Read with BonusRead with Bonus


It was Autumn’s first time in New York. Everything is different, the biggest difference was there was no fucking Shawn and his fiancee.

She didn't want to think about the past so her zeal won't be dampened. That was what led her to this company the instant she saw the ad.

She didn't want to admit it but deep down, Autumn knew she was scared of opening up.

Opening up meant crying over spilled milk and that would distract her and make her think of the betrayal. So instead, she had focused on getting a job for herself.

She didn't think it was working out so far as she stared at the woman’s scrunched face after she was done examining her CV.

“I am impressed by your resume but you're not what we need right now, I'm sorry,” the woman finally said.

“Thank you, I understand,” she said and the woman nodded.

Autumn stepped out of the office and met up with her best friend outside the company.

Aria smiled, “You got the job?”

Autumn shrugged, “Nope.”

“What the fuck do they mean that they can’t take you? I mean…” Aria fumed then stopped, her face angry and her eyes wide like she wanted to go and fight something.

“Look, it’s okay. I am sure that I will have my break soon. I mean…this is only the eighteenth try and they say that twenty is the charm, yes?” she asked and her friend looked at her then her face softened as she sat on the sofa next to her.

Aria had been her support since she arrived in New York two days ago and she had launched herself into a strenuous job-finding task so she won't have to wallow in sadness.

“Autumn, baby. You know that things are a bit more competitive here but I am sure that we can get something to work out. You are welcome to stay with me as long as you want,” Aria offered.

Autumn nodded. “Thanks, Aria. I don't know what I would do without you.”

“Well then…I admire your persistence, though… and your restraint. I mean, I could have smashed that woman’s nose into the back of her skull,” she said and gritted her teeth, fuming again.

Autumn smiled softly and rested her hand on her friend’s shoulder. Aria sighed and started patting her hair.

“I’ll try the next company.”

Aria pulled her back. “I know you're doing all this to run away from your pain but it's not working. Maybe you need to face it.”

Autumn shook her head vehemently. “Shawn is living his best life. I don't have the time to cry over spilled milk. I need to get a job and get my life in order.”

Aria pulled Autumn close. “It's good to cry too. Maybe you'll feel better.”

“No, I'm not…”

“You’ve been acting like a mechanical robot ever since you got here!” Aria snapped, interrupting her.

Autumn felt the tears fill her eyes as she stared at her best friend.

“That’s because I'm scared. If I cry now I might not be able to get back on my feet.”

Aria shook her head, her eyes filled with concern. “No, you will. I'm by your side, I'll pull you back up.”

She sighed. “What do you want me to do now?”

Aria grinned. “Take a break. Lick ice cream, binge Netflix with me, and let's talk bad about guys.”

Autumn chuckled. “While all you've mentioned is fun, I think I have the perfect solution to handle my breakup.”

Aria sighed. Whenever Autumn’s eyes sparkled she was up to something mischievous.

“Oh boy! What are you planning, Autumn?”

Five hours later Autumn and Aria stood in front of one of the famous strip clubs in New York.

Aria gave Autumn a pleading look. “Are you sure about this? We shouldn't be out here looking for a rebound.”

Autumn waved her off. “Who said I'm looking for a rebound? I'm just here to enjoy the scene and get drunk.”

Aria gave her a pointed look. “Really? Because we could have done that in a bar and not in a strip club.”

Autumn shrugged. “Strip club, bar, no difference.”

Aria chuckled. “I've been your best friend since we were kids. I know when you're lying because I saw you when you wore your lucky bra.”

Autumn smirked. “Fine. I'm here for a rebound. Be my wing woman.”

Aria was about to protest when Autumn dragged her into the club. The sound of loud music and sweaty bodies filled their ears.

Autumn’s eyes scanned the crowd as she tried to find her rebound this night but all she could see were disgusting men leering at the bodies of half-naked women twirling on a strip pole.

“This isn't a good idea!” her friend yelled in her ears.

Autumn smiled. “Relax, Aria!”

Then she headed to the bar counter with Aria directly behind her. After they've successfully maneuvered their way past sweating and dancing bodies, they relaxed on their seats sipping their drinks.

Autumn wanted to be wild tonight so she ordered shots from the waiter.

Aria being the only logical person tonight thought it wasn't a good idea.

“No shots!”

But Autumn wasn't in the mood to be sober. “I will discuss everything with you once I'm drunk but don't get drunk. You're driving us back.”

Aria chuckled. “Aren't you up for the rebound again?”

Autumn glanced at the scene around her and scrunched up her nose in disgust. “Certainly not with any of these men.”

The shots came and Aria smiled. She could handle her drunk friend but not her drunk friend who wakes up in the morning and cries because she slept with a stranger.

She knew Autumn wasn't thinking straight and it was true that she didn't want her friend to wallow in misery but Autumn needed to cry and let it out so she’ll feel better.

Six shots later and Autumn was feeling woozy, she needed a bathroom break.

“Bathroom, I'll be right back.”

Autumn left the club and headed down the halls to ease herself but she met two couples fucking in the bathroom. She left immediately feeling like a pervert.

As she rounded through the hallway and stepped into the club, she suddenly felt dizzy and lost her footing.

She braced herself for the impact of landing on the floor but it never came instead she felt something warm around her.

When she opened her eyes, deep blue eyes stared back at her.

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