It was like the world had come crashing down on Fred. Everything that he had believed, all the half-truths his mother ever told him while he was growing up hit him like bricks.
“My what?” He croaked.
“Your father, Sir,” the nurse said. “In fact, he was waiting here until a while back but had to rush. He asked me to tell you -”
Before she could continue, Fred turned around and walked out the same glass doors he came in through. He couldn’t bear to listen to any more. His father was dead. Dead! Or so his mother had pretended.
He spent his entire life thinking that his father didn’t exist. The only father figure he ever knew was Alex but he also knew that he was not what fathers are supposed to be like. They are supposed to be caring, loving and gentle with their child. They are like their children’s first teachers and support them no matter what.
He didn’t have that. All he had were lies and now his father was back as if nothing had happened. What was he even trying to accomplish by paying his mother’s medical bills? That he could buy his way back? Or that his son would forgive him? He didn’t even know if he wanted to fight with him, forgive him or sob into his arms the way he wanted to do all those times when he desperately wished for a father.
He didn’t realize how far he had walked until he heard someone running behind him.
He heard the nurse call out. He looked back to see that she was out of breath and had a worried look on her face.
“You just walked out of there!” She wheezed. “But truth be told, I don’t blame you. It is not possible at all!”
He sighed. Out of all the things, he had never expected this. After years of yearning for a father, he had finally moved on and he was getting this now. This was unfair. But maybe now he would finally have what he wanted all these years. Someone to rely on, take advice from.
Although he had learned how to survive without that and it had been okay.
“Well, whatever it is sir, you can always give him a call.” The nurse said sweetly, handing him a card.
Fred thought for a moment about what could happen next. He is happy but sad. Life had not been good to him and a long-lost wealthy father almost seemed like a miracle.
He accepted the card almost fearfully and with a grateful nodded towards the nurse, started for home. He was not sure if he wanted to involve his father in his life after all these years or even if the man who paid his mother’s bill was indeed his father.
He wanted to tell Rose. Tell her that some man helped him out and claimed to be his father. He wanted her opinion to decide what to do now. However, he knows this has to be delayed until he figured out the truth of his identity.
He turned the card over in his hand and saw the name.
‘Louie Clinton – Founder Director & CEO, Kodam’
He couldn’t recollect where he had heard the name. Was it in the newspaper or some news program? Maybe he had signed a few deals with Verizon? If he had business connections, then he surely must know Mark.
Mark! That is when it struck him. He had often heard Mark talking about some Mr. Clinton and his company which was worth trillions in the market. Maybe more. Verizon had been wanting to sign a deal with Kodam for years now but it was very difficult to reach the CEO or impress him.
The CEO of Kodam had built his company from scratch and now it was the most successful one in the country which offered the best facilities and services to its clients. It was as disciplined as it was successful. Each and every member was dedicated to making the right decisions with a high moral compass. There was not a single complaint of any wrongdoings against Kodam or any of its employees. They were very humble and understood the position of their company in the national, as well as the international market.
He took out his phone and texted Rose a quick message.
‘I am okay but might get late, don’t wait up please. I love you so much. –Fred.’
He found the nearest bench and sat down, heaving a sigh. He knew how rich Louie Clinton was. Or else, a greedy man like Mark would not have been so desperate to strike a deal with him.
He put his head back and closed his eyes, breathing in the night air. He knew that one phone call would change his life. His wife’s life. They had been on the receiving end of constant ridicule and humiliation by their own family just because he was poor. Rose deserved better than that. She deserved respect and love. And a man who could provide for her, not be the reason she was treated badly.
However, he was still conflicted. He was angry at his father for being absent when he needed him the most, for being the reason he had to go through tough times, for abandoning him. But he could only get the solution to his dilemma by calling the number mentioned in the card.
So he decided to.
But before he could start dialling, his phone rang, startling him and waking him from his deepest thoughts.
“Hello?” He answered.
“Fred?” The voice on the other end said. “Fredrick Warren?”
The voice sounded rough and heavy, but the words were spoken with great kindness.
“Yes, this is him. May I know who this is?”
The voice on the other end of the phone didn’t reply.
“Hello? Are you there?” Fred asked after a few second
“Um, yeah, yeah. I am here.”
“May I know who this is?” He asked again.
“ It’s nice to hear your voice again after all these years. It’s your biological father Louie Clinton here.”