Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 2

As we parked in my family's driveway, I noticed Ian fidgeting with distress.

"Babe, is everything okay?" I caressed his thigh.

"Just a tad nervous," he admits. He knows everything about my family, so it seems only fitting for him to be anxious. Well, not everything, but the most outrageous thing - that we can shift into wolves.

"Just don't let them see you're blond, that really triggers their werewolf gene."

He looks at me both shocked and confused. "What? How can I not show my hair? You should've told me earlier to bring a hat or -" he stops when he notices me smiling.

We both burst into laughter.

"You..." he messes with my nose, shaking his head. Ian is a really great guy. We met at college and started dating in our second year. We've been inseparable ever since. He's so easygoing and uncomplicated. I always know where I stand with him. We're each other's support system and best friends. I am so lucky to have married my best friend.

I lay a gentle kiss against his lips and we left our Prius.

As soon as we approach the porch, the door opens and three crazy boys run into me, hugging, tugging, and lifting me! Of course, they're my brothers.

"Hey!" I shouted, laughing. "Showing off, huh? Don't let me shift, you know I can eat all three of you for breakfast!"

"Oh, yeah?" Jamie says, amused, tickling me and trying to tackle me.

That's when Dad comes out of the house. "Chill out you wannabe beasts," he shrugs them off with love in his words, and they back off immediately, still laughing.

"What a pleasant welcome!" I said honestly, walking towards my father. "I hadn't realized how badly I'd missed you guys until now." Dad met me half-way and we shared a strong, loving hug.

Even though he says nothing, I can feel his eyes piercing through Ian.

"Dad, I'd like you to meet Ian," I said as we parted and I motioned for him to approach.

"Good morning," Ian held his hand out. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you."

My dad shakes hands with him, openly checking him out. I bet he is confused with his gelled hair and perfectly groomed suit styling.

The werewolf men and women are all dark haired and tan. Most of them have dark eyes, deep brown, and some have green in them, like me. But none of them look like Ian - light tanned with blue eyes and golden hair.

"Where did you find this lady?" he finally speaks.

"Dad!" I shouted, shocked at his words. My brothers are dying out of laughter, on the other hand.

"Oh, chill out, Lily. I'm only messing with you. Come on in!"

"I'm so sorry," I mouthed to Ian as our dad gestured us into the house.

We spent the entire day talking, laughing, and eating. My brothers seem to like Ian a lot. They think he's great fun. I do, too.

My dad, on the other hand, barely spoke a few words to him. I will pin it on him missing me very much, so he is paying me his full attention. Even though deep down I knew he was hoping I would find somebody else. From the pack, preferably.

I suddenly feel like it's time to announce my engagement.

"Dad, there's something I want to tell you," I began cautiously, and looked at Ian.

I now have the attention of my brothers as well.

"Ian and I..." I nodded, "we're getting married."

My dad drops his fork and they all stare at me. Ian took my hand into his and smiled. "We would very much like to have your blessing."

My dad is still staring at me, and I notice his eyes are welling up. I can't tell the reason behind it, though, but my psychology skills tell me it isn't pure happiness.

"Well," he looks at his plate and picks his fork up, "you have it." Then he continues eating.

The awkward silence entails the table, so my brothers hurry to stuff their mouths as well. Jamie is the only one smiling. "Congratulations, Lily!" He stands up and goes around the table to squeeze me into a tight hug.

"Thank you, Jamie," I kissed his cheek.

"Congratulations," my two other brothers say as well, although not as enthusiastically as they noticed my father's dissent. "I wish you all luck," Jason adds, giving me a half smile.

"I think we should stop eating, because the party's gonna begin in two hours from now, and I don't want to be too full for the feast," Jake wanted to.

"More eating?" Ian asks, shocked, and we all burst into laughter.

"It's a werewolf thing," I explained, patting him lightly on his shoulder.

We leave our rooms to prepare for the party. I am very excited about seeing all of my friends. It's been so long since I last saw them. After having showered and brushed my teeth, I put on simple attire - tight black leather pants, a black silk blouse, and red heels. I finish off with some mascara, subtle eyeliner, and bright red lipstick.

At 8 o'clock, Simone's the first guest to arrive, along with her partner, Beta of Carter Pack. They look magnificent together. He is pretty tall and masculine, while she is petite and feminine. Although I agree with my father's statement about them not really being mates. I've seen how mates around each other and these two simply can't measure up.

"Lila!" she rushes to hug me.

"Simone, it's been so long!" I held her tightly. "You look amazing!"

"It's love that makes me look this good," she laughs and motions toward her plus one. "This is Derek. He is Darius' Beta."

"So I've heard," I held my hand out and shook hands with Derek. He has a firm handshake as expected. "I'm Lila. It is nice to meet you."


"Congratulations on snatching the best gal in our pack," I say warmly, and I mean it.

"I thought you left your pack," he says.

He makes it sound like treason.

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