Chapter 4

4Two months after my parent's death and the truth about my paternity ,l stare at the information in front of me. Part of me didn't want to know but then l realized that l cannot build a future without making peace with my past.

l stare around dad's office and see family portraits scattered around the wall. Some of my parents as children, some are of their wedding and you can see the love radiating in their eyes, it's blinding. Most of them have me though. Toddler me crying in dad's arms while they were trying to take a picture with me. Mom cooking while am on top of the counter. Dad pushing me on the swing. My first day at school. Prom with dad as my date. Mom smothering me on my graduation.

l stare at them closely ,how didn't l notice, we look nothing alike. Dad has chestnut hair and mom is a red head while l have blonde hair. Every thing starts clicking in my mind like pieces of a puzzle. The milk has been split no use crying over it now.

"So now that you found them, what's next Eli" Ash says and l look at him totally blank.

Ash has been the only constant in my life for the past two months, l pushed my friends away but he stayed through it all.

"l don't know Ash" l mumble.

"How about first taking a breather then we'll deal with this at a later stage" he suggests but l am not sure l can rest with all the curiosity that's fluttering my stomach.

"l want to see the girl whose life l am living Ash "l say looking at a photo of her Aliana Marie Parker.

A Las Vegas socialite. A top model who is currently on the run for Miss Las Vegas 2023. She goes to UNLS (University of Nevada, Las Vegas). Her parents own a chain of casinos, restaurants and hotels around the world. Her brother is a famous actor who has won many notable awards.

"Well l don't think she'd willingly give up yours" Ash joked but l didn't laugh. Looking at this family didn't give me any sort of longing. l don't envy what she has because nothing compares to the love l got from my family. The only thing that l envied was the fact that she had a brother. She got to grow up with my brother and that cuts deep.

She was my parents daughter in every possible way and it was disturbing to see, from her chestnut hair to her hazel eyes. She mirrored my parents and l on the other hand was the copy of Alexander Parker ,her father. You could tell Liam Parker was my brother from a mile because the resemblance was uncanny.

"l don't want her life "l wouldn't give up my life for anything except if it meant bringing back my parents. Nothing beats the memories l've made with my parents and l am not willing to give up this life for anything in the world.

"If it's any consolation at least you're also stinking rich but dude l can't believe the Liam Parker is your brother "l slapped his arm for his foolishness.

My family was rich as well but we avoided the media. My parents were one of the best surgeons in the US and they owned three private hospitals and pharmacies but we didn't move in the same circle which is why our families have come across each other.

"do you even know what you want to do with this information Els "he asks looking at me in question but I was just as clueless as he was.

"l just want to meet them you know "l shrug

"Els this is like poking a sleeping bear" he holds my shoulders and pulls me to look at him.

"What happens when you meet them, what happens if you like what you see, what happens if you don't, why don't you let sleeping dogs lie" he questions and l stare at him in shock.

"This is about my whole life, both my past and my future depend on it" l snap at him.

"The past in which you had the best parents of all of us or the future in which you won't have to suffer or ask anything from anyone because your parents guaranteed that you have the best one yet" he points out but l am way past reason.

"l have to know Ash" l tell him looking at him so that he sees the desperation in my eyes.

"You'll ruin that girl's life Eliana" he says sadly. Why should l have to bear the mistake of a mistake that I didn't even make. I just lost my parents for God sake Anel I had just lost my identity so why should I be fair on somebody else.yes the hospital made a mistake but I don't think I will be able to sue them for giving me the best parents in the world

"And what about mine" l challenge. "Is it not shattered enough. Don't you dare tell me about ruined lives"

"That's exactly why l am saying this, l know your life is ruined but are you willing to put someone else through the same pain " he persists. l know Ash means well but to me it just sounds like he is supporting someone else instead of me. l just want him to stand with me and see things from my perspective.

"l just want to see her, l feel so guilty that l stole her life Ash, l feel guilty that she doesn't know how awesome her parents were and most importantly this was what dad wanted. He wanted me to get to know my family." l admit with a heavy heart.

"Els if this is what you want to do then l'll support you but l think you're carrying out your dad's wishes without even thinking about the effects it will have on your life." He sighs.

"What do you think l should do Ash" l ask standing from daddy's office chair as l pace the room.yes the hospital made a mistake but I don't think I will be able to sue them for giving me the best parents in the world

"Get this whole thing out of your system and move on with your life" To him it was easy but to me it's about my whole life and my identity.

"You think it's that easy huh and what life"

l snap at him. "l can't even sleep at night with these unanswered questions, Who am l" l soften. "If l don't tell them then l'll always wonder"

"You'd better be sure about what you're doing because if you're not then you'll ruin a lot of people's lives. l know that you're hurt, sad, disappointed and heartbroken but that doesn't give you free reign to ruin other people's lives." He slams the door behind him making me scream in anger.

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