Chapter Four: The Betrayal
My party was great. It was nice having most everyone together. I got some nice gifts too. The food was outstanding, especially the cake. I really love a good cake! I would have married cake if I could have. Things have been okay having Jessica as a playmate. We used to do this back in college. We had one rule: Permission or Presence. It went both ways. Either I had to get in person permission to play with another guy or Chris had to be in the same room. The same rule applied to him as it was only fair.
However, we had an on again off again relationship too. Obviously when we weren't a couple, the rule didn't apply. I had a couple of lovers during that time as well. Marco Marino and Zane Barber are two very different men, but two that played a huge role in me learning who I am and what I want.
Those two did have one thing in common. Their families were connected, very connected if you get what I'm saying. Me, a goody goody in bed with the mafia quite literally. No one ever suspected it either. This was back during my hacking days too, I miss playing Robin Hood! Yes, I might've been in bed with a gangster, but he never controlled me. If his family did something that I didn't agree with, I'd find a way to interfere. You can do shady shit without hurting innocent people. Yes, it can be a difficult or hard call, but it's possible. I tried not to burn bridges and stay under their radar. I left those families on decent terms. I know they still keep track of me, but I do them too. I don't doubt that Marco and Zane loved me, hell maybe they still do. It just wasn't the life for me or what I thought my parents would've wanted for me.
My mother always talked about true love. Not just true love from the person you're fucking, but from all of those around you too. She called it Kismet. Kismet, based on what little I've learned thus far, is this indescribable feeling towards others in your life. This pull to them, this otherworldly connection that time nor space can break. To be honest, I haven't felt it often. I don't feel it with Chris and I just don't know why. I do feel it with Crystal, Ardin, Hailey, Bob and Amy though. Strangely enough I might feel it towards Ice. But that could just be intense infatuation because of how he looks at me. Chris never looked at me like that! The heat in Ice’s gaze could melt the strongest metal.
Over the years I've made a lot of acquaintances and some good friends too. I'm fairly content with my life. I say fairly because my love life is rather dull. But I guess that's just how marriages go after you've been together for so long. However, something just doesn't feel right.
I jolt awake to an empty bed. I put my hand onto Chris's side. It's cold. I throw my pajamas on and go looking for him. Jessica stayed over in our guest room because we finished off a bottle of wine after we got home. Chris and I cuddled and went to sleep.
My strange feeling starts to intensify. I try the kitchen and the living room but there's no sign of anyone. Maggie, my cat, comes up to me. Maggie is an elderly cat that I have had since I was a teenager. Maggie Rose Hall, I've had her since she was four weeks old. Her mother was roadkill at the side of a busy highway. I found her and her two siblings clinging to her mother's body. I took them home and cared for them. I found the others homes but kept Maggie. She's now a feisty thirteen-year-old cat. Maggie is a diluted calico with long silky hair and brilliant green eyes. I treat her like a person because she acts more mature than many I know. But I have always liked animals more than humans. Animals are capable of unconditional love, a trait that humanity severely lacks.
Maggie rubs my legs and motions for me to follow her, so I do. The door to the room Jessica is staying in is cracked. I look through and that's when I see it. They're both nude. Jessica is laying on her back with her legs in the air. Chris is on his knees thrusting away. Fuck! I honestly don't know what to feel right now, so I settle on nothing.
I go into the living room and takeout my phone. I dial Jessica's husband. The conversation reveals quite a lot too. It turns out that Jessica never invited him to play like she was supposed to. I just figured he didn't want to, not that he was never told. After all, I didn't think that my high school friend had a reason to lie to me. I've always been transparent with my friends, blunt even. I informed her husband, Josh, that she'll never be allowed back here and that I was about to throw her out.
After I hung up with him, I went to take out the trash. I go into the room. Chris smirks, “You going to join?”
No way in fucking hell you lying, cheating bastard! “Nope,” I say as I grab her clothes and start walking.
They come running behind me. Jessica pleads, “Stop! What are you doing?”
“Something I should've done a long time ago!”
Chris looks at me as if I am possessed, “What's gotten into you?”
I am pregnant, you asshole! You just shattered my trust and hope for us. “I'm done! I'm so fucking done! You fucking lying bitch!” I take her clothes and throw them outside, “By the way, Josh will have your things waiting for you in his yard. Consider that your divorce notice!”
Jessica screams as she's grabbing her clothes, “You didn't!”
“Oh, I called him! He knew nothing! He never consented! So go fuck yourself you lying bitch!”
Jessica threatens, “You'll pay for this!”
I laugh because with one hack I could have half of the mafia after her, “No I won't. Because karma's a bitch and that bitch is me! Now be gone or I'll have the cops make you! And don't ever come around again!”
Jessica asks, “Chris you coming?” as she's getting dressed in my yard.
Chris scoffs, “No,” as walked back inside adjusting his boxers and I slammed the door in her face.
I round on Chris, “What were you thinking!”
Chris shakes his head, “It's not like we hadn't played before.”
He obviously doesn't see his part in all of this, so I will remind him, “I am your fucking wife! Permission or Presence you had neither!”
Chris says dismissively, “It's really not a big deal.”
“It so is!”
I pinch the bridge of my nose because I am starting to lose a bit of my control, “She lied to her husband and us. There is no trust! I can't trust either of you!”
Chris tries to reach for me, “Seriously it's just pussy.”
I dodge him, “Then go enjoy some somewhere else! Get out!”
Chris shakes his head as he pulls on his shirt and pants, “This is my home too.”
“Go or I will call and make you!”
Chris scoffs, “Like anybody would come.”
“Why don't we find out!” I get out my phone and hold down the button, “Call p…”
Chris puts his hands up, “Just wait! Fine I'll go.”
I didn't even get the word police out. He knows that I'm on good terms with the force. My charity helps the victims that the police deal with daily.
Chris grabs his briefcase, “l'Il go but I'll be back to talk in a day or two.”
What a day. What a fucking day! I collapse on the couch and that's where I stay for a whole day. I was just exhausted and spent. All the stress can't be good for me or the baby. My cats just cuddle with me because they know I need it. Animals always know what we need even if we don't. I pet them as I doze off.
What the hell am I going to do? Can I cut it as a single mother? Do I even want to try?