Chapter 5


I was lying on the roof with dock 30 in sight, and my men and Massimo’s men were scattered all around dock 30, no one will get these girls past us tonight, that I’ll make sure of and God help the person that gets in our way.

I’m doing tonight as a favor for Massimo, or should I say I’ll do anything for Massimo. He is the reason I became the man I am today, if it wasn’t for him taking me under his wing, I don’t know what would have happened to me. I know it’s killing him not being here, but he needs to stay with his girlfriend Rachel, after her ex-husband came to New York just to kidnap her and take her back to Cape Town, at least we got him, with the help of Rachel off course. She’s much stronger than she thinks. I got the information that the Ricci’s were going into Human trafficking and gave the information to Massimo as he is the head of the Mafia families in New York City and human trafficking goes against everything he and I stand for. I know the Ricci broke away from all the families except one, but it was still Mafia, and Massimo still needed to know. We might be criminals but even we, have a line we won’t cross. Massimo first thought by burning down the warehouse they had, it would delay them at least but no such luck. That is why I’m on the roof waiting for the boat to come in.

I saw boat lights approaching dock 30. Fuck this is going down before the FBI is here. I call Massimo immediately. The phone rang once and Massimo picked up “What’s wrong Damon?” “The boat is approaching and there is no sign of the FBI yet.” “Fine you take over, I’ll phone Frank and tell him to get the girls at the warehouse.” “No problem, Massimo.” I radio my 2nd in charge “Ghost we need to take over the operation the FBI won’t be here in time.” “Yes Boss.” I heard him on the radio talking to the other men. I still had my eye on the boat. I had to see how many men were on the boat. When the boat almost reached the dock, something caught my eye at the back of the boat it looked like 3 girls making a run for it. One dived into the water but the other 2 were caught, then all hell broke loose. The men on the boat started to shoot into the water of course they wanted to get rid of the one that escaped. I shouted into my radio “Now take them now.”

All I saw was all our men coming out of hiding and running to the boat. Liam my bodyguard stayed with me. The shooting started. “Liam let’s go see if we can find the girl that dived into the water” “Yes boss.” Liam and I made our way to the boat ducking the bullets that were still flying around. I heard Ghost shouting we need to go back but I refused “There is a girl in the water Ghost, I’m not leaving her.” “Be careful boss there are 4 down, don’t know how many are left.” “You just get them and if you get that Matteo hold him for me. I need to put a bullet in his scull myself.” “Roger that.” Liam and I made our way to the spot the girl dived into. I saw blood but couldn’t see her. I dived in hearing Liam shout at me. It was dark and difficult to see. Then there was light, I’m sure Liam got on the boat and put the spotlights on. I saw her, struggling to swim away but she was badly wounded and losing a lot of blood. I got to her with ease. When I touched her, she started to fight me but she was weak and I could overpower her and bring her to the surface. When we could breathe again, she looked at me scared shitless. “It’s okay, I’m not one of them.” “How do I know that?” Then I felt her getting heavier, she passed out. I swam to the dock and called Liam to come and help me.

We got her out of the water, then I tried CPR and tried to stop the bleeding. “Liam take over” Liam took over from me then I phoned my doctor. “Meet me in my apartment in 30 minutes, gunshot wound hopefully she makes it.” And I ended the call. “She’s breathing boss.” “Well take her to the car we taking her home. Let me just speak to Ghost first.” I found Ghost standing over Matteo. “I got him boss” “Good, take him to my basement, I’ll deal with him later. You know where to take the girls?” “Yes, boss.” “I’m taking one of them to my apartment she’s badly hurt.” He raised his eyebrows but didn’t say anything. I never take any females to my apartment so I get why he raised his eyebrows. But he better not say anything.

On our way to my apartment, I phoned Massimo, and he picked up immediately like he was waiting for my call. “It’s done, Matteo Jnr is in my basement and the girls are en route to your warehouse.” “Thank you, Damon.” “All good Massimo.” “I’ll phone you tomorrow.” I was sitting at the back with the girl, she was still breathing but the bleeding didn’t stop. She was in and out of consciousness and every time she looked at me it felt like she was looking right through me. We got to the apartment and I carried her to the dining room table, the doctor said it would be easier to work on her there. She opened her eyes and looked scared again. I took her hand “Angel you’re okay, we are the good guys. The doctor is going to stitch you up.” I tried to explain to her. For some reason, she must have believed me because she relaxed. The doctor sedated her to work on her. “Damon, we need a hospital she lost a lot of blood.”

The doctor pleaded. “Use me or Liam if you have to doc but we can’t take her to the hospital.” “Fine Damon hopefully we don’t need to.” The doctor started to stitch her up when he was done, I did something I never thought I’d ever do. I bathed her, she was unconscious but I don’t think anyone can sleep well or feel better if they are this dirty. Everything I did, had no sexual tendencies, it was clinical. When I was done, I put one of my T-shirts on her, it went to her knee, no need for pants then, maybe just a pair of my boxers, I put her in bed and tugged her in. I went to shower and went back to the guest room pulling the coach in the room closer to the bed, to make sure nothing went wrong during the night.

Later my phone rang and caller ID showed it was Massimo. I answered but whispered, Massimo immediately wanted to know why I was whispering. He told me about the ambush of the FBI van and the men that got killed and injured and the worst of it was the girls were taken again. I felt my blood boil. Then Massimo told me about the girl that got away and that all the girls were talking about her. Just great now the Ricci’s will do everything to get to the girl in his spare bedroom. I told Massimo he didn’t have to worry that the girl was with me and he just clarified what I was just thinking. I need to keep the girl with me to protect her and make sure no one gets to her.

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