Chapter 9


I slept for about 5 hours, and it was noonish when I got up. I could hear the chatter of humans all around me, as most supernatural creatures were likely either enjoying the town, or hanging out with their own people or in vampire run supernatural inns.

Lord Victor, King of the Vampires had one in Tennessaw, it wouldn’t be too far of a stretch to find more like that all over the country. With the law to protect them, and the eating of man flesh so common, it was safer for both parties anyway.

I yawned, looking for my damn phone. But to be fair, I would have slept longer if not for the thing. It was on vibrate, but with it so close to my head, it may as well could have been ringing proper. I fumbled around, knocking over the comically large, folded poster check; the real money was already wired to my account.

When I got to it, I’d missed the call, but my brother texted me congratulations. Tyson was busy as always, but supportive as he could be. He watched the tournament start to finish, along with everyone in the royal court because he’d ordered a TV be brought into the Wolf Council Room… I would expect nothing less.

I got up and took a shower, though now my phone blew up from my family wishing me well, and wondering when I would come to visit. Since it was custom to stay with your mate once you found him, and they knew he was a dragon, they doubted he would stay in the pack with me.

They figured right. I did at least try though. It would have been fun to have that same simple life with my soon to be bonded mate, though …. In both our rush we forgot to share contact information. It wouldn’t be a stretch just to go next door and say hello.

As it was, I knew where He Was, but not the other way around. I could bet money that he frothed himself into a frenzy looking for the number I forgot to give. I sighed with a small smile. I decided since I was going into a large firm, I should put on my best… So it would have to be the dress again, but I did have a cardigan and some leggings to make it work.

I didn’t care what I wore, but those around him would. It would only be fair that my first impression to his subordinates be proper anyway. With the plan I had, I took a shower, brushed my teeth, and let my hair be loose. With a few shakes it was detangled, and I reused the headband. The red dress became a shirt when tucked in, and I closed the cardigan that it looked like my outfit was planned. I didn’t wear makeup though. I hated the way it felt on my skin, but I did have some pink lip-gloss.

I got my backpack-purse that held my information, and this time I walked across the street, not through the tunnel. I would have to interact with humans, something I wasn’t looking forward to, but I never had any issue with them. Granted I had never stayed in a human hotel, nor interacted with them much… except for Noah. He was the mate of a supernatural king, the Half-Beast King, Jerold the minotaur…. It was only natural that he would be nice.

No one bothered me when I left out my room either. I could have teleported across the street, but it was broad daylight… I had to wait for the light. I was excited as I was last night to see him… and I silently cursed myself that I sounded like a pup!

I was basically a hundred for Night’s sake!

I wiped the smile off my face so I could stoically enter, and I turned heads. I was able to shrink a bit with magic to 6’5, taller than most Alphas, but at least something believable…. I towered over them all… they were so small… it was weird. I didn’t like it, and I made a note that if I had to interact with anyone, that I would be as Gentle as Possible.

As it was I felt like I was holding an egg when I touched the metal bars on the double glass doors. This building was made of mostly glass by the looks of it upon entering, which was ironic, since drakes weighed several tons…. Plus, I was sure that since the leader of this place was a drake, there was a good chance that other supernatural creatures worked here as well.

Through the vast lobby held mostly humans. They were taking files to other places by hand or at the coffee shop at the right side of the building. The center held a brass and marble elevator, one that literally looked to be polished gold. It shined in the morning light, that dappled all the stone around me on the marble floors below. On the left held a large, dark wooden reception desk. It was semicircular, with brass accents in the form of two striped lines above the matching marble countertop.

The receptionist was a human. I figured that would complicate things… since I hadn’t thought this far ahead…..

“Hi, how can I help you today?” Asked the brunette.

She was the only one in her burgundy uniform, while a red haired shifter guard stood behind her. Oddly enough he smelled like bear, a very rare shifter found mostly in Eastern Europe and Asia.

“I need to go to the top floor. Can you buzz Aureus? Tell him Grace Charred is here to see him.” I said professionally.

“Oh?” She said with a button press.

“She mean’s Mr. Midas.” Said the guard, using his earpiece to talk with someone.

She also spoke with someone, likely his personal secretary. This looked like the kind of place that would have one for every major manager. “Take the middle elevator.”

“Thank you.” I smiled leaving … that was easy. He must have left a note or something.

But just in case I was smart about it. If I said his ‘mate’ or ‘wife’, I doubt I would have been allowed to go forward. We hadn’t made it official, nor had either of us marked each other, so even the bear shifter would likely give me a hard time.

I didn’t want a scene down here either. That would look bad for both of us. I may have been only the wolf, but this time I would have to swallow my instincts. I went into the suspiciously golden elevator, and I pressed the 80th floor button. It blinked white three times before turning green. There was also a line and a key slot at the 60th floor mark, so I could only guess that those were the offices of the supernaturals.

I said nothing to the key holding human inside. It seemed they did that as an act of power… It said to other supernaturals that he was so confident, that he trusted access to him with a human.

It went up so fast that it only took about 90 seconds at the most to get up here, all the while it smelled of magic. I wouldn’t be surprised if they added magical components to make it a smoother ride.

The glass lobby once I stepped out had nearly a 360 view of the city…. I could even see a glint of the river from here. The only thing that stopped my gaze was a wooden wall decorated with a golden statue in the shape of a golden dragon. The scales looked almost real, and the swirling resin fire design from his mouth was the company’s logo. Scales were in the middle of the fire, my uncle’s god symbol since drakes were made by him, in a ring of fire. The Sign of the Sun God and the Horned One were equal on those scales.

My Uncle’s symbol had become almost an icon as of late. Since he ruled the planet, it was a secret way that creatures showed their support of his decisions, that they were supernatural, and that it was a place of commerce for both mortal and supernatural alike.

The river could be seen faintly as I walked to the secretary desk labeled ‘Terra Thorton’. Her desk glowed from this angle in the polarized glass, and the glittering sparkle reminded me of the nature this town lacked. I was raised in the woods… hunted in some of the least touched lands in the country, but I grounded myself.

The desk of his secretary shined almost as bright as the river. She too was human.

“How can I help you?” Terra asked, looking at her schedule, but she tisked when she couldn’t find me. “Can I get your name; I don’t see that Mr. Midas has an appointment for the rest of the day.”

“I’m Grace Charred. I’m here to see Mr. Midas.” I smiled.

She pushed a little button, and I could hear my mate’s annoyed, gruff voice. “Yeah?” He asked a little sharply.

“There’s a Grace Char-” He cut her off.

“Buzz her in. Thank you, Terra. You may take off for the day, paid of course.” He said as if he were smiling.

“Oh, of course sir!” She said excitedly, and she saw his advances before she left.

I walked in, and the moment I went through the door, he pinned me against the wall, and kissed me. It was hot and passionate, while each of us held growls. He was a dragon in nan’s clothing, and I was a wolf walking on two legs.

“I’m sorry I didn’t get your number.” He said with a smile, attacking my neck. He then pulled away. “Also forgive me for not courting you properly.” He took me by both hands, and I saw the legitimate regret from him. “Sorry that I do not court you properly my lady….” He said ashamed.

I smiled. “I thank you for your consideration.”

He returned it though for a moment he seemed almost nervous. “I formally request interaction with you, Lady Grace.”

There was no way I could deny his old-fashioned sentiment. He was old, probably as old as grandfather, the Wolf King by the way he bowed, with his left hand over his stomach.

“Of course Lord Midas.” I giggled a little. We both shared a small laugh, because his mortal name referred to his golden hair.

“I thought the pun would be funny.” He admitted.

… it felt like I was floating on air being near him. “I wonder what else of yours is golden?”

“Oh?” He asked…. “My body is yours to see for yourself.” He said seductively.

I kissed him, pulling his tie. It was then that he snarled, not caring if anyone heard…. It made me … really wet. I began rubbing my hands under his suit and all over his scarred body.

I didn’t know about dragons… but with wolves, the urge to mate and mark your one is strong…. And I had no human side to stop me.

A/N the next chapter will be Spicy.

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