**Tina POV (Rati Wolf): **
The battlefield reeked with the smell of death. People were fighting in human and wolf form. I can’t see mother but I can smell her blood she is bleeding a lot. As I run on the field a she wolf tries to attack me. I don’t have time for her shit I need to get to mother. I used my claws to rip her throat out.
I keep running towards my mother on the way I have to dodge attacks and step over dead bodies. When she is finally in eyesight, she is lying on the ground naked with a bad wound on her side. Two wolves are stalking her one male and one female. There is no way in hell I am going to let them kill her.
I ran as fast as I could and jumped on the male wolf's back and used my claws to rip his head off. The female took her attention off my mother screamed as she looked down at the male. I guess he was her mate, oh well he shouldn’t have tried to kill my mother. She let out a howl and charged towards me. I move to the left and the bitch falls on her face. Glancing over I see my mother trying to get up, that little distraction causes me to not see the she wolf come at me and bite my ankle. Pissed off I used my claw to rip her spine out.
“Tina what are you doing here?”, Mother asked.
“There was no way in hell we were going leave you”, I say as I try to lift her.
“You are hurt you can't carry my weight and yours on one ankle. We both can die here and I rather you live than for both of us to die”, she said looking pissed off at me.
“LISTEN TO ME YOU STUPID GIRL! I LIVED MY LIFE AND I KNOW YOUR FATHER IS WAITING FOR ME IN PARADISE SO LEAVE NOW!”, she yells as she pushes herself out of my arms and falls to the ground.
“My baby know that no son could have made me more proud than you my daughter. Remember we will always love you”, then she was gone.
I didn’t have time to cry I needed to get her body off this field she needed a proper burial. I will not leave her on this field to rot, nor will I allow for her to be put in a mass grave, or burnt with others. I drag my mother off the field and into the woods I need to make a gurney to transport her to wherever the ladies are. Once I am off the field I cry for my mother.
While crying I heard James scream in pain. I lost my mother I can’t lose him as well. I run back to the battlefield and see him surrounded by wolves. But they are not attacking they are taking their time biting him one by one what kind of sick fucking game is this. I jumped on one of the wolves and grabbed his Adam's apple and pulled it out. And stood tall in front of James, as the men shifted back to human form.
“Tina, what the hell are you doing?”, James said coughing up blood.
“James, Mother is dead you are all I have left if we die it's together”, I say not taking my eyes off the wolves. Who is by the way standing in shock and shifting back to human?
“Well, well, well, look what we have here is this the Luna?”, one asked grinning at me.
“She has power but she is definitely not a Luna”, the other one says as he looks down at his dead friend.
“Whoever she is we are going to have a great time breaking her once we get her back to the pack”, one of the guards said.
“DON’T YOU FUCKING TOUCH HER!”, James yells trying to get up.
The man with the stupid smirk on his face kicks James in the face. Well, I snatch the smirk off his face by snitching his balls off his body. Some of the other men vomited, while others looked in shock as their friend's body fell to the ground. I am not sure if they are shocked because I am not scared of the fact that it just snatched a dude's ball off.
“YOU FUCKING BITCH”, one of the men say as they all back up out of my arm's reach. I stood there with a smirk, I felt James get up and grab my hand.
“This is what’s going to happen you pick which one among you all will fight me. If I win you let us go,if he wins I will be his to do as he pleases”, I say with confidence knowing none of them can beat me in a one-on-one fight.
“NO, Tina you can't do this give Rati back control NOW!”, James tries to command me. He is getting weaker by the second if I don’t get him out of here he will die.
“Sorry, my love can't do that. Alright who will it be I don’t have all day”, I said.
“I will do it one of the men", said stepping forward and smirking.
“Don who hell fuck said we choose you”, okay so Don is the one who thought it will be fun to break me.
“Don’t worry Reem, once I am done breaking her in I will share her will the rest of you”, he said as he grabs his dick looking at me.
* “Tina what the fuck are you doing?”, *Rati asked.
“I am saving our love, stupid just relax”, she says with an eye roll.
“Tina, our ankle is fucked up and this guy got to be on some kind of steroids look at him”, Rati said panicking.
“We are of Beta blood he can’t beat us. He has no rank he is a regular ass wolf. He built his body up to compensate for his lack of power all of them did. That’s why they jumped James and not fight him one on one”, I said sounding pissed off.
“Baby, don’t do this. You can run while I hold them off”, James said with sincerity in his eyes.
“I can’t my love….I just can’t lose you and my mother on the same day”, I said as I kissed him.
One man grabbed James and pulled him back. While the others made a circle big enough for Don and I to fight. I sized him up Don is about 5’11 compared to my 5’1 height. His arm reach is longer than mine. But my height gives me the advantage of being faster and going under him. Seeing he is eyeing my ankles I know that is where he will try to hit first.
This sick fuck dick is hard, we circle each other not paying attention the battle had stopped already and it's clear they won. And just as I thought he tries to kick my wounded ankle, dodge his kick then slid under him and used my nail to slice a latitude line from the tip of his dick to the base. He will start losing blood and start to feel weak. He looks down to see if his penis is still there. I grin as is punch him in the temple. He elbowed me in my jaw.
I staggered back and tripped over a leg. I look up to see Reem smirking that bastard tripped me to give Don the advantage. Don is walking towards me I see he is starting to bleed from his penis and he is swaying a little. He reached down he started to punch me in my face, which I let him do. Judging by his hits he is getting tired from the blood loss.
I don't think anyone realizes that he is bleeding from his dick. He leaned forward toward me I extended my claws and reached into his heart and squeezed his heart until it stopped beating. Pushing him off me I stand and run to Jason, but before I can get to him and suckered punched, looking up I see Reem smirking at me.
Those men have the most disgusting smirk on their faces. One of them rips off my leggings and panties while the others hold me down roughly. I kick at him, but he grabs my damaged ankle, and I scream with desperate tears streaming down my face. I hear James yelling telling them to stop Reem is going to rape me in front of my James. Just when I was about to accept my fate closing my eyes I heard a growl that shook the ground. I feel the weight of Reem off me I repack and see a hand rip his heat off his body.
Just when I was about to accept my fate closing my eyes, I heard a growl that shook the ground. I feel the weight of Reem off me I look up and see a hand rip his head off his body.
“MINE!”, an animalistic voice growls, and then I pass out.