Chapter 5: The Fight
After mimicking a vegetable and vegetating on my couch for a whole day, I get up and finally take care of myself and my pets. I get a shower and go to get dressed. In the back of my closet is a wrought iron sign that says Kitten's Playground. I stare at it for a bit. I bite my lip and that's when I know the answer. I'm going to go through with it. I'm going to finish my special playground and any person that can't handle it just isn't meant to be in my life! I've been hiding me for too long. It's time that those that I choose see the real me! I made myself something to eat. I decided that I should tell my friends what happened.
I had both Ardin and Crystal on a call and hung up with them after they said that they wanted to come by so I told them that I just needed a day to myself and that I'd see them tomorrow. I was about to call Hailey when there was a knock at my door.
I answer and Chris is standing there with flowers. The only times i ever got flowers from him was a birthday or anniversary or to say he was sorry. I never got them just because he was thinking of me, never! Maybe that was because he never thought of me. I had admirers even if they weren't Chris. They'd send flowers and cards to my office. Like the bouquet with the phoenix pin. I still think about that too. That was thoughtful and very unexpected. I still don't know who sent it, but I will. The message was beautiful and very fitting to how I feel right now.
"A man can challenge you, but he should never keep you down. Always rise!" That's what I intend to do.
“So care to explain,” I put Chris's flowers in a vase on my kitchen island and grab my juice. This is going to be a long talk. He's the father of my child so I'll hear him out. I still don't know if I should tell him or not.
Chris says, “Listen you're the one that suggested a playmate!”
Great, he's going to try and blame me because he couldn't keep his cock in his pants. I'm not in the mood. “Playmate with rules. Rules you clearly couldn't follow!”
Chris rolls his eyes, “You were here. It's not like it was somewhere else. Besides you've been too busy to satisfy me!”
Really he just said that? Now that pisses me off! “We are together every night. I'm always home and I don't bring my work home, at least I haven't in a very long time. Midnight was the last one I brought home.”
Midnight is a one eyed black Persian cat that I saved. She was the last work that I ever brought home. That was two years ago. I don't work long hours like I used to either at the animal hospital or the charity because I hired Hailey. Hailey has been a godsend really!
Chris sighs, “All you do is just lay there, Lynn!”
Chris continues, “It's like fucking a damn corpse! Hell a corpse might be more pleasurable because at least I could fuck her ass!”
“Get the hell out and don't ever come back!” I marched to what was our bedroom. I start throwing his shit at him. I only started not participating in sex if I was sick or knew I wouldn’t get an orgasm because he rarely did foreplay or last more than two minutes.
Chris yells, “Stop that you crazy bitch!”
“No, I want you and your shit gone!”
Chris grabs some of his stuff and throws it into the closet, “I'm not going anywhere!”
“Oh yes you are!” I grab armfuls of his stuff and I open the front door and start throwing his shit out into the snow. I go back and grab more.
Chris yells, “You crazy fucking cunt!”
Oh, I hate that word! I slap him, “Don't you ever call me or any woman that you fucking piece of shit!”
I have this odd feeling come over me. It's like my body is going on autopilot. I am but an observer in my own body. I'm outside of my body just watching it all unfold like some twisted movie. Have you ever had that feeling? It's such an odd thing too. I can see everything that's going on but physically feel nothing. Emotionally I'm furious. I've been betrayed by two people that I've known half my life. People I trusted, cared for them even. Chris grabs my forearms and throws me hard against the wall.
Chris reaches for me, “Now you listen here you bitch! You don't ever touch me like that! You're mine and this is my home. I'm not going anywhere!” I try to pull myself up. He pushes me down, “Stay down on your knees where you belong!”
“Go to hell!”
He goes to hit me. Maggie jumps up and bites his hand. He hits her and throws her against the wall. I scream, “No!!”
Chris sneers, “Just a fucking cat. I always hated that fucking cat!” He walks over to kick her, “Maybe I should just finish it off.”
“Oh fuck no! You're fucking dead!” With a burst of adrenaline, I charge at him. He hits me in the stomach. I shake my head. At this point I'm no longer myself. I'm completely detached from my body.
“I'm pregnant you bastard!”
I don't know why I told him. But he hesitated. I seized that opportunity. I kicked him hard in the balls. Grabbed his head and rammed it into my knee. He fell to the ground. I took his right arm and pushed my feet into his ribs until I heard a very satisfying crack. Next, I started on his fingers by pulling them back until they cracked. He hit me and tried to fight back, but I took out his right knee after he landed a few punches to my face and midsection.
He's on the ground whining with pain, but then my pain comes. It feels like I'm being ripped from my body. I go barefoot out into the snow straight to my neighbors. I don't know how long I'm there. Things just fade in and out and I can't remember how I got here either.
Ardin yells, “Lynn. Oh fuck! Don't you dare die on me!”
Then everything goes black.