Chapter 4: Mortal
Logan’s pov
After that strange things started happening to me. I would suddenly get a paper cut out of nowhere, I didn’t understand why.
The other day I got a wound on my knees, you see the kind kids get when they fall off a bike.
It just appeared out of nowhere, and yesterday my finger started bleeding out of nowhere.
The kid of cut you would get when cutting vegetables and then accidentally cutting your fingers.
But that is not the most annoying part, the most annoying part is that they hurt like hell and take forever to hell.
At this rate I cant go to war, what did that witch do to my body?
My strength is still all there, and I am just as fast and as strong as I was.
I got up from the chair and then took a knife that was on the tray.
Its used to cut fruits, I made a small cut inside my hand and just like always it healed so fast.
I still heal at the speed of light on injuries that happened directly to my body.
The only ones that take forever to heal are the ones that appear out of nowhere.
“I need you to hurt me” I said to Sean who looked at me confused.
“What? What do you mean by that?” he asked, and I gave him a knife.
“I want you to stab me as hard as you can” I said giving him my hand.
“Does this have to do with all these weird cuts you have been getting?” Amy asked.
“Yes it has everything to do with these small cuts, I need to find out what is happening.
Why do they take about a day to fully heal?” I replied.
“We really should get to the bottom of this. You can’t afford to have a weakness when war comes” Connor added.
Sean nodded and then took the knife in my hand and stabbed me as hard as he can.
Even that wound healed just as fast as I knew it would.
Then how is it possible?
Such a terrible wound healed so fast but for some reason a paper cut takes forever to heal.
How is that even possible?
“Yes we cant afford that, these witches have taken enough from us” Harry said looking gloomy as always.
He didn’t want immortality unlike the rest of us.
He wanted to live out the life he was given but when his mate was killed he changed.
He wanted to live as long as it took to make sure that every witch in this world is killed.
For someone who was mated to one he sure hates them, maybe is because of the way they treated his mate.
The way they made her an outcast and the way they hunted her down just because she fell in love with him.
When they finally caught her and killed her he lost it.
It was one of the reasons I asked him to be my gamma.
His anger and hatred towards witches matched mine, but his has gotten worst with time.
“You sure took your time coming here.
You should have ran here the moment they called, considering that you failed to get me released” I said to Amber before she could even knock.
She entered the room and bowed her head.
“I was in Africa; I was still looking for herbs that could help free you. There wasn’t much of a signal in the area I was in” she replied.
She looked around the room, a lot of the people in the room don’t like Amber at all.
I understand why she would go that far;
Connor just hates witches.
While on the other hand Amy says that Amber is a bad influence.
My little sister also didn’t want immortality.
But she also didn’t want to be separated from us, she tends to get emotional.
I honestly don’t know where she gets it, where do all these emotions she has come from?
They are so annoying at times because they make her weak.
But also good for me because they make her loyal.
She thinks that just because we are related she has to do everything I say even if she doesn’t like.
She does whatever Connor and I say even if its against her morals and ethics as you would put them.
“Now that you are here you need to get to this matter quickly, hurry up witch” Connor said which made Amber frown.
“I am way older than you young boy and you will address me respectfully” she replied to him.
“Or what?” Connor asked his fangs and out, his eyes changed colour as well.
“Enough both of you. You can fight later, Amber for now figure this out. And be fast” I said and walked out.
“Wait what? Please save me, I don’t want to die yet. I have so much to do, please I don’t want to die” .
The words that girl said keep playing in my mind.
Even as I continued walking away and realized that I was leaving her for dead she seemed confused but not angry.
And also, how fast she accepted her fate.
She was okay with dying in a matter of seconds.
How is that even possible?
And why am I still thinking about the dead?
It was fate that was unkind to her which is why she crossed paths with me.
Why am I even thinking about her?
She is dead and I am free now.
I tried keeping myself busy while Amber tried to figure out what is going on.
She then came in knocking.
“come on in” I said, and she came in and bowed her head a bit.
Amber is also immortal like me; she has been with me through thick and thin.
The two of us have a beneficial relationship.
I protect her from the immortal witches, and she does all I say.
You see to get the immortality we now have we had to get someone from the strongest clan of witches.
A really long time ago a coven of witches did a very dangerous ritual that allowed them immortality.
They used something that doesn’t even exist in this world anymore.
However, that immortality was the passed down from one generation to another.
Because of this they became the most powerful witches to ever walk this land.
I mean imagine walking around this world for centuries, how powerful one would get?
So Amber was the one that created the spell that allows us to use their immortal bone to make ourselves immortal as well.
And because of that they hate her more than anything.
She would have been dead if it wasn’t for me.
“I cant figure out what happened, yes magic is involved but I don’t understand how” she said and then I gestured that she sits down while I explain.
I told her about the strange girl that came to that world.
“what? A girl came into that world? How is that even possible? It was in another world and that too by mistake” she said shaking her head.
I knew that what that girl did was something somewhat impossible.
But now looking at Amber’s reaction I am guessing it is actually impossible.
“I was looking for a way to get you out of there.
But I needed at least two witches to get there.
I was going to kill a bunch of supernatural beings, channel their power to come and get you.
But she did it all solo?
And that too by mistake?” she asked me, and I nodded.
“But she is dead, so don’t worry yourself about that” I said, and she shook her head.
“I sense magic coming from you. Like someone was channelling you” she said, and I looked at myself a little confused.
“Isn’t the aftereffects of the place I was in?” I asked her and she shook her head.
“No, it’s not, I think the girl is still alive and well.
while getting out of that place somehow she channelled you, in the process linked you two together” she explained.
“Linked us together? what does that mean?” I asked her and she got up and started pacing around.
“The random paper cuts that take forever to heal, that come out of nowhere. Ohhh great lord, you are linked to that girl” she said and this time firmly.
“Which means that when she feels any physical pain I will also experience the same?” I asked her and she nodded.
“When she gets hurt I also get hurt as well?” I asked her and she nodded.
“But she is mortal, does this mean if she dies so do I?” I asked her and Amber stopped in her tracks and looked at me.
“ANSWER ME, DOES THIS MEAN WHEN SHE DIES I WILL ALSO DIE?” I yelled at her and she nodded.
“What? So, you are saying that some little girl without even realizing it has made me mortal?” I asked her.
This time she didn’t answer, how is this possible?
I hurt so many people and went through so much for immortality.
And that little girl ruined everything, how can I be mortal?
How is it even possible?