
Running out of the house, I put on shoes as quickly as I could and grabbed my phone.

"Lucy!" My father screamed, which I heard.

"Coming!" I retorted while sprinting past the rooms of my sister and brother and down the hall.

Dad was planning to take me somewhere. Since he wasn't around for my 14th birthday yesterday, he claimed that it was a surprise, particularly for me. Despite my siblings' objections, my mom and siblings were instructed to remain. On the other side, my mother was okay with my leaving. I had finally developed into a useful adult in this household, she said. That meant a lot to me since I was the last to be born. My 16-year-old sister and 19-year-old brother have always been more important than me. My moment to shine has come.

I checked the message when my phone rang. It came from Violet, my closest buddy. She treated me like no one else, even though I was the daughter of Mazadora town's tech multimillionaire, Andre Grey. like I was a regular person.

Ready for tomorrow, Violet?

A kind of picnic gathering was being held at my school. I had intended to go with Violet.

I was born prepared, Lucy. I'll die if I miss this party, haha.

Violet: "Lucy! ", Isn't it the truth? I don't have the whole day. My dad's yell startled me out of my mellow frame of mind, and I sprinted down the mansion's main staircase, my dark hair swinging and my silky chocolate brown skin gleaming beneath the chandelier's lights.

Lucy: Hey girl, TTYL. I must go.

Violet: Alright. Hello, girl. Thank you.

Love you too, Lucy

As I approached my father, who assisted me in boarding the vehicle, I put my phone aside while grinning. If only I had known that I wouldn't ever return to my house. Never see my mother, my siblings, or Violet... I never would have gotten in that car.

"So, where are we going?" you ask. With enthusiasm in my voice, I ventured to ask my father.

He continued, not looking at me but at his phone, "It's a surprise, Lucy."

Just drop me a clue, please. Dad, please," I pleaded. I was curious about our destination. I hated being confused. For a brief moment, while my dad was looking at me, I believed I saw rage and hatred in his eyes for me, but it quickly vanished, so I ignored it. He did not despise me. I was his blood; I was his daughter. You don't detest blood, Lucy. We are traveling to a location where Daddy will buy a little, insignificant item for a lot more money than it is worth. Then, Dad would feel relieved," he continued in a chilly tone, which I also ignored.

You're going to work, and I'm going to assist, right? I queried.


What is the little, pointless item you want to sell? I questioned while citing him.

Something that was a serious error. Lucy, try not to worry too much. You'll find out soon enough, his response caught my attention. However, he didn't seem eager to elaborate, so I just complied with his request and remained quiet.

We left town and traveled through the city. My father turned to face me after we had traveled a few decent kilometers into the desert. "Lucy, hand over your phone to me".

I delivered it to him without asking after reaching into my pocket. My dad, he was. I was expected to comply. My phone was thrown out when he rolled down the window. My mouth fell open. I stiffened because I didn't want to scream or shout at him. I was a helpless youngster who was nice and compliant. It's how I was brought up. Parents must enforce the law or face the repercussions. As I sat rigidly cursing him in my brain, I did so in sin. He had better get me a new phone.

We stumbled and found a warehouse a little while later. We were driven in and parked by the limo driver. My mocha skin broke out in goosebumps as terror slowly moved up my spine and settled in my head. My dad pushed open the vehicle door and stepped out, asking me to follow. I complied. He led me inside the warehouse by grabbing my upper arm. It was ancient and had a chemical smell to it. I sneezed many times, but my dad didn't seem concerned. I pondered if my health would benefit from being here. When I stumbled and fell, my knees sinking into the chilly, hard earth, I wondered whether Dad had noticed that I had. "Ow," I moaned.

"Yes," my dad answered. What was happening?

Not the best. She is insufficient, so don't worry. The elderly guy remarked with a gruff, thick Italian accent, "We'll mold her.

My father said, "My money?" and the elderly guy waved a finger to a bodyguard who was approaching with a briefcase. When I opened it, there was plenty of cash. Stacks upon stacks of $100 banknotes. My father walked cautiously forward, looking over the cash before closing the case and grabbing it.

My father remarked, "She's all yours," and moved away from... me?

One of the two males approached and took hold of my arm. My eyes suddenly shifted to my dad. "Dad? What is happening? I asked, but he ignored me and went to go as another guard approached and grabbed my other arm.

"Dad? Dad? Dad?! Who are you following? Release me! Dad!" I yelled. I squirmed as tears began to stream, attempting to break free. I struck, bit, kicked, and scratched. No matter how much I yelled and fought, no matter how much anguish I caused the guys, they wouldn't let go.


My face ached as my head jerked to the side. It took me some time to realize that I had been smacked by the elderly guy and that his rings had sliced into my face.

"You, my little spitfire, possess an inner spark that I don't like. Do not fret. Damien will extinguish that flame completely," answered the elderly guy. "Get rid of her."

I was violently taken to a vehicle with a black tint. I was restrained, muzzled, and had a black sack placed over my head. After being tossed into the vehicle, I rolled and struck what seemed like a pole with my back. My tears were long gone and dry. I had to stop crying. I had no depth. a body devoid of soul. In that instant and the one after it, just my survival mattered.

I made a pledge and a commitment at that very time. My parents, my dad, my mom, and my siblings would cover the cost. even if it was the last action I took.

I am aware that I lied when I said that you do not detest blood. When blood is shed, hatred becomes stronger.

And I'll let them know about it.

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