please, just hear me out," Emily pleaded. "I know this is difficult, but I promise it's for the best. And I'm not here to reconcile you both, I called you here to end this relationship." Emily voiced out, Katrina sat down gently as she was happy with Emily's reply.
Emily took a deep breath and gathered her thoughts. She knew that what she was about to say would be hard to hear, but she truly believed it was the right thing to do.
"You and Don have both worked so hard to build your businesses," she began. "And your relationship has only been a distraction. It's time to put your professional goals first, and focus on what's really important."
Katrina stared at her, her eyes wide with disbelief. "You can't be serious," she said, her voice shaking. "You're now realizing why I can't be back with this loser." Don felt ashamed as Katrina blurted those words out nonchalantly.
As Katrina spoke, her voice was filled with a mixture of anger and sadness. "From now on, I don't want to hear a word about our relationship from Don," she said. "I only want to talk about business. And as for you, Emily, thanks for understanding me more than I do."
With that, she turned and walked away with Emil, leaving Don standing alone in the clubhouse. He watched her go, feeling a wave of guilt wash over him. She had thought she was doing the right thing, but now she wasn't so sure.
As Don watched Katrina leave, he felt as if his world were collapsing around him. All of the hope and happiness he had felt in her presence seemed to vanish, leaving him with nothing but emptiness and despair. He sank to his knees, his body wracked with sobs, and he let out a cry of anguish that seemed to echo through the halls.