Chapter 9


Damon gave me more information than I ever thought he would. I decided I’d be able to trust him. The information he gave me can bring him down if I go to the authorities. That means he is on my side.

“I’ll tell you Damon, but no judgment” “I’ll never judge you, Danielle.” He told me. We’ll see about that I thought. I told him, how I was seeing a therapist on my professor’s insistence and how she encouraged me to go out with friends and try to relax because that was the main issue for her as well as my professor, the fact that I don’t take time to social and relax I study and work. Damon interrupted me “Can I ask why you didn’t take time to relax?” “In short, I had to study hard for what I have and that is another story, not the one you want to hear.” “Okay, Danielle we’ll leave that one for now.” What did he mean for now? I thought. I went on with my story, how my friends, Nikki and Hannah who were my friends forever insisted we go to a club and dance the night away. I told him we danced and then 3 Italian guys joined us.

I felt ashamed to tell him what I thought of the guys, I got quiet. “What happened with the men Danielle?” He could see I was trying to get away from telling him. “We danced a while then they took us to their VIP area, I felt so good with the guy I danced with. It was the first time in my life that a hot guy gave me the time of day, I’m normally the girl you go to for tutoring not to dance with.” I told him. He took my hand. “I doubt that, Danielle.” I ignored that statement and the flutter in my stomach when Damon touched me. That flutter was something I never felt before. “So, they took us to the VIP area and made us drinks, the guy that was with me saw the drink was too strong for me, so he went and poured more mix in.

Then we all went dancing again when we got back to the VIP area the guy that was with me, I think his name was Lorenzo made us another cocktail and I think that one was spiked because we woke up in the back of a van tied up with duct tape on our mouths.” I stopped and could hear Damon saying “Fuck” “I tried to stay calm and not fight them, I knew I wanted to escape and if I’m drugged that would make it difficult. My friends didn’t go quietly, they tried to scream and kicked them and I think they were drugged because they got quiet when we were on the plane. They blindfolded us when we were in the van but I saw the runway underneath the blindfold and of course, you could feel it when you took off and landed but they were probably not smart. I kept a low profile and just listened, they spoke Italian but I could make out we were going to Texas, where I don’t know. When we got there, we were in a warehouse with cells for 2 days then they put us all in a truck I think that was also 2 days. I lost track because we were so dehydrated, that we passed out several times.

That was maybe the scariest part of this whole thing, for me, not knowing what was going on around you.” I looked at Damon and he was still listening to me; in this short time, I could see when he was angry and he was angry. “Should I go on or do you need time Damon?” I asked him “Why do you ask Danielle, this happened to you not me.” “I know Damon but I can see you fuming.” “I am, I can’t believe they put you through this, or anybody for that matter. Let me just get something stronger than a soda. Can I get you something?” “Just a glass of water please.” I waited for him to come back.

I couldn’t believe he was so angry about something that happened to me. He came back gave me my water and took a sip of his Scott’s I think that was what he was drinking. “Okay go on.” After 2 days in the truck, we were put in another warehouse also in cells we were probably 50 girls, most of them drugged, I felt drugged with the dehydration but I got my strength back. I think we were there for 2 days before they put us on a boat, how long we were on the boat I can’t tell you; we were in the cabin downstairs and there were no windows. And the rest you know. When I saw an opportunity, I made a run for it. And now I’m here.” That made me exhausted reliving the whole ordeal again. I took a long sip of my water. “Thank you for telling me, Danielle, I promise you, you won’t have to tell that story again. If you could maybe remember the guy's faces at the club, I can bring a sketch artist to compose a sketch, that would help me and Massimo a lot in finding these mother fuckers.” “I can try Damon.” “That’s all I’m asking for Danielle.”

“I’m tired Damon, can I go to bed? I’d like to shower first.” “Of course Danielle, can I help you? I’m not sure how are you going to shower?” “How did you get me clean last night?” I asked him. He looked away. “Damon?” “I bathed you.” He said. “I’m sorry Danielle but I swear it was very clinical I didn’t touch your private parts I swear, you were just so dirty and smelled like vomit and fish, I thought you would rest better if you were clean.” “That was a long explanation, Damon.” “I don’t want you to think I’m a pervert Danielle, I promise it was only to get you clean.” “Thank you, Damon, I actually appreciate you washing away all that filth, I might have fallen to pieces if I saw how dirty I was and relived everything in my head.” “Can I ask you one question without you asking why?” “Of course Danielle.”

“Was there any blood when you washed me.” “Except for the blood from the gunshot wound, there was no other blood.” Thank God I thought “Can I ask you to help me to shower, maybe put a bag around my leg then you can help me into the shower and then out.” “Of course Danielle. Ooo and I forgot my shopper got you a few things until you can go shopping. Rachel gave me a list.” “Thank you, Damon, I’ll pay you back.”

“No need Danielle.” “But I want to.” “Let’s not fight about this now Danielle.”

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