Chapter 1

1"They say that life is not measured by the breaths we take but by those moments that take our breath away and my parents had those moments" l couldn't help but cover my mouth with my hand in order to hold back my sobs but my heart was ripped apart, stomped on and ground into the asphalt.

Today was a shining day it was like the light was mocking the darkness inside of me. My lively and wild parents would have wanted it this way though. My soul was hollow though. Almost like it was gone with them.

My best friends were gone. The only family l knew. People had come from all over the world to pass their condolences. Some whom l knew and some whom l didn't. Jenna and Frank Porter had been loved and respected by everyone they came to contact with. They touched people's hearts and saved lives.

Dad had asked me to give an eulogy on his funeral and l didn't want to disappoint him so l agreed because l didn't think it would be this hard. l didn't think that mom wouldn't be here to hold me or comfort me. l did'nt know that l would'nt have someone to wipe my tears or tell me that everything was going to work out in the end.

"My parents were my best friends, they were the best people l knew. They were kind and humble but they got angry and volatile if anybody were to mess with me.

Dad knew this day would come and honestly we didn't think he'd live for as long as he did but he lived for us. He fought for the people he loved. He fought a losing battle for 4 years until it finally got the better of him. As much as l wish he lived longer, l know he suffered a lot and he deserved to finally have peace.

Mom was everything, l am not surprised that she died protecting someone,The word selfish was not in her vocabulary and for that l think she earns a place in heaven.

Mommy , daddy l wish you didn't make me promise that l'll live because l don't know what l am living for. l don't know where to go from here but l know one thing for sure, this life isn't worth living without you."

l left the podium with a heavy heart. My soul was bleeding. l was shattered but l still held my head high in front of everyone.

The rest of the funeral was depressing and sad as hell. Even as the priest continued talking l didn't hear a thing. It was like my whole 16 years of existence were passing through my eyes. The smiles and the cries, the good and bad, the happiness and the sadness. Memories were clouding my mind and l couldn't breathe. There was a lump in my throat that l couldn't swallow.

People flocked around me give me hugs and shake my hand but l was pissed that they thought that a mere hug would make me feel better. l just lost my parents for God's sake.

l was angry ,angry at the whole world, angry at my parents for leaving me, angry at God for taking them from me. Hell l was angry at the whole universe. My whole was shattered in a day, l had lost everything.

After the funeral l went home and locked myself in my room. l couldn't stop my tears and l sobbed bitterly.

"Why , why" l screamed staring up at the ceiling. l wanted someone to tell me why l had to lose both my parents the same day. l knew my father was dying. l could see it the whole week when l visited him. He was slowly weathering away but he didn't stop smiling and spreading happiness. He made everyone smile but mom and l knew. We knew he was dying and there was nothing we could do. It was inevitable.

Mom's death hit the hardest. She was supposed to meet me at the hospital but on the way she shoved a child from being hit by a car but ended up being hit herself. A part of me was angry at her selfless sacrifies because she took away my family while trying to save another one.

When she arrived at the hospital she was already dead. They broke the news to me while l was with dad. l was inconsolable when l heard but when l looked at dad ,his eyes had lost their shine. l knew right that moment that he wasn't going to live for much longer.

"Live for us Angel and never lose your light" he mumbled 2 hours after as he breathed his last.

And just like that, l had lost both my parents.

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