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Chapter 5 The Future Luna of This Pack


She was still lying to me. My wolf almost snapped but I held him back.

"Let's not force her to talk about it if she's not ready. She'll open up when she wants to. For now, she's safe with us," Ella said soothingly. I nodded.

I had so many questions and wondered many things. Did he hurt her often? My anger was rising at someone lying their hand on her.

"Rhaegar, Rhaegar," Ella shook me, getting me out of my thoughts.


"Calm down. You're scaring everyone,"

I didn't realize I was growling. My gaze found Nalya's scared ones, and my heart wrenched. She was terrified of me.

"Let's go. I'm tired," I stood up and walked towards the door. I breathed through my mouth once I got into the car. The door opened and closed. We were on our way to the pack house.

Reaching there, Juliana was already waiting for us with a few servants and pack members. They did that when I was coming from a trip.

"Alpha Prince," everyone bowed their head low. Juliana hugged me before asking;

"Where's the rogue you saved?"

"We didn't save her," I grumbled. She squinted her eyes.


"Yes, didn't I mention it?"

"Nope," she said, elongating the p.

"She's a child," I said quickly. Ella and Nalya came closer, and Juliana's eyes stayed on Nalya. She was in awe of the rogue's beauty like everyone else.

'That's not a child, my prince. That's a young adult,' she mindlinked me.

'Don't tell me you are jealous. It doesn't suit you,'

'No, she's just a dirty rogue,'

Juliana proceeded to greet Nate and my cousin. She completely ignored Nalya but if I'm honest, Nalya ignored her, too busy looking at the eye-catching pack house. I went straight to my suite to shower. Leaving the bathroom, I found Juliana naked in bed. I wore my boxers and sat at the edge, checking through the emails on my laptop. Juliana kissed and caressed my back.

"I thought we agreed not to do this just yet," I groaned. Juliana didn't listen and continued to kiss me. Her fingers ventured into my bare chest.

"I'm allowed to change my mind, and It's not like it will be the first time," she purred. We had sex in the past, but that was before I decided to take her as my Luna. When I told her my decision, she said not to have it so that our union would be more sacred.

"I'm tired, Juliana,"

"When is the rogue leaving?" she asked.


"I want to know,"

"Nalya can stay as long as she wants," I said.

"Why are you calling her name so fondly?" she asked, glaring at me.

"I want to work leave," I said.

"I'm not okay with her here staying here,"

"Are you jealous of a mere dirty rogue?" I used her words.

"Fine, her looks caught me off guard. She's beautiful," she whispered that last part. It must have been hard for Juliana to admit. She was not one to admire other women because she thought so highly of her looks, but standing next to Nalya, her beauty deteriorated.

"I'll be gone for a while. My grandfather and mother called me back. I want her gone when I return," she said.

I didn't answer and continued responding to work emails.

"Good night, my prince," she said, wearing her robe and leaving the room.

"Sleep well,"

The thoughts of Nalya danced in my mind, and my dick twitched in my pants.


The Autumn Moon pack was impressive. Everything was fancy and captivating. I couldn't stop looking around, and their pack house was massive.

Some people were giving me dubious gazes and whispering. I kept my face down, wanting to be invincible, however, that would prove difficult, Kaley said; I unknowingly got everyone's attention wherever I went.

"Here, this is yours. It's enough to last you a few months or so," Ella said, handing me two huge shopping bags.

"Thank you,"

She showed me to my new room on the first floor with a frown, Ella wanted us to have rooms next to each other, but it wasn't allowed because I was a visiting rogue and had to be cautious. They were right to be wary. Some rogues were wild.

"This is the room no one wanted," she mumbled shyly.

"I like it, thank you," I said, looking around.

The room had a bed next to a window. There was a desk, chair, and wardrobe. The room suited me just fine.

"You'll have to use the common bathrooms down the hall. I'm sorry," she said.

"That's alright,"

"Okay, try to catch some sleep, and I'll see you tomorrow," she said, and I nodded.

I lay on the soft bed, but the door burst open, and a tall woman entered the room.

"Who said you could use this room?" she asked coldly. I recognized her as Juliana. Prince Rhaegar's future Luna.

"Ella," she said.

"I'm the future Luna of this pack," she said, and I nodded. Why was she here? "You can not associate with anyone here. Especially the Prince and his closest people, Ella included. If you see them, bow and walk in another direction, am I clear?" she growled. I took a step back.


"What can you do?"

"I can do all house chores,"

"Tomorrow, ask for Madam Royce and tell her to put you to work. Since we are sheltering you from the wild, you won't be receiving any money," she said and turned around to leave. I exhaled once the door shut.

I checked what Ella put for me in the bag. There were toiletries, different products used in the shower, and clothes; two pairs of jeans, three dresses, two tops, one cardigan, panties, and three pairs of shoes. They smelled and looked nice.

In the morning, I woke up early and went to shower. Luckily, I was the only one there because I hated people seeing me naked. I quickly went back to the bedroom to get dressed.

Madam Royce, I remembered the name. The pack members were now awake and were running about.

"Hello," I waved at a young guy who didn't look too busy. He was most likely my age, with messy dark hair and a few visible tattoos on his arms. I blushed when he gave me a wide smile.

"Please tell me you're user831, cutie," he said, dark gray eyes excited.

"Hmm?" I asked, confused. He scowled, reminding me of Prince Rhaegar. My heart skipped in my chest.

Why did I think about him?

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