Chapter 4
Aureus, the Fallen One
I looked out the top floor window of my high-rise office. Though it was tented, the color of the world below was still my empire… It was the tallest in this sleepy city. I could see the glint of the river’s reflection from here. And with the setting sun, would come what I wanted most.
Blood on my hands. It made me growl a little. I silently cursed myself for doing so, since my secretary was mortal… Thankfully Terra didn’t hear me… If I hadn’t dismissed her early like l do every year, I would have had to kill her.
That went for Every mortal. They were weak, delicious things, but they were also protected.
By Law, they were safe so long as they were ignorant and on human or neutral lands… This was My land, but within the Human city of Indianapoly. Killing Too Many here would attract the Church, or just as bad the Secret Police, the organization made by the Kings to keep the Treaty’s peace… the other reason why I dismissed the mortals today. Nearly every human left in this area sat underneath a security camera…. It would deter my visitors.
Nearly every strong male of any Real standing was already checked into my hotel across the street. There were only 9 finalists this year. At first, hundreds came, but they all left in stitches. But now, Thousands came to Watch and even more streamed in the comfort of their homes on my private site and server.
“Lord Aureus.” Bowed my second in command, though I did not own such a title. One would think that, being the First son of Saiyatok, the Dragon King, the fucking First Dragon, that at the Very Least, that I was a Prince.
He gave me no such title, nor did he add the draconic word of ‘Sai’ or High Lord to my people in my name. I was not Sai’Aureus… Saiyataureus… nor any other name.
He did not claim me, nor did most drakes. But I could not fully blame him…
Historically I was a footnote, a Joke…. Shame…
For why would I? Why would history hold me with any esteem…. One who denied their god the mass bloodshed required to accomplish Nothing… nor the foolish mortals in their defense. Everything and everyone who’d come and gone in this long life, if they were of drake’s blood and they depended on me, they were dust.
I was looked down on and talked to with Pitied breath.
But Here I was My Own King.
I stood overlooking this boring, sleepy city. I’d at least made a name for myself here as plain as it was and as much as I missed my old one… but it was better that I threw it in the mass grave of my family…
Let it too die there.
There was nothing I could claim from it other than trouble.
“Speak Atlas.” I said seeing him tense up from the corner of my eye. He was usually a calm blue drake. He was one I could trust in our little flock of about 10 or so. His green eyes reflected the sunset, as did my teal ones.
With witch’s coaching, I learned how to blend in with humans with this form, and speak their language. However, I was not one of them, so I could not linger.
“Your tournament… someone of royal lineage entered.” He said as if it would upset me.
“Who is he?” I asked thinking I heard him wrong.
“She’s a She sir.” He corrected. “… Her name is Grace H. Charred holding the title of Charred One. She is not only one of the grandchildren of the Wolf King, but she is also blood of the Horned One.” He said passing me the file.
“I do know of his people… They are with honor.” I said looking at her file.
I’d never seen a woman with so many titles. The Charred One was her title, but the Horned Wolf was her species. I’d never heard of that before. She was not Just blessed by the Adversary, she was his literal kin. Her mother was Third Princess of the Wolf King, and her father was the God of Justice. It made her a demigoddess as much as she was a princess.
I don’t think I ever wanted to spar with someone so bad.
I also wondered was she the temptress in my dreams…
“The nobles stayed out of my games because they were too busy ruling the world like a child with an ant farm. I want to see for myself what she’s made of.” I snarled. “Schedule me as her final fight.”
The service elevator at the end of the hall could go into the basement, a place that technically didn’t exist.
The well-lit tunnel went under the street and into a large building that hosted the Red Room event… I’d never been in a Red Room, as my life was lived in a pack, not a human city. Those were usually big concrete, soundproof rooms in cities. They were made for fights and dispute settling within human territory. It was the only place a supernatural could go and not be seen by someone who shouldn’t know we are here.
I was in my fighting clothes, just a black pair of bike shorts, and a tank that had a built-in sports bra. We were given special room keys that opened that elevator, and led down to the basement. I figured that would be the best place to Try teleporting myself like my uncle had suggested.
Since it was locked, no human would accidently see. Also, if I made a mistake and wound up at the bottom of the shaft, I wouldn’t be in view of humans.
I used the key and allowed my mind to clear. I’d never been to that spot before, but I imagined that I was on solid ground below my current position, and 100 feet forward. I hoped that wasn’t too much. The technique he taught me would basically put me back in the elevator if it was.
But that didn’t mean it wouldn’t hurt slapping my face into a wall before bouncing back.
“3..2..1..” I whispered to myself.
It worked.
The thin, but well lit tunnel revealed a grand lobby, filled to the brim with not only people buying tickets, stands, and merchandise, but also bets… It seemed though that I was the underdog. This event had been going on for decades now, and with a prize of 20 million for the winner, 40 if he could best the champion; everyone was Hyped.
So Much money was funneled into this…. Yet so few entered because of how brutal it got.
Golden Financials’ basement seemed to have as much space below as it did above ground…. This place was Huge, 70 stories tall at least, and down here there were vendors before the waiting area for the registered. I had to ride an elevator down two floors to wait for the event to even start.
It was said that the sponsor also held a large cash for gold loan service, as well as his hands in banking, though the building’s claim to fame was financial management and investment.
Because of that I suspected the sponsor of the event was likely a goblin or troll. Their people dominated banking and transportation. He was also probably some spoiled rich child of a noble throwing money around to be entertained.
It actually surprised me that my uncle allowed this to exist. That went for the Kings of supernatural creatures as well. Whatever race he was would determine who would audit and disband this, however it must not have broken any rules.
It technically allowed any race, including humans, but if a human knew of our peoples, then by default they were either a member of the Church of the Light, an officer or an illegal human vigilante called a Headhunter.
My phone buzzed. My father texted that it was being streamed through invitation only online. I sent him the code. He accepted that this was my decision, and like the rest of my family, they were excited to know I was here to make them proud.
I worked Hard… not just on the island either. Many of my days were spent doing what had to be done to be Able to compete. I’d wondered for a while now how well I would fare too. There were only 9 combatants including me, with the champion being the 10th, however, all I knew was his title.
‘The Fallen One’ sounded enticing.
I guess I should thank my uncle for that.
I should also thank him for aiding me in my first big teleport…. And the registration. It was already done. All I had to do was go to the designated challenger room, sit in the brown leather chair, and look at the 90 inch TV. There was a waitress here, along with dark oak tables that had a great menu for alcohol, human blood for vampires, man’s meat, or food for everyone else. It looked like a sports bar being dimly lit, though down here I didn’t order anything. I wanted to stay alert. I sat in the back, eying everyone else who slowly entered.
One smelled of bull, meaning he was a minotaur. They were half beast… half man. It’s said that their personality is like tossing a coin. Some were born mindless, while others weren’t. The other was an elf, though he was not built like one. He also smelled of dragon looking lean, but muscled. He had to have been a hybrid.
The next contender was an Alpha, I could tell by his cocky stance sizing everyone up. Since I was sitting, he wouldn’t know that I was currently taller, and likely stronger than him. With a glance I knew he wasn’t my mate: he was already marked and I thanked the gods for it. He looked like a stereotypical Alpha minded male, but he was at least somewhat respectful to me.
He said nothing but he did bow in my direction, sitting by himself as we all did. Everyone seemed to be ready to fight at any moment, but it only seemed he knew who I was. That was common. Other races didn’t really follow other creature’s circles. It also helped that I didn’t serve in the royal courts, nor did I attend unless I was dragged to.
The other opponents flooded in as the announcer came on the screen…. All except the Champion. He had his own viewing booth with tented windows. The camera panned his direction, but nothing could really be seen in there.
The arena was more like just concrete ground with a large circle painted, though the blue clothed seats were made like ones you’d sit in at a baseball stadium. They looked comfortable, and at least 25 thousand people were here. The Tv’s roar of fans on screen was surreal. I could hear the cheers as the announcer waved his hand to make his introduction.
The blue haired male stood in the center of the circle. He looked over to the left before he grinned.
He breathed fire, which the crowd went wild for too… he was likely a Ham.
“Ladies and Gentleman, welcome to the 506th annual Tournament of Gold, now owned and sponsored by Golden Financial. ‘Trust the Golden Touch’. The Rules are Simple. Each registered combatant is paired until there’s only One! The finalist has the chance of fighting my lord, The Fallen One and Twenty Million Dollars. No magic, no powers, no time limit. The match is over after submission, knockout, or death.” He snarled. “If you can best my lord, you may double your winnings!”