Chapter 7


I told Rachel how my friends took me to a club for the first time in my life, how we danced, and then these sexy Italian guys that came and danced with us. I told her how they took us to their VIP area. Everything was going like a normal night should go, according to me, the one guy made us the first cocktail and he saw it was too strong for me so he offered to pour more mix in mine. I thought it was sweet, he saw I didn’t like it so strong. We danced some more then came the second cocktail that was spiked in my opinion. After a while I started to feel weird, something was wrong.

I told her that my friends and I had woken up in the back of a van tied up. Then I couldn’t go on I was just too tired and not ready to share everything at once. “Rachel I’m really tired can we talk about the rest another day.” “Of course Danielle, let me just call Paul to take you back to the room.” Paul came into the lounge and before he picked me up he asked permission. I was so tired and sore that I just said yes without making a fuss. Rachel walked with me to the room. Before Rachel left she asked “Danielle last question from me. Where are you from?” “California,” I said. “Danielle I might not be here when you wake up, but you won’t be alone Damon will be back and Paul will be here the whole time.” Why wouldn’t she be here and why would Paul stay here? I thought but said nothing. “Danielle, I promise you Damon will never hurt you and Paul is here to make sure no one can hurt you. I’ll come around tomorrow again to check on you.” “Thank you, Rachel.” “My pleasure Danielle, I’ll get you more clothes too. Are you a size small?” “I was a medium, I don’t know now,” I told her. Could I lose so much weight in one week? I decided to trust this Damon and take the pills or I was just in too much pain. I drank them and immediately fell asleep.

I woke up much later that afternoon or was it early evening? But as I turned my head I saw a man lying very uncomfortable on the coach next to the bed. When I moved he was awake. He looked at me with the kindest eyes, I’ve ever seen. “Danielle, my name is Damon.” He said extending his hand to me. I didn’t know if I should shake it or if I wanted to. I think he understood because he just took his hand back and said. “It’s okay Danielle I’ll first earn your trust.” I looked stunned at him. I probably looked like a mannequin because I just stared at him. “Can I help you to the bathroom?” He asked “I can do it myself” I found my voice and insisted I could do it myself.

“I’m sure you can Danielle, I just don’t want you to suffer if you don’t have to.” He stood to the side and gave me room to try and move. I couldn’t get off the bed I was too weak and my wound was too sore, it was actually starting to bleed. Damon must have seen it. “I’m sorry Danielle but I’m carrying you to the bathroom, then I’m calling the doctor it looks like the wound has opened.” I didn’t have any chance of arguing with him because I was in his arms before I could say anything. He put me close to the toilet then turned around and closed the door behind him. I could hear him talk through the door “Doctor it looks like the wound is open can you please come over and have a look at it. Yes, an hour is fine.” I tried to hop to the door but Damon must have heard me, “Danielle please just call me, please.” He begged me.

“Damon for the past week I was stuffed into vans, trucks, airplanes, and boats and was manhandled by every one of them, why on earth would I trust another man?” He put me back on the bed. “Because this man will kill all the men that man-handled you and the fuckers that took you.” “You will not,” I said in utter shock. This man doesn’t even know me. “I will, all the men from the boat are already dead except one, why will we leave the others?” he asked me. “All the men?” I asked, “Yes all the men anyone that deals in human trafficking or hurts children should be shot on the spot.” He said. He thinks like me. Wow. We had something in common.

“What do you want to eat it’s already past 6 and I’m sure you're hungry.” “I don’t mind anything, anything would be better than what I had the past week.” “Would you like to go to the lounge for a bit?” he asked me. He looked angry but not at me if that made sense. “Yes, that would be nice.” I had to be nice to this guy and find out what his motives are, I needed to find out if I should run or stay. He picked me up again and carried me to the lounge. The lounge coaches were all brown leather and there was big art on the wall and floor-to-ceiling views of New York City. I could see Central Park from where I was sitting. “Ooo wow, what a view. I’ve never been to New York before.”

“I’m sorry this is how your first trip to the Big Apple had to start.” “Well, at least I got away from the boat, with the help of you of course.” “That was all you Danielle.” “I just helped at the end, you survived a week without any help from anyone that tells me you’re a very strong and determined girl. Now what do you want to eat, Chinese, Thai, pizza..” I interrupted him “Pizza please I’ve always heard of the famous New York Pizza, and now I want to try it.” “Pizza it is, pepperoni good for you?” “Yes please.” He ordered the pizza but before that came the doctor came. Damon carried me to the dining room table again apparently I was operated there last night as well. The doctor was very nice and told me how glad he was that I was awake and looking better. Well, anything would have been better than last night. When the doctor was done stitching me up I asked Damon if he would mind if I had a minute alone with the doctor, something was bothering me. “Of course you can,” Damon said and left us.

“What can I do for you, Danielle?” The doctor asked “I wanted to know if Dr can make sure I wasn’t violated. There are two days I can’t account for and I’m scared something happened. We were very dirty, even if I was violated I wouldn’t have seen the blood.” “Sorry, I have to ask Danielle are you still a virgin.” “Yes, doctor I hope I still am.”

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