Chapter 3: Paper cut
Logan’s pov
It didn’t take me long to arrive to my pack territory.
But the moment I got there I couldn’t move even a single muscle.
I only watched as I slowly fell to the ground as if I was paralyzed.
The last thing I remember before my eyes closed shut was the face of my beta and his voice.
“It’s really him, what are you waiting for? Take him” he commanded.
After that everything went dark, and I could hear muffled voices but couldn’t make out anything.
Why is this happening to me?
I am a very healthy person.
I am actually one of the healthiest people in this world so why?
And just like that everything went completely dark this time.
“He is waking up” I heard a female voice say and I opened my eyes.
The room was too colourful, I looked around and I was in the pack’s clinic.
“What’s going on?” I asked while the nurse helped me get up.
My body doesn’t feel like mine, I don’t have a fragile body at all.
But right now, that’s how it feels like, as if I am fragile.
I have fought serious wars, so I know the capabilities of my body, and this is not it.
I didn’t feel this tired, as if I am in someone else’s body and not mine.
“Are you okay Alpha? You scared us” Sean my beta asked.
“What happened?” I asked looking at the female nurse who looked anywhere but me.
I might feel fragile, but I guess I am far from looking it.
I smiled when I realised that I still instil fear in anyone who looks at me.
I frowned when I remembered that stupid little girl, she didn’t even fear me when I threatened her.
What is wrong with her?
She is dead now, so it doesn’t matter.
“You fainted; you have been in a coma for a week now” Alexa said as she went in.
Alexa is Sean’s mate and is the head doctor at our pack.
Just like me and Sean we have made her immortal, she didn’t want to at first.
But then the idea that her mate would spend the rest of his life without her wasn’t that very appealing.
Sean convinced her over and over again until she finally agreed and is now immortal.
I never really understood her, who would say no to immortality?
Not me and I know a million people who would kill for the chance to be immortal.
“Did you just say a week?
That’s not possible, I am a Lycan, my body heals faster than the speed of light.
So how is that even possible?” I asked her.
“Answer him, why is was my brother stuck in a coma for a week?” Amy asked her.
“Honestly, I don’t know, there is nothing physically wrong with you.
Hell, I don’t think that science can explain what happened to you” Alexa replied.
She didn’t seem scared of the glare that my siblings were giving her.
“Figure out what is wrong with him fast. Now that he is back we should teach those witches a thing or two” Connor my younger brother said.
“He just came back, let him rest for a while and enjoy a few things before we can think of anything” Sean my beta said.
“Of course, you would say that you are a coward” Harry said his brown eyes full of hate.
“I will not rest until witches are erased from this world” he added before walking away.
“Its been over 5 decades, he should really put it to rest” Connor said rolling his eyes.
“Where is the witch? You said that science cant explain what is happening to me. maybe magic can, find her” I said to Sean who nodded.
He bowed his head and then went out with his mate and the other nurses leaving me and my siblings alone.
“I am so happy you are back brother” Amy said coming towards me with the intent of hugging me.
She stopped halfway when she realized what she was about to do and how much I hate being hugged.
“We are no longer a great nation; they don’t fear us anymore and we are nothing in their eyes” Connor said. I didn’t need him to explain because I knew very well what he was talking about and the reason. That witch said that we would be forgotten that no one will know that we existed. The stories of our victories will be forgotten and how our people’s greatness will be forgotten.
You see it takes a great King to make his people great and when she locked me away she took away that from my people.
I am the only person capable enough of leading them to greatness.
“Don’t worry little brother, I will erase all the witches from the world. Lycans will be great again, you have my word brother” I said, and he nodded.
“Good, we have been waiting for your return. You shouldn’t stay in the hospital for too long, your people need to know that you are back” Connor added.
“of course,” I said and got up; I still felt a little weak, but I was better.
I got changed and when I got out the hospital all the Lycans were out there waiting for me.
The moment I stepped out they cheered and danced in joy that their King is back.
I looked around the place that was once the most beautiful place in the world and I couldn’t believe my eyes.
I the past decade the place looked old;
The houses were in terrible shape.
Most of the people seemed malnourished and the land seemed dry and depressing.
“I tried everything I could but when you disappeared all our allies shut us out” Connor said.
“He really did brother;
I was here all the time with him.
There wasn’t much we can do, the witches planned ahead on this” Amy supported him.
I didn’t say anything and watched the hope in my people’s eyes as they looked at me.
I admit at first when I became King it was all about power.
Well, it still is, people wouldn’t serve a King if he doesn’t feed them.
Which is why I did everything I could to make sure that my people could live a great life.
So, every day they are reminded about the person who is behind this great life they are living.
Only when you solve all their problems and give them the safety and security they need can you earn their loyalty.
Well fear also has a hand in getting people to be loyal but that’s for another time.
They bowed their heads and cried in joy.
We got to the pack mansion, it was still in great shape but needs a few changes here and there.
I went straight to my room and hopped into the shower, 20 years of not showering is a long time.
I took my time and when I was done I went straight to the closet to get a set of clean clothes.
On the bed I noticed the clothes I was wearing;
I wore them for 2 decades and I cant wait to get rid of them.
I picked them up and noticed that they seemed to have something because they had a little weight.
I looked through the pockets and found a chocolate bar and a bottle of water.
That girl’s smile and her last words came to mind.
People are scared of death;
I have seen so many people die and yet none of them had a smile on their faces.
Well, some did but it was more of a smirk plus they also had something else.
They always had this fear in their eyes, but her hazel eyes were void of fear or anything.
It seemed as if she was happy that she got to tell someone her last words.
Why smile then?
Isn’t death scary?
The fact that no one knows for sure what awaits us after death is honestly scary.
Maybe that is part of the reason I am immortal, not because I love living.
But also because I am scared of dying.
I sat down and took a bite of the bar and then drank the water.
I didn’t know that people like that still existed.
That little girl sure is crazy, why help a Lycan?
One thing I have learned from living for over a century is that selfish people live longer.
While the good and nice people die too soon, that’s just the harsh reality of the world we live in.
I took the clothes and threw them in the closet.
All I have done in the past decade is nothing but sit around and sleep.
Now I will work and get everything I worked so hard for back, so I sat down and started working.
“I have a present for you”” Harry said knocking and then showing up with 6 women.
“It’s been a while right?” he asked, and I smirked before he closed the doors, and the women came to me.
“let us show you a great time” they said, and I let them.
After hours of playing around with them they fell asleep tired while I went back to work.
I got up and decided to have a glass of water when I suddenly felt a sharp pain on my finger.
I looked at it and I was bleeding;
it was so small, and it stung like a paper cut of a sort.
How did I get a paper cut from a glass?
Since when does a paper cut hurt and take so long to heal?
Did that witch mess up with my healing abilities?
First the coma and now this,
where the hell is Amber so she can tell me what the fuck is going on here?