Again, three years ago…

He woke up to a familiar song being sung acapella by the most beautiful singing voice that he had ever heard in his life. Admittedly, he has quite a particular taste for such performances since he had some background in classical music. The one he was hearing then obviously sounded like it had been trained for quite a few years. The control, tremolo, and timbre of this feminine singer could easily take her to perform professionally for a Broadway musical or even a light operetta if she decided to.

“When the war comes

And I need to find shelter

Can I stay with you?”

Right now, the disembodied voice was satisfied with singing a contemporary love song about wanting to be with someone. Meanwhile, he was more than satisfied hearing her finish the piece, realizing after a few stanzas that her feelings were spilling into the words.

“And if they form a club

Where I don’t want to belong

Can I stay with you?”

Then, to his surprise, he knew that he was now feeling the song too…

Mag ik dan bij jou by Claudia de Breij… beautiful… but wait… am I awake or am I just dreaming…

The wounded and battered Gamma opened his eyes and saw a not-so-familiar ceiling of minty green painted plaster and carved mahogany wood edgings. Right above him was a vintage brass ceiling fan with crystalline flower lights at the center, and thin but long wooden blades. The fan/chandelier was turned on and was whirring silently to keep him cool and comfortable. Based on the coolness of the room, and the moon’s view from the open window as he rose from the bed, it seemed they were somewhere at the edge of the city and it was sometime after midnight.

And that delicious smell of food… coffee… chili… freshly baked bread?

“Oh, you’re up, good. Stay in bed. I’ll bring your food there, just a minute.”

He looked up at the singer/cook/companion who just poked her head into his open bedroom door. Alexia? How the hell… Wait, this is one of the Silvercrest safe houses! How did she manage to unlock it? Or even find it!?

“Do you want butter for your bread? How about orange juice?” Alexia loudly asked from the other side of the door.

“Coffee’s fine and a glass of water please,” M answered as he noticed the expertly applied bandages and gauze around his arms, chest, sides, and even calves. He also realized that he was buck naked, his clothes folded on a chair a good distance away from him; and wondered if that was also her doing. He then tried to sit up all by himself and felt pain stabbing several parts of his battered anatomy. His yell of anguish sent Alexia running into the room, as she balanced the tray of food and drinks expertly in her hands.

“Ma’Heron, what are you doing? Wait a minute, please!” Alex scolded worriedly as she placed the tray on a nearby table, then rushed to his side so she could help the still-wounded Gamma to sit up.

After propping fluffed-up pillows behind him, she took out a small foldable table, set it up across M’s lap, and placed the tray on top of it. The smell of food wafting up to his nostrils - and her scent - was so appetizing, he couldn’t help but salivate.

There was a small slab of bacon, a bowl of Texas-style chili - beans with chopped beef instead of ground - with grated cheese, sour cream, and dill on top, and a whole medium-sized loaf of bread with a side of butter curls on a dish. The large mug of coffee was strong and steaming, while the glass of water was chilled with no ice.

The Gamma looked at the feast in front of him, then at the wall clock adjacent to the bed. He couldn’t believe that this woman could have possibly cooked all these in less than a couple of hours.

And how the hell did she know that I love chili with cheese and sour cream?

“Eat up while it’s hot. I was hoping you’d heal fast enough to have at least a still-warm meal. Wasn’t sure when you were going to wake up, but I took the chance and started cooking as soon as I’d dressed your wounds. You can take painkillers after you’re done eating. They’re right there on the bedside table.”

M took bites of the chili as she started opening up the other windows, taking his clothes from the chair, and throwing them into the washing machine which was inside the bedroom’s private bathroom, and then finally sitting down on the edge of the king-sized bed. All the while, she was talking her head off as if it’s her own way of entertaining him - or reducing the awkwardness of silence - while he ate.

The bacon, so tender, the beans and beef so perfectly marinated and cooked, and the bread so crusty outside and fluffy inside… even the coffee is how I usually like it. I can’t believe how delicious and tasty everything is… how all the dishes seem perfectly fitted with each other in taste, texture, and combination!

“Don’t forget there’s still dessert, ok? It’s amazing how your larders here in your safe houses are so well-stocked with supplies. I even saw a whole suckling pig in the chest freezers beside the fridge. Who the heck has time to cook all of that?”

Ma’Heron was in the middle of dunking a large piece of bread into his chili when he finally piped up, distrust lacing his voice, “How did you even manage to get into one of our safe houses without a key? And how the damn f* ck did you even find it?”

“You have this weird habit of talking in your sleep, but only when you’re asked a question.”

“Really now? How did you figure that out?” he asked, as he tried to hide the shock and suspicion of her knowing another one of his well-kept secrets.

“While I was carrying you, I started asking myself aloud where the hell was I supposed to bring you and you started mumbling coordinates. I used that to get to this location, then it was easy to find the security plate behind the mail slot beside the door. I put your hand on it and Voila! Here we are…”

M took about fifteen seconds to realize that he needed to close his mouth.

Despite his still being bewildered at how smart and analytical Alexia was, he didn’t want her to know how impressed he was with her. If he was just honest, he would tell her himself how intelligent and street-smart she was by doing all that, and more. However, he still remembered his downfall at the hands of Abner, his being beaten up by his pack, his getting drunk, and losing all self-control in public…

And being rescued by this woman who practically lied to him about her true identity.

The thing is, it seemed that Alexia was not in any way affected by his doubtful and negative attitude towards her at that time. It seemed she was just happy. Whether it was because she was free from the engagement/marriage proposal that she was supposed to receive, or just feeling good that they were both safe, it wasn’t really clear to him.

However, he wasn’t at all sure how to react as this woman started to talk non-stop again.

“I’ve always wanted to cook my own meals, but father never let me. Those are the omegas’ jobs, he would say. He never liked anything I wanted to try out. Besides cooking, I learned how to play the drums, and keyboards, sing, write novels, street and pole dancing without him knowing. He wouldn’t even let me learn self-defense, and I had to pay for those lessons myself.”

He felt a strange tug at his heart, an emotion reserved for family and long-time and trusted friends…

“Once, I tried to join the pack’s sparring session, and I got thrown out. Females aren’t allowed inside. Not even the Alpha’s daughter.”

“I’m… I’m so sorry to hear that…”

“Are you? Well, he’s not. He even thinks it’s a waste of time for me to be part of the pack’s medical or psychiatric team, despite all my efforts to become a doctor. He always said that I should concentrate on looking sexy, pretty, and desirable so I could be married off to the highest bidder. “

Hearing her vent as he devoured the food that she so expertly prepared, he couldn’t help but really feel for her. It was very different at the packhouse, since, as was usual in most packs, on Silvercrest, the she-wolves joined the sparring sessions and were part of the warriors. And he knew, for sure, that if she was living with him, she would be welcomed by the trainers with open arms.

If she was living with you, huh? Wonder where those thoughts came from?

Lyon? What the fuck… where did you go a while ago? What happened to you?

Seriously, I really don’t understand what happened M. One minute I was here and the next thing you know, I’m in Lala Land, out like a light!

*Wait, I remember something. I think that small stinging sensation on my bicep before we got clobbered has something to do with that. *

*Could be, Ma’Heron. Good thing then that she was able to save you from her ex-BF’s goons. *

Excuse me? Abner wasn’t even her real boyfriend! And what do you mean save me? I could have saved myself without her help!

Riiiiight, and all these wounds, really bad injuries, and your concussion show that you were totally in control during the attack! Really, M? I thought your pride being handed to you on a platter would make you realize a thing or two about you and our mate!

OH, SHUT UP about the MATE THING LYON! You’re better off silent!

I agree! Especially if my human WON’T EVEN LISTEN TO ME!

“Oh, are you talking to your wolf right now? I can see it in your eyes, small bursts of emotions along with small changes in your facial expression,” Alexia asked while still sitting on the bed beside him. “Can my wolf and he talk? Even for just a moment…”

Ma’Heron stared at her piercingly with his sexy but really dangerous-looking eyes, realizing that she was even reading him without him knowing. He removed the table on his lap, then struggled to leave the bed despite the agonizing pain that began to punish his body.

“HEY! Wait… STOP!”

“Stop ordering me around, woman!” the Gamma snapped, standing straight up facing her despite him being in the nude. “Now that our deal is done, I demand to finally end this charade so I can go back home!”

He waited for her to snap back at him with her usual volume and pitch but with two levels or higher. Instead, to his surprise, he hears her sigh.

M turned around just to be sure he was still talking to the same feisty female who had matched his fury’s intensity just a few hours ago. She was looking down at the bed, her face with a tender expression, her long hair falling down one side of her head. It was at that instant that he realized that she was wearing black jeans, leather boots up to her ankles, and an ebony sleeveless shirt, the buttons in the front open until the fourth one allowing a peek at her deep cleavage.

The sight of her like this tugged at his heartstrings. He wasn’t used to this soft, silent woman in front of him, the same way he wasn’t used to these feelings he had for her.

“You really should think twice about leaving, for now, Ma’Heron. Especially if you do plan to go home. They’re sure to go after you and your pack and that would be the first place they will look for you… for us.”

By the end of her statement, she had already given him a robe which she already had prepared beforehand and had left on the bedside table earlier on. Her caring actions, along with the concern in her voice and the soft look in her eyes were very new to him too, especially since they were practically still strangers, if not for the mate factor. To his chagrin, later on, he suddenly felt his suspicious nature suddenly peeking out, slowly replacing the unfamiliar tenderness that he wanted to show her.

He would eventually regret what he was about to say. Deeply…

“Spare me your theatrics, woman,” he snapped at her with a steely tone, as he put on the robe. “All you wanted was to use me and my influence from the very beginning. By your own admission, you were the one who sent the video to us, hoping we would investigate your claims. Well, you’ve got what you wanted and I don’t want to have anything to do with you anymore.”

It took her a while to answer, her face now showing how affected she was by what he said. However, it was truly impressive that she managed to keep all those emotions out of her voice… “That’s fair,” she replied, tonelessly. “Painful, but fair. But you really should consider hiding out for a while until they decide to answer your challenge by contacting your Alpha. That way, they don’t try anything like what they did to you at the ballroom.”

The way she spoke grated at him more since he was now feeling guilty for being ill-tempered with her. “And that incident is entirely YOUR FAULT!” Her mouth opened wide in shock, but her voice remained non-aggressive.

“Me? I told you to tell them you’re a lawyer and speak on behalf of me. You’re the one who decided to announce that we’re mates. That’s like a death sentence, Ma’Heron, and it wasn’t part of the plan! If not for me fake fainting - well, I was dizzy but not that bad - then rescuing you from being murdered by his Gamma…”

“Excuse me? I DIDN’T NEED YOU to rescue me! Besides, if I didn’t even agree to attend your precious party to RESCUE YOU from being MARRIED TO HIM, I WOULD NOT even be in THAT SITUATION! HELL, if you didn’t send us that video, I WOULDN’T even have found you and be here WITH YOU!”

“You were in that situation because you decided at the last minute to change the plan,” she tried to soothingly explain, and she wondered why she even bothered. “Also, I told your Alpha that it’s up to him to decide if he wants to push through with helping me or not. And he sent you. Besides, I found you and not the other way around… mate.”

Ma’Heron fell silent because he knew she was right. And the way she whispered the last word twisted painfully in his chest.


He knew that what he was doing was wrong and should just stop defending himself. Unfortunately, he never took defeat that well and it upset him even more than it had to be “her” who would put him in his place…

“Well, MATE, I think your plan was stupid, to begin with, and I was totally insane to even consider agreeing to it! It would have helped if you were there earlier to discuss it with me!”

“And what was I supposed to tell the people dressing me up for the wedding? Oh, can I have my partner-in-crime come up here so we can talk about me running away? I told you; if you didn’t get all drunk and stuck with my plan…”

“YOUR PLAN! Always YOUR PLAN! I’m tired of hearing you bossing me around, acting so high and mighty by making me look stupid, or getting my ass kicked. I don’t need you telling me what to do! I don’t need you reminding me that we’re mates! I don’t need a mate or marriage, either! As a matter of fact, I don’t need you, I NEVER needed you, and I WILL. NEVER. EVER. NEED. YOU!”

A long pause passed between them…

The way she was looking at him then was crushing his heart like a metal vise, but it was too late to take his words back…

Oh, you stupid, stupid human… You’re on your own…

As Lyon’s voice faded from his brain, he saw her turn around to rush towards the bedroom closet. From there she took out a large black and violet backpack and slung it on her shoulders. Still not saying anything, she briskly walked past him towards the still-open bedroom door.

And that’s when she turned to him, and he could read on her face how hurt she was, “Yes, you definitely don’t need a mate. Feel free to reject me if that’s the case. Oh, and maybe you should think about marrying yourself since you obviously like to fuck yourself, anyway.”

Before he could reply, she turned around, walked to the front door, and opened it. It was later that he realized that she had amazingly reprogrammed the security program of the safe house to accept her fingerprints for the lock system. It was also much later that he would also realized that she had found the key to the lone ride that was stored in the house which was a motorcycle with the same make and model as the one he used before.

And even much later, too, he would realize too late that he wanted to stop her and say he’s sorry…

But he didn’t.

M just sighed as he watched her go, bit his lip to shut him up as the front door slammed shut. He then shook his head as the bike revved into the night.

A good hour later, as he dressed up in his newly laundered shirt and pants, he heard his mobile ringing. He looked towards the bedside table where the robe was and there it was. It was too late to answer on the third ring, as he usually did, though. “Yes, Alpha…”

“I’ve wondered where you were. I thought the worst had happened until the packhouse got a very angry phone call from a certain father and Alpha of the Dark Forest Pack. If he’s that furious, then that definitely proves that you’re still alive and just in hiding.”

“Yes, I’m currently in one of the safe houses at the city’s suburban borders. Still functional at the very least.”

“Good, and Alexia?”

Ma’Heron was silent for a while. V got his answer.

“You need to find her, M. Her pack and Abner’s are about to get really feisty with us and we need her as a bargaining chip; since she’s the one who set up that party event fiasco in the first place.”

“Well… it wasn’t entirely a part of her plan that the whole thing went sideways…”

“WHAT? It was YOUR choice?”

“I know how it sounds…”

“Yes, and I can’t believe you acted so irresponsibly, Gamma! Do you really want us to get into a war with two packs at the same time? I would expect that from Aaron but not you!”

“HEY!” yelled a male voice in the background, making it obvious that they were on speakerphone. “I’m hurt! How could you guys…”

“Be quiet, Aaron,” commanded V. “And you, Ma’Heron, get your ass after her and bring her back to the safe house! You are both to stay there until I sort this mess out.”

“Copy that, and I apologize for this, Alpha.”

“Update me. Now go!”

The call ended. And soon the Gamma had undressed, packed some clothes in another backpack and was now heading outside and shifting to werewolf form, merging with his now very willing and agreeable wolf.

*You need me to track her, M? That I can do for you… *

No need, Lyon. I know exactly where she is…

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