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Chapter 6: My Father Is Too Controlling


I can't believe how my father is talking to me. If he thinks I must obey him, I don't. I am old enough now to live my life the way that I want to and I am allowed to be with whoever I want to. I am so done with him. If he tries to ruin my relationship with Malena, he better think again because I will protect her and our relationship even if it means I must battle him.

Soon after he tried to tell me that I am not allowed to be with Malena, I became outraged toward him, I yelled profusely at him, while my mother just stood there without saying a word. I couldn't believe what is happening all over a girl that I want to be with.

This is so ridiculous of him! And I will not have this, I will not let him treat me this way!

My father steps closer to me and starts to yell in my face, "You WILL listen to me, I am your father and yes you will obey what I say! I didn't say a word to him, I pushed him back away from me and ran off.

I had to leave or else we would have battled and I do not want that, but it will happen if he tries this again. I hate that he is like this with me, but I will do what I must to protect me and Malena. I ran back to the waterfall to be with Malena. When I arrived back at the waterfall, I turned into a vampire, Malena asked me why I turned into the vamp and I told her it was because of my father! I told her about the argument between us and how he wants me to be with the woman that HE picked for me and not her. She couldn't believe that he is trying to run my life and she doesn't know why he doesn't want me to be with her because he doesn't even know her. I told her to let's forget about what happened, in frustration.

My father has got me so frustrated that I am yelling at Malena, and I know for no reason at all. She didn't do anything! I must calm down or I'm going to become violent, I can feel the rush going through my body and this should not be happening. My father is the one who is wrong, not me.

"Micah, what's wrong with you? I've never seen you like this before. You're making me scared to be around you," Malena said.

"My father has got me like this. He's just so controlling and I hate it," I replied.

"Calm down, please. You're going to make things worse," Malena said.

I walked over to Malena and gave her a hug! I did not know what to say or what else to do. I feel bad that I made her scared of me, but I would never hurt her, not in a million years.

"Malena, I just want you to know that I will never hurt you! I promise you that," I said.

"I know you wouldn't hurt me, I just got kinda scared when you got so angry," Malena replied.

I had to stop this conversation with Malena because I didn't want to talk about my father to her anymore, I'll handle him myself. He's not going to ruin anything for me. I know I'm frustrated thinking about our argument and I don't want to argue with him because I know I do need him. We must stick together since we are vampires and we must protect one another from whatever may happen. And I mean, what if the vampire hunters find us? I will be alone and so will he.

I'm going to go over to see my father tomorrow and apologize to him. We must grow our pack to become stronger!

I'm going to explain to him that I will be with Malena, she's the one that I love and there is nothing he can do about it and I hope he understands this. Then I'm going to ask him if we can just get along and make our pack bigger and better. I know we must do this and I'm sure he knows this.

Now that I've thought these things through I feel better and now Malena and I can have our time together tonight! I'm going to go out into the city and pick up some flowers for Malena and surprise her with them! But for now, we are going to lay under the stars and cuddle together. The night is warm and calm, the sky is dark with no clouds, and the stars are shining bright. I lay a blanket on the ground and I call Malena over, she walks towards me and looks down at the blanket, and then I help her to lay on the blanket with me. We both lay back and stare up at the stars, we are silent and taking the moment in. Then suddenly she looks at me and says, "Micah, I love you so much!" I looked at her and replied, "I love you too, Malena. You're the best thing that's happened to me!" Malena started blushing as I told her that her cheeks go a bit reddish.

The whole time I lay with her, I planned out what I'm going to do for her tomorrow. She's going to be the happiest woman on earth. I'm going to make her day tomorrow!

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