Chapter 2
When the priest began speaking, I knew it was my cue to enter the scene.
I was nervous, but the fact that that I will live longer outweighed my fears and worries.
'I had to do this, for my family!' I silently mumbled as I took a deep breath and strolled my way inside.
"Gavin Adams! Stop! Don't do this to me! Stop this wedding, now!"
As soon as I entered the hallway, I let out a shout and everyone inside immediately turned their attention to me. Shock was evident in their faces.
My focus shifted to the front of the room, and fixed my eyes on the groom, and with his bride.
"Gavin, you know that I am pregnant. And you're the father of this child! Yet, you wanted to get married to someone else? How could you do this to me?"
I pretended that I was becoming weaker, but that wasn't entirely true. I really was weakening. The anxiety was really draining my strength, and I couldn't do anything about it.
I really hoped that they wouldn't figure out that I was just making things up.
People who had been completely silent up until a short while ago and who had attended their wedding started hushed speaking to the person sitting next to them.
Their eyes betrayed the confusion and shock that they were experiencing, especially the bride.
And yes, this is the task that I have been given by Doctor Peighton in exchange for the money that she will give me.
I needed to ruin Gavin Adams' wedding.
She only instructed me on what to do, but she did not provide even the slightest motivation for why I should carry out her instructions.
But all I needed to do to accomplish my goal was to completely sabotage their relationship, Gavin and his bride.
I felt sad about it, but I had no choice now.
The person who stood up and responded first asked Gavin, "Son, what does this mean? What was that woman talking about?" when he saw what was happening.
Another man yelled at him, saying, "Gavin Adams! How dare you do this to us, to our family, to my precious daughter!"
That was when I realized that the two men who stood up were the groom's father and the bride's father respectively.
"No, don't listen to her. Please try to remain calm. This whole thing is a lie, and I have no idea who she is," when Gavin did finally speak, he attempted to put an end to all of the commotion.
But I won't stand for that to take place.
If they went ahead with the wedding despite everything that I did, then I am a failure.
There was no way out, and I had to complete this task to the very best of my ability.
"Gavin, what are you saying? Why do you keep on rejecting the fact that you got me pregnant, huh? Do you really think that I am just lying? I have nothing to gain by making false statements. I am being completely honest here! I am pregnant, and you are the father of my child. So you better stop this nonsense ceremony now!"
I responded, thereby rebutting what Gavin had said.
"Those momentous nights, have you really forgotten about them? The nights that we made love? You had promised to spend your life with me after you'd call it quits with her! How could you possibly forget the promise that you made to me?"
I lied and made myself cry more convincingly.
Loisa, the bride, began to cry and almost fell to the ground before Gavin was able to catch her in his arms and support her.
Loisa made an effort to stand on her own, and it appeared as though she didn't want to be held by Gavin because of the things that she had heard, which made her feel disgusted.
I believe that her mother was the woman who walked into the room where she was standing.
"A promise after calling it quits with me, really Gavin? You made love with another woman? You played tricks on me! How dare you! You cheated on me, under my nose!"
Loisa blurted out. She looked stunning in her wedding gown and was a perfect bride.
The appearance that she is currently showing is inappropriate for today's occasion.
"Who is she? Tell me, Gavin!"
She reiterated the statement with a voice that was quaking with insanity.
"Loisa, listen to me. That woman and I are not communicating in any way. I really don't know her. It wasn't possible for me to spend the night with her," he said to her while trying to comfort her and pointing his finger in my direction.
Initially, he was making an effort to keep his composure, but by this point, he was beginning to lose it as well.
He was completely incapable of containing his rage, which was plain to see in his eyes.
"You made a promise to be with me, but now you're going back on your word and marrying her. I had no intention to do this but I am hurting, so I had to come all the way over here to stop the wedding! You said you are solely mine and you'll be a great husband and father!"
It's hard for me to tell if what I just said is accurate.
Despite the fact that everything I did from the very beginning on was wrong, I had no choice.
I have no other option if I want to keep living like this.
"Shut up you whore! You're not the one I'm interested in hearing from!"
I was taken aback for a second by what the bride had said, but I didn't let them know that I was surprised by her because I didn't want them to think suspicious of me.
She confronted Gavin with the question, "Tell me, when did you start cheating on me? When did you start playing tricks on me, Gavin! Have you made love with her? Have you made flings with other women while we're in a relationship?"
"Loisa, look… I really..."
'That's it Gavin, keep it that way. You have now assisted me in putting an end to this wedding.' I murmured silently.
"I mean…" he stutteringly began, but his bride interrupted him before he could finish.
"You were unaware, were you? Therefore, it was not impossible. You had earlier stated that you were positive that you were not familiar with her, but now that you have responded to my inquiry, you are unsure about this."
That is exactly what I am referring to, and the groom did not pick the appropriate word to use because the bride was intelligent enough to think in this manner.
"No honey, please, that is not the case. I was not familiar with her at all, and I did not sleep—"
Because Loisa's hand flew up and hit him in the face, he was unable to finish what he was trying to say.