Chapter 4

I got Nikki & Hannah awake and told them to just go with the flow, to not fight the men, and to not talk back. We will find a way out of it. I promised them. They promised me they would be quiet and just go with the flow. But Hannah and Nikki are very stubborn, I was stubborn but they are terrible, so I was not so sure they’d stick to the plan.

The next few days went by in a blur. I wasn’t drugged but I was starting to panic. Was I right not to fight? We spend 2 days in a truck with no water or food. I think that was the main reason for the panic. All of us got dehydrated and slept a lot. When the truck eventually got to the destination. We were escorted off the truck and into yet another warehouse, this one at least didn't smell like death. Search for all the positives, that's what I always say, otherwise, I won't get through this. At least there was water. I asked one of the men if we could get more water. To my surprise, he said yes. I should remember his face he looked kind if you can believe it. Nikki, Hannah, and I were separated but I made sure they remembered what I told them. I also told them to eat the food no matter how nasty it was.

They took me to my cell and locked the door. I didn’t know where we were and I lost track of the days. That made me panic a bit. I had to give myself a stern talking. You will get out of this Danielle, you will. Get your strength back, you will get out of this mess. The following day we were blindfolded and put in yet another van. They took us to another location. I tried to listen for anything that could tell me where we were. All I could hear was water and I could smell fish. Then they put us on a boat, I could feel it move from side to side. They put all of us in a cabin downstairs. It smelled like dead fish, we all gagged. This time at least we were all together. The men tied us together but not very tight, I was sure I’d be able to get loose. There was hope. I listened carefully when the men spoke, they were definitely Italian, and all I could make out was New York, I guess we were on our way to New York. Sounded like it was the final destination. We need to get ready to escape, that was all I could think about, escape.

The boat ride was terrible and it felt like it went on for days on end. Some of the girls got sick and we had to sit in that puke. I wanted to puke a few times but I knew that it would make me weak. I needed all the nutrition if I wanted to escape. The boat ride felt like it was going on for days, we couldn’t see if it was day or night outside. I hoped we would arrive in New York at night it might make it easier to escape.

The whole boat ride I struggled with the rope that was tied around our wrist, I got mine loose after a while and untied, Nikki and Hannah, the other girls wanted me to untie them as well. I got a few looses before I felt the boat slowing down. As the boat slowed down, I told Nikki and Hannah we were going to make a run for it as soon as the boat was slower. They wanted to argue but I told them it’s now or never. “We run and jump overboard they won’t come after us they need to get the other girls off the boat.” I told them “Don’t stop for anything, we stop when we’re in the water.” When the boat approached the dock I jumped up and made a run for it, I heard Nikki and Hannah behind me but I also heard men screaming at us and loud footsteps behind us. I jumped overboard but didn’t hear a second or third splash. Shit did they catch Nikki and Hannah again. I didn’t have long to think about it because all hell broke loose.

All the men were standing on the boat shooting at me. I dived in deeper and tried to take cover or just swim away. I felt something going through my leg, but I was still high on the adrenaline, I tried to swim to the surface but I was weak and got weaker by the second. The shooting stopped; I just couldn’t make it to the top. Then a hand reached for me and I tried to fight him but he overpowered me and took me to the surface. The last thing I remember is this man telling me he’s one of the good guys and here to help. Then I was out. I felt, something moving, I tried to open my eyes to see where I was, I got it open a little, and I saw a man with wet black hair and blue eyes looking down at me. I heard him say she was awake. then my eyes closed again. I woke up at a table with 3 men around me, I tried to struggle but the man with the blue eyes said 'Angel you're safe we're the good guys.' Something about him made me relax and I was out again. I was in and out of consciousness and every time I opened my eyes that man was near me. During the night I presume he was sleeping next to my bed on a couch. I could have imagined it as well but it felt nice to know someone was looking out for me, after the few days I had. The fact that he saved me from the water and tried to help me was a nice feeling to have after, I don't even know how many days. But like I said I could have imagined it.

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