Rebel orcs
"Are you listening? The orcs just arrived," he said, without stopping to look at me.
"What? Have the orcs arrived?" I asked, feeling my throat dry, my mind still immersed in a whirlwind of thoughts, my heart agitated, and my lips tingling from the recent kiss. I had just kissed my people's worst enemy. Not only that, but I should have been horrified, frightened, and repudiated, but I could only stare at his lips, wanting more.
"Yes, they're already a few meters away, I can feel it," he said heavily as he rubbed his nose against my face, inhaling the scent of my skin. "Holy shit, I didn't know witches smelled so good."
I was so flushed with that comment that I sighed softly, wanting him to continue, wanting him to take me completely, but he slowly moved his face away from mine. "We'd better stop here so we can welcome our little friends outside, but I want to continue later," he said, kind of asking. I just looked at him without being able to say anything.
When he removed his body from me when he got up, I hated it because I immediately missed him. He extended his hand to me to help me get up, and at that moment I could already hear guttural sounds coming from outside that belonged to the orcs who had just joined us. It was as if they were celebrating because their trap had worked and caught prey.
"What are they going to do to us? Are they going to kill us and eat us then?" I asked fearfully while adjusting my clothes and my hair, which looked more like a bird's nest on my head.
"Most of the time, orcs feed on wild animals and humans, but with the scarcity of humans in this region, I would say they would eat us," the werewolf replied, making my eyes widen slightly.
"By the Great Wizard! I don't want to become orc food!" I was so scared, the network of spiked stakes was starting to be removed up there.
"Well, I intend to talk to them. Orcs are in eternal debt to the wolves, they will certainly free us," he said, looking at the crack of the hole above.
"What if they don't let us?" I asked, already anticipating the worst. Sedrik looked at me, smiled a little cynically, and replied.
"Then there will be bloodshed."
The orcs threw us a rope down there, and we climbed out quickly. I almost fell back into the pit when I was already in the crack of the hole because I had slipped, but Sedrik held me tight by the arm and hoisted me out of the pit. I was so grateful.
There were about ten orcs surrounding us, they were bipedal monsters with an animalistic appearance, with large canines erupting from their gums out of their wide and terrifying mouths. They were muscular and strong, and they could easily crush any creature with a hug. They were looking at us, and they didn't seem friendly.
"You are not human," one of them who looked like the leader said, his voice was as rough as grease, his eyes analyzed us, and in his hands were heavy-bladed weapons that would easily crush the skulls of his enemies.
"Don't leave me behind, witch," Sedrik said to me so quietly, and I nodded slightly. It was obvious that I wasn't going to get out from behind him.
"As you can see, we are not humans," he now said out loud. "Who is your leader?" He wanted to know.
"Who speaks?" The same orc who spoke first asked now.
"I am Sedrik Moonwalker, Alpha leader of the Luna pack," Sedrik said, and I could see some commotion from the orcs, some moving away as if in fear and shock, others with angry expressions already knowing they had missed their meal for the day.
"And what would Sedrik Moonwalker be doing on this side of the forest?" The orc asked. "Don't you know that wolves can't cross the barrier?
Sedrik glanced at me and said, "I was following a little rabbit." The orcs clearly didn't understand anything. "It was unpredictable, and my mate and I ended up falling into one of his traps." I blinked my eyes slightly. Had Sedrik just called me his mate?
"That seems too off-guard for Sedrik Moonwalker," the orc sneered, then flicked his eyes toward me. "She has such white skin, she looks so pure. Why do you call her your mate, since she's not a werewolf?" The orc taunted.
"That matter doesn't concern you," Sedrik said in a reprimanding tone. "I can see that you are a bunch of troublemakers who don't give a shit about your leader, but I'm going to warn you once. Let me and my mate leave in peace, and no one will get hurt." He was now harsh and demanding.
"Yes, you can leave, Sedrik. Even though the Claw isn't happy with what some of your own did to their women, you have a lot to deal with before venturing into orc traps," the orc said as if he were mocking him, and the other orcs who were with him laughed.
"Then open the way!" Sedrik demanded.
"Of course, but the woman stays. We are hungry and need to eat something, we can play with her first, and then we feed from her." They were excited about this idea, and I bit my lip, shaking in fear.
"No, please. Don't hurt me…" I asked, already starting to feel heavy tears leaving my eyes.
"No dealings, orcs, either you let us both go or else you will die in my clutches!" Sedrik threatened, but those orcs seemed to like trouble, they weren't backing down.
Then what appeared to be their leader shouted, "Attack!" And they raised their weapons, heading towards Sedrik.
However, Sedrik didn't even give them time to think straight; he had already transformed into a powerful wolf and ripped out the throat of one of the orcs. It was all a blur, and everything happened too quickly. The ferocious wolf stuck its sharp claws into the chest of one orc and slit the other's throat in a single movement. The wolf was fierce, mythical, and primordial—a killing machine. I was watching a real Alpha in action, and he was merciless.
But there were more than ten orcs, and Sedrik was just a wolf, so the orcs managed to attack him too, piercing him with their sharp stakes and even biting him, and as much as Sedrik seemed to be holding on, I knew he wouldn't hold on forever. I had to do something to help him.
But what was I going to do? I was a damn witch with no magic at all, practically a human. I hated myself so much that there wasn't even a shred of magic inside me. How I hated myself... Sedrik was hurt, and the orcs were huddled over him like hyenas wanting to tear a chunk of flesh from a prey. Although Sedrik was still fighting, I needed to do something. I wasn't going to let Sedrik die.
I could feel extreme fear coming from inside me. I wasn't going to lose Sedrik. Furthermore, I wouldn't let it! I felt a bubbling sensation coming from inside me, as if coming from the confines of my soul, it was hot and unbearable, and I was feeling sick. Suddenly, a thunderous scream came from me, and I saw a wave of energy being released from me. The wave of energy swept everything that was standing meters away, the orcs were all motionless on the ground, and the wolf too.
I felt sick; I had no strength; I felt my legs give way, and I fell to the ground motionless.