Chapter 6
We both stood there dazed for a moment. The bell rang, but neither of us had any banter. I was frozen in time for a few seconds, looking at his chiseled face and stubbled chin. He looked as if he were an Alpha. He was a walking statue, eyeing me, claiming me with those electric greenish blue eyes, that slowly turned the color of flames….. He looked me up and down as he paced around me slowly, assessing me as if I were meat in a market.
“I will give you one last chance. Submit and remain in the tournament. Accept, and face Me.” He said sternly.
The authority in his voice made me almost bow. His accent was light, but European. Of where specifically I couldn’t tell, but possibly, it was from the Eastern part of Europe… However, his skin did not match that area. He was not pale. His perfectly honey skin could be glazed over toast.
There was a hush over the crowd. Everyone wanted to know what I would do.
“As if I would submit so easily.” I said with a smirk, finding my legs almost move on their own.
He took slow confident steps, holding a sparring stance once he got to the center. He grinned as well. It seemed he was not going to take me seriously, though I could tell we were evenly matched. With the first swing, I dodged, but I could feel the heat from it. He was no longer an arrogant drake; he was an opponent.
I countered with a kick that he caught, and pushed to the side, but I could tell that it connected enough that he knew I wasn’t ‘playing’. His glare was determined, though his touch was conflicted.
It felt as if I danced with molten metal when he slowly came at me. He was fluid in his movements, countering everything I had to throw at him, dodging each earnest blow I gave him with ease.
Each touch left a trailing tingle, one that I could not ignore. It grew until I could almost take no more of it, but he came at me still. He was almost gentle with his motions, as if he didn’t want to continue, deflecting them with little effort….
“Submit.” He snarled. The growl after was draconic, but it was not a language I understood, at least not much of it….. They had no sway with our people… if he were a king, I would not have to bend the knee… but to his voice alone I nearly submitted, knowing that even with help, I doubt I would fare any better than what I was already doing.
As only the wolf, I imitated mortal form, being the woman he smirked so sinisterly upon. I felt like a hiding fawn under the gaze of one so fierce…so confident…
“Show me you are Alpha. Prove to me that I am to bend the knee, and I will gladly, otherwise watch out.” I smiled. I didn’t want to continue either, but if I surrendered… I don’t think he would take me seriously. I didn’t want to be labeled as just some princess….
We interlaced our fingers, and we had a pushing match. He was strong, and would not budge, however neither of us made any headway. We were evenly matched, meaning that either shifting would show the difference, or a mistake would.
With a spin he broke out of it without any effort on his part, but I was not done. We sparred hand to hand for a while until I found myself on the ground. He had me by only one arm as he sat on top of my back, as heavy as he was.
“Surrender woman.” He snarled. I almost did if not for my determination and pride.
I wiggled, managing to get out of the pin, but he still had my wrist. If he were a lesser man, he could have broken it, but instead he let go as I pinned him now. I had both his hands behind his back as I sat on him. I leaned into his ear, and the crowd went wild.
“My Name is Grace.” I snarled with the same energy as he had.
I could see goosebumps form on his arms. He attempted to take his arm from my grip, but I wouldn’t let him. He yanked with all his might from such an awkward position, but he surprised me. Instead of using his free claws to attack, he did something else.
He took his hand out mine, and tapped the ground.
The bell rang, and the deafening screams of the crowd around as my hand was lifted in the air had me in a daze… The scent of the dragon still lingered in my mind, and seeing him step out and over to the side caught my attention.
“Meet me on the 9th floor. Come as you are.” He said sundering away…. He walked off as if he didn’t lose.
I watched him walk away… so calm… so unaffected by everything around him…. whereas I felt almost out of my element. I wasn’t used to the audience and roaring crowd…. The lights were hot, and I was surrounded by reporters that now wanted to interview me….
I got Away from all that before I was held up. I ran walked to the elevator and I galloped down the secret tunnel to my room…. Here there wasn’t anyone to bother me.
Here I could collect some semblance of thought. There was No way I would go Anywhere smelling like sweat, and wolf…
And I had Nothing Formal!
Or did I? When did that red dress get here? On the bed was a slim red dress, some heals, and a glittery red hairband…. I really don’t remember packing this, but it was a welcome discovery.
I sat alone in the crowded banquet hall. It was a respectable restaurant here designed for dining with our elite accounts. Since it was past ‘closing hours’, there were no humans around. That meant that those after the fights could enjoy dining without restriction… I never understood why they kept the laws in place… I remember the old days….
Then I could hunt freely, without restriction. Whatever I wanted, I did. Just because I disagreed with the war by no means was I a saint…. But out there I was also an outcast for my neutral choices…. Why was I thinking of that again? In here I was my Own king. In here, none questioned me, and none could defeat me…
Except her…
I’d been here so many times, I had the menu memorized…. But then it was just business…. Here … this time …. I sat here with a false stoicism that I could not drop for any in my presence.
But then why was I nervous? Why couldn’t I remember a single damned thing I usually order? I’m a dragon for Night’s sake. I guess because I was so sure….
I was still taken aback at the woman I would make my wife.
My mind was made up. I’d never felt this way before… I Thought I knew love… I thought I knew what a bond was… but nothing paled in comparison to her touch…. Her scent… It made me forget my past if only for a moment….
What was wrong with me….
“My lord.” Said Atlas, lightly tapping my shoulder. I didn’t know how long he was here, but I did appreciate what he’d given me. In his right hand, he held a suit and tie for me to quickly put on in the bathroom, as I could bet money Grace went to put on something nice…
“I assume you wish to ask me about the prize money for the second and third place?” I said with a raised brow.
“Not just that…. Sir…. You threw that match…” He said not saying what he wanted to.
“I don’t care.” I growled which got other’s attention around me. For those who weren’t drakes, they had no idea I was just annoyed at his comment. “If I’d have put 100 million on the table, 300, 500, I could have that back in a day.” I said firmly.
I was literally made of money having scales made of actual gold. For fuck’s sake, standing on my back legs, I could touch my nose to the 20th floor if I Really stretched my neck out.
I took the opportunity to signal my waiter to give me a glass of water, and he scampered off to do it.
“My lord… we flock follow you.” Atlas bowed and left. I did as well, so I could put the black suit on.
He probably wanted to say that I should pick from the many females he’d shown me over the years. I’d tell him to go fuck himself. It may be that in our culture, we acquire a concubine or two. My people more or less buy their women with doweries, and most drakes see them as tools… For most, their courtesans are almost transactional…. for most, females are a means to continue a strong line with a strong dragoness, but this was different… She was different. I didn’t Care that she was a werewolf.
And I know the royal line… they will see this as a power play…. Not love…
I sat back down hiding how perturbed I was… no one would accept this.
But to be fair, I don’t know why I even bother. She’s not coming, and if she does, it’s to reject me. I hold no status. Someone with so much would not pair with one who only has money.
I played with the straw a bit when the waiter gave it to me with a bow. He probably thought I was a sore loser, but in reality…. I’d never wanted a woman in my bed so bad…. I didn’t want the world to see something meant for her.
I paid 40 million dollars for her Not to see my dick… I’m an idiot.
And almost on cue she looked ravishing….
In a long red dress, she approached somewhat timidly. The lightly glittering dress and elegant gate made her namesake befit her perfectly, almost gliding across the room like a horned ballerina. She didn’t look fierce here… she looked like a sheepish, shy woman that I wanted to wrap under my wings and protect.
I suddenly felt awkward. I didn’t know whether to stand or remain seated, so I did what dragons do. I got up and fumbled letting the chair out for her. “Good evening.” I said as confidently as I could.
“Good evening.” She shook my hand, but I pulled her in for a kiss. I tried to be aloof and silent, but that wasn’t possible… she looked too cute with her hair down, so long and flowy… she smelled so Good… I had to taste her.
It was what I’d wanted to do since I saw her..., and she responded with a wolfish growl.... “Mate…” She mumbled, hugging me. Her words confirmed it…
“…. I didn’t want to believe that you know.” I admitted. I really didn’t… especially for what it meant.
She was here to reject me after all, but I would take it in stride. Why would she want a dragon, one who could offer her only trinkets and no status.