Chapter 10
She chuckled, “you spoil me Elora.”
I smile as I turned back around to check on the pasta, quickly working out that it only needs a few more minutes before it would be ready. Miya was more of a morning person than I was, but I was learning, I was trying to be bubbly just like her.
“This is hardly spoiling you!” I laughed lowly, pushing my ponytail over my shoulder and tucking my hair behind my ears.
Miya shrugs, “you say that, but I never even got breakfast in bed before the end. You are buttering me up for something.”
I shook my head, my smile growing. “No buttering needed, just a friend making you breakfast before we go out in search of other survivors.”
“Wait!” She shouted, bolting upright and wrestling away the blankets. “Does this mean that you’ve relented? We are going to bring other here?!”
“Yeah, I figured that as long as they aren’t dangerous we can bring them back, create the community you were talking about.”
“What changed your mind?”
“I realised that it is horrible being alone, and I guess that hit me harder than I thought. If there are others out there struggling on their own with no one to lighten to horrors we all face. Then, it’s up to us to help them.” I smiled to myself, realising that my dad wouldn’t recognise me in this moment, I had never openly gone out of my way to help anyone, not before Miya. “We have enough space and food for a small army, why not share?”
She squealed, making me jump out of my skin as she tackled me to the ground, planting kisses all over my face as she repeatedly thanked me.
“Stop stop, you’re drooling on me!” I cried, faking disgust.
She stopped, laughing and flashing me a brilliant smile. “I’m glad you changed your mind, this will work out, and even if it doesn’t you’ll always have me!”
I turn back to the food, my smile falling. “What if they see what I am and refuse? Not everyone is as trusting and as understanding as you are.”
“We’ll, if that happens I’ll bash them up the side of the head and call them idiots.” She scowled, her tone taking a sharper edge. “If they don’t accept you, then they don’t come back here. Simple.”
“So bossy.” I laughed, “and fierce, surprisingly really considering you are the size of a child.”
She tackled me again, pinning me to the floor as we both burst out laughing. “This child could take you any day honey!”
I rolled my eyes before twisting my weight from under her and throwing her to the side, my legs at either side of her hip before she could even react.
“Not good enough to best me yet love.” I teased.
After breakfast we wrapped up tight and headed out into the bitter snow, today wasn’t one of the coldest days this winter, but it was bad enough that Miya’s lips began to chatter. I created a small forcefield around us to try and keep the icy wind at bay as best as I could, whilst also being cautious not to use up all of my strength. We couldn’t risk being left vulnerable, not with the hounds on the loose; that would be a mistake we would never be able to make again. Not after they tear the flesh from out bones.
“How are you doing that?” Miya asked once we reached the main road, her eyes watching me curiously.
I frowned not fully understanding the question, though eventually I realised what she had meant. “I can’t manipulate things with my mind, somethings are harder than others, but I’ve had plenty of time to practice.” I smiled softly, it was nice that she wasn’t afraid anymore, that she understood that I wasn’t a danger to her.
“How long have you be able to do things like that?” She asked, eyes wide with awe. “Could your parents do it too?”
I shook my head, thinking back to the people that raised me, my parents would have done anything for me; and my dad had even sacrificed his life so that I might live. “No, they had their own gifts, each fae is different I guess. Though their aren’t many who can do what I can, normally it’s based around nature. I have been able to do it my whole life, mum always said I was a nightmare todler.” I laughed deeply, recalling her stories. “I would throw things at her without even moving or levitate myself so that she couldn’t scold me or put me to bed.”
Miya laughed with me as she tucked loose strands of hair under her hat. “yeah I can see that getting annoying pretty quickly, don’t know how she did it.”
“She was a strong woman, stronger than I will ever be.” I sighed, my eyes wandering towards the distance. “I never got to say goodbye to her, she died before I got the chance. The whole covern did, except for me and my dad.”
“I’m sorry.” Miya whispered, placing a hand on my shoulder as we walked. “That must have been hard.”
“It was.” I agreed, “but we can’t change the past, I just hope that I’ve made them both proud somehow.”
“Ha! I bet they’re looking down on you right now thinking about what a pain in the butt you are, and we’ll I’m inclined to agree.” My friend laughed, playfully nudging my shoulder.
“They’d never agree with a hobbit like you!” I laughed, nudging her back.