Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 2

A soldier stooped down and hoisted me onto his shoulder. Agony surged through every fiber of my body. I wouldn't doubt that another moment of endurance would surely result in unconsciousness.

"Place her in the chair and ensure she's fully restrained!"

A voice ordered, and its authoritative tone suggested a higher-ranking wolf, perhaps Alpha Timerante's Beta or Gamma.

I was flung into the chair, my hands rigorously bound to it. Ropes cinched tightly around my arms allowed only limited leg movement.

The soldier crouched down, securing my legs with meticulous care. As one of my legs was dutifully tied, a voice interrupted their efforts.

"You only need to restrain one! This wretched creature lacks the strength to fight back. She'll be useless even after interrogation anyway!"

The voice declared callously.

Refusing to open my eyes, I instead lowered my head in resignation.

Then, the sound of rustling reached my ears, indicating the placement of torture devices on a nearby table. Soon, they would employ these instruments on me.

"Bring the needle! Let's begin by pricking her fingers."

The voice commanded, followed by shuffling footsteps. Before long, his presence loomed closer.

His hand descended upon me, gripping my face, and forcing my head to tilt backward.

I clamped my eyes shut, trembling uncontrollably.

"Tell me, who is behind this rebellion? Who?" he demanded fiercely.

"I... I..." I stammered, choked by sobs, and was unable to form a coherent sentence.

"You refuse to lurk your plan, do you? Then I possess various means to make you talk," he threatened.

After he released his grip on my cheek, I felt someone grasp my hand before sharp objects were piercing into my fingertips.



Three... Ten!

Each finger pricked, releasing droplets of blood.

Within a dozen seconds, the pain became unbearable. I struggled to breathe amidst the torment, fighting the urge to vomit.

Things didn't change until I caught wind of that familiar scent once again.

He had arrived!

As expected, an audible pause ensued as they entered the room.

"Have you extracted any information from her?" his voice reached my ears.

Could it be that the wolfsbane had altered my scent, preventing him from recognizing that I was his destined mate?

"No, she is practically on death's doorstep! She's useless! We'd better just kill her!" another soldier responded.

"No, let me see her first!" proclaimed the man.

Would he recognize my face? Would he realize I was his mate and save me?

Trying hard, I pried my eyes open, yearning to see the knight in shining armor who would rescue me.

Yet, as my gaze landed on him, he delivered a brutal kick to my chest. I tumbled to the ground, still tethered to the chair.

My head collided with the ground, plunging me into darkness as my consciousness slipped away.

Dimly, I heard his exclamation, "Mate pheromones? Hurry and find a doctor to save her!"


When I regained consciousness, I found myself in a hospital bed under the attentive care of Susanna, my maid.

She had accompanied me in The Dark Pack, but circumstances had forced us apart. Thankfully, she had survived, and I had been provided refuge in The Dark Pack's hospital.

It took a grueling month for me to recover from my injuries.

Throughout this time, my so-called mate, Alpha Timerante, never visited me. Only his Beta and Gamma made a few appearances, offering polite inquiries about my well-being.

I held no fondness for Alpha Timerante. Suddenly, regret washed over me for becoming his wife and committing myself to a life with him. Alas, there was no pill to remedy remorse. I had married Alpha Timerante primarily for political reasons, as a means to safeguard The New Arctic Pack.

"Princess Faye, since your injuries have nearly healed, I have completed the necessary discharge procedures. Please follow me to your chambers."

A person claiming to be Beta Richard, sent by Alpha Timerante, arrived. Despite Beta Richard's use of the word "please", I didn't sense any respect from him, neither in his expression nor his tone. It was puzzling. I had heard stories about the brutal and ferocious werewolves of The Dark Pack, but their rudeness far exceeded my expectations.

Their lack of etiquette education truly astonished me.

Susanna, standing by my side, couldn't help but bare her teeth, fiercely guarding me and glaring at them, as if she was ready to transform into a wolf and fight on my behalf.

Suppressing my anger, I asked the butler, "Where is your Alpha? I want to see him."

"I apologize. Alpha Timerante is busy with other matters. Princess Faye, please cooperate with us and proceed to your palace." Richard glanced past me with an unpleasant expression. "Furthermore, we have arranged our pack's servants to take care of your daily needs. Your servants are no longer required."


I could hardly believe what I was hearing.

But then, a strong force from The Dark Pack suddenly appeared and swiftly separated me and Susanna from the guards I had brought from The New Arctic Pack.

I was almost dragged away by two powerful guards from The Dark Pack, their grips tight around my arms.

Everything was so different from what I had imagined!

"Let go of me! I am your Alpha's mate. We are supposed to have a wedding, and I am to become Luna of The Dark Pack. How dare you treat me like this?" I struggled angrily, attempting to break free. But my wolf had yet to awaken. Tomorrow, on my 18th birthday, I would finally possess enough power to resist these guards, whose bodies were as strong as iron.

I cursed silently in my heart. At that moment, I heard even more unbelievable news.

"There is no wedding ceremony, Princess Faye." Richard turned his head coldly and looked at me, uttering these merciless words with a hint of mockery in his tone.

I stopped in my tracks. "What did you say?"

"I said there will be no wedding ceremony, Princess Faye," Richard repeated. "Alpha Timerante is too busy with other matters and cannot spare time for the wedding."

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