Chapter 7

Claire was scared. She couldn’t tell what was happening. In her mind, she could remember vividly that her name was Claire, but right here, she was being addressed as Rose. Both names didn’t correlate and that was an headache enough for one day.

Also, Claire had never seen this man standing by her, and calling her his own mate. She didn’t remember ever being mated to this man and this caused her more worry, fear, and heartache. She felt like a crazy woman who had lost her senses or her memory at least.

However, Claire knew that staying in seclusion wasn’t going to solve anything at this point. She had to talk to someone and tell this person what was going on in her heart.

But who could Claire talk to?

Her mind?

The man beside her acting kind-hearted and calling her his mate?

Someone else?

Claire couldn’t decide easily. She had to weigh the odds of telling her heart to someone misleading or evil. If Claire eventually couldn’t find the right person to talk to, it could result in a catastrophe which she wasn’t ready for.

But either way, Claire was going to take risks. The person she could talk to better was the kind-hearted man sitting close to her and watching her with his gentle and beautiful eyes.

“Hello!” Claire found herself saying even when they had exchanged pleasantries before.

“Hey!” Marcus replied. “Are you feeling better? Also, did you remember anything about me or this pack?”

“Nah!” Claire said slowly but as she finished saying this, the word ‘pack’ triggered off a memory in her heart. Marcus was quick to notice this.

“Are you okay?” Marcus asked carefully. He wanted to her her say that she had remembered something but when he heard nothing, he decided to ask about it himself. “Did you remember anything?”

“Erm…” Claire began. “I think I remember the name of a pack…”

Marcus’s energy became renewed upon hearing the word ‘pack’. To him as an Alpha, Claire was definitely talking about his own pack. Marcus tapped his Beta, Xeno excitedly. He wanted Xeno to hear what Claire had to say.

“What is the name of the pack you remember?” Marcuss asked Claire carefully. Marcus was expecting a reply as quickly as possible.

Claire was undecided. She didn’t know whether she could confide in Marcus or not. Anyway, she decided to confide in him. She had no one else anyway.

“I think…” Claire began. “…the name of the pack is Vermont. Yes, I am sure about it. The name is Vermont pack!”

This shocked Marcus. He wasn’t expecting this at all. Marcus’s pack was named the Driftwood pack. Both names didn’t correlate at all.

But even with Marcus’s disappointment, he got a point. Claire didn’t say a wrong name. The name she mentioned was actually the name of a pack in the environs. Claire had mentioned the Vermont pack and Marcus knew exactly where the pack was located.

Claire wasn’t acting like the Rose which Marcus knew even though the face and body figure was the same thing. Claire was acting weird and Marcus couldn’t fathom this behaviour.

“Okay…” Marcus finally answered. “Who is the Alpha of the Vermont pack?”

Claire took some time before answering this question. She wasn’t too sure about this. She could only see fragments of the truth but not the whole truth.

“I can’t remember!” Claire answered. Immediately she said this, she heard a name ring in her head. She muttered the name instantly. “Logan!”

Marcus became worried. This was getting him scared. Rose was right but how the hell did she know the Alpha of the Vermont pack? Truthfully speaking, Rose knew that the Vermont pack existed but she knew nobody there. In fact, had never visited there. She had never cared anything outside the Driftwood pack.

Then how did this happen?

Was it what Marcus was really thinking about?

What if… this person with Marcus not Rose? What if it really was another person’s spirit and soul in the body of Rose?

Thinking about this made Marcus shiver. He could feel goosebumps run right through his skin. Marcus felt like running away this instant. He couldn’t believe what he thought was happening.

Xeno saw Marcus’s frustration. He was also thinking in line with Marcus. The evidence here was proving that the body belonged to Rose but the soul and spirit seemed to have been exchange. They had heard about instances like this but this was the first ever time it was happening to them. Xeno had accepted this as the truth but Marcus wasn’t ready yet. Rose used to be his lover and he was not ready to lose his lover in replacement for someone really weird. Marcus wanted Rose back. He was not ready to accept the unfamiliar Claire.

“Calm down, Alpha Marcus…” Xeno said slowly. He held and tapped Marcus on the shoulder to reassure him. “I guess she needs more rest. Let’s call it a day and have her rest. I am sure her memories will return very soon.”

“Really? Do you think so?” Marcus asked carefully. He was being reassured by Xeno and he didn’t want the reassurance to lead to the same thing which he had been shielding from.

“I think so, Alpha. Your self-confidence is waning and I don’t like this…” Xeno was still saying. “I know that having to deal with this is a huge blow for you but even still, it’s better than having her die. Don’t you think so?”

Marcus nodded his head carefully in approval.

“Sure! You are right, Xeno. You have succeeded in reassuring me for now. You have also shown me once more how wise you are and how lucky I am to have you as my Beta.”

“It’s my pleasure, Alpha Marcus…” Xeno replied humbly. “A lot of people competed and are still competing for my post but you have retained me. I know this isn’t because I am the wisest person here. There are people wiser than me but you have made me the chosen one…”

As they talked, they were interrupted.

“My stomach hurts!” Claire said while moaning audibly in pain.

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