Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 5

Darius manages to overpower me for a second, and it gives him just enough time to leave a bite mark on my lower arm. Nothing serious, though. I bet it won't even leave a scar.

But it enrages me, nonetheless. So I misled him again in the opposite direction and managed to get back on top of him. There, I bit his shoulder. Gently as well, but this might actually scar him for good. I am not that good at self-control when upset.

The crowd starts yelling now and both our wolves are back on our feet, heads low, snarling viciously.

I distinguish some comments from the spectators and conclude that people are overly shocked by my performance, in my humble opinion. Is it just because I'm a woman, or is everybody else so inherently bad that little Alpha hasn't found his match up until now?

We are both preparing an attack now, and I know misleading won't work anymore, so I do what he doesn't expect. Show him my real intention, approaching too fast, too soon, knowing he will think I am only playing him. And when he comes back the next time, it won't be enough.

My plan seemed to work, and as he moved his legs back for a bit, I didn't back out this time. Instead, I jumped full force on him, trapping his neck between my front legs, and I went on to push him on the ground.

"Lila... Lila, please don't do this..." a painfully familiar voice says. A voice that always calms me down.

I broke contact with Darius for just a moment, to look at Ian, but that is all it took for him to knock me down and trap into a lever. As his wolf is stronger than mine, and his position is now privileged, I know there is no way to win this fight.

Damn you, Ian.

Damned our love. Why did I have to look at you? You've no idea what you caused now...

Knowing I've lost and therefore have to submit, I force myself to professionally bow my head. Out of respect for my father.

With that motion, I announced to everyone that he won.

The crowd is relieved.

I saw my father let out a sigh. His eyes are glowing with pure pride, though. Nothing else but love and pride. He hasn't seen me in wolf form for a very long time. He must have feared I had forgotten everything he and Mother taught me. But I haven't. I never will. And at this moment, I realize, I never want to, either.

Darius' wolf lets me go off and he leads me into the woods nearby.

I decided to follow. It'll be best to talk with him in private and explain why this mate thing isn't for me.

When we are gone from other people's view, he shifts into his human form and commands me to do the same.

I unwillingly obey. What the hell?

Oh my God, I challenged an Alpha and lost. Is he now my Alpha? Am I a part of his pack?

He glances at his wounded shoulder and smirks in amusement. "Lila," he says slowly, as if testing the sound of it.

To me, this name from his mouth suddenly sounds like my favorite melody.

"Is that your name, little wolf?" he took a few steps toward me to close the big gap between us.

I take rugged breaths, trying to cover my naked body parts with my wounded hands.

He grabs both of them. "Don't hide yourself from me," he demands. "I am your mate."

I swallowed hard and quickly shifted back into my wolf, as being naked in human form with him was too much to take. It took me every ounce of my energy and self-control not to get too excited and lunge passionately at my mate. I wish I could control my thoughts, because I suspect he hears them, as ordinary pack members share thoughts. It's their way of communication.

You are right, he answers, now in his wolf form as well.

And my thoughts are confirmed. Shit! I am a part of his pack now.

You're more than a part. You are Luna, he says proudly. And may I say, your spot is rightfully deserved. He licks the blood off his wound.

Stop it! I shouted at him, shifting quickly into my human form again. I don't even mind nudity anymore, because I am as angry as I've ever been. "Get out of my head!"

He shifts back as well, this time being less arrogant. He innocently lifts his arms in defense. "I wasn't doing it on purpose. You know how it works as well as I do."

I turned and walked back to where we came from to pick up my clothes from the place we had shifted first. He walks behind me in silence. However, as I was about to leave the woods, I saw an entire crowd standing at that same spot.

I automatically freeze in place and Darius' front collides with my naked butt.

I screamed and jumped aside, covering my breasts with my hands.

He watches me shamelessly, as if it is the most normal thing in the world.

"You have the most amazing body," he says lustfully.

My nipples harden without notice and I feel wetness between my crotch. "Could you not look at me?" I try to sound enraged, but it comes off more like a plea. If I am truthful, his compliment only made me feel desirable and horny. But I would never admit that to him.

He smirks. "I'm afraid I can't look at you, even if I wanted to."

"You are a pig!" I said.

"I am no pig. I am a wolf. One that you are dying to kiss."

My lips part without my consent and I am utterly unable to pretend I am angry anymore.

"Could you at least be a gentleman and go grab a piece of fabric for me?"

He checks out my body one last time before he nods and looks me in the eye. "I can do anything and everything you want me to," he gently takes one of my hands to lay a gentle kiss on it, "Lila."

And then he leaves. And leaves me even more excited after that comment spoken in the world's sexiest voice.

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