Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Work Trip

I started to set up my new laptop and got signed in. To think that I am going to have to set up all new email accounts. That means even a new work account. That is going to be a nightmare. I get started and call my boss to let him know that I will have to set up a new work account. Then I got started and got it all done. Once I did that I started setting up a new personal email and sent that to Mom and Nigel. I  got all the applications set up and printed off all the emails that were in my old accounts then deleted the accounts. Next, I got my photo synchronized with my laptop. Finished getting all that done and I still had to plan my idea out for my article. Which I knew wouldn't be easy. I didn’t like not having a game plan for when I traveled. It always made me feel like a beginner again. Even though I have been doing this now for a few years. Now time to type out the agenda for my trip and then get a shower and dinner then to bed.

So I started my research on the Salem witch trials. I was headed to the Province of Massachusetts Bay. This travel piece was going to be about the history of the witch trials, but I wasn’t sure where to start. List of things.

Day 1

1 Check in to Cambridge House Inn

2 Check out the restaurants

3 Visit The Davers (Salem Village) Witch Trials Memorial

4 Visit the Witch House

5 Back to Cambridge House Inn

Day 2

1 Check in to the Longwood Inn

2 Check out restaurants

3 Visit Salem Witch Trials Memorial, the 4th

4 Visit Proctor’s Ledge & Memorial

5 Back to Longwood Inn

Day 3

1 Check in to Daniels House Inn

2 Check out Restaurants

3 Visit the Salem Witch Museum

4 Visit the Salem Wax Museum

5 Back to Daniels House Inn

Day 4

1 Gather my notes

2 pack to leave

3 Catch an early flight back

Now that I have a rough idea of what my agenda will be and the timeline, I feel a little better. I emailed it to my boss and family and made sure they all understood it was just a rough idea about how long I would be gone. It would also give me a few extra days to write my article up to be how I wanted it to be without being in a rush. I figured now I would take my shower and then come out to make dinner. As I was taking my shower it felt a little off for some reason. I couldn’t figure out why, but I brushed it off as I’m still a little jumpy from the other stuff that happened. I get out and put my jammies on and then go to the kitchen to get something to eat when my phone rings. I look at it and it’s Mom.

“Hey Mom, What’s up?”

“I was just calling to check to see how you were doing tonight?”

“I’m a little jumpy but I’m good. I was just about to make myself something to eat before going to bed since I have to be up early and I know you will be here in the morning.”

“Yes, I will be there in the morning. I think your sister is coming with me but I’m not sure. I will let you get back to it and sleep well. Call me if you need anything.”

“Bye Mom and I will” and I hung up the phone and went back to get some food. When I looked at the clock it was already nine pm. I couldn’t get over how fast the day went.  I just wanted something light that wasn’t too heavy on my stomach. So I made a sandwich and soup. It was nice I sat down at the table and started eating and just thinking about all that had happened. About all that I have learned so far. I plan to take the second book to start reading. I finished the first and took a lot of notes. Plus, I figured some of this stuff would help me with my article without really telling the whole truth so I wouldn’t get in trouble or get my family in trouble. Finished eating and did the dishes. I grabbed the book to read a little before I fell asleep. The first book tells about each species and the second book is about the main rules and the rules of each species. I would have never thought there would have been so much to learn about all of this. But, damn there is so much After reading for a little while I put the book down and turned off the light. I was just starting to fall asleep when I heard someone messing with my door. I grabbed my baseball bat and walked into the living room towards the door. I looked into the peephole and couldn’t tell who it was. So I opened the door and gave the person a scare. The woman looked up at me, screamed and backed away from my door.

“Why are you trying to get into my apartment?" I asked her.

“I was trying to get into my apartment and why are you in it?” The woman asked

“Ms. This is my apartment and has been for five years now. I think you have the wrong apartment.” I told her

“This is apartment 405 right?” She asked in a shaky voice

“No, this is 505 on the top floor. Which is my apartment. You need to go down to the floor.” I said and closed the door and relocked it back up even putting the chain on. As I walked back to my room, I started thinking that this had never happened before. It took me a while to fall back to sleep. It seemed like no sooner than I got back to sleep it was time to get back up to get ready to leave. I also knew Mom would be here soon.  So I would tell her what happened last night and what she thinks. Before I call Officer Jon and let him know. I jumped into the shower to wake up and then got dressed in just a simple outfit. I knew it was going to be a long day for me since  I didn't get much sleep. Just as I finished getting dressed there was a knock at my door and I was sure it was my mother. I walked to the door and undid all the locks. Opened the door and there stood Officer Jon and my mother.

“Oh, Officer Jon, what a surprise.”

“I didn’t mean to bother you this early, but I had a few questions. That is if you don’t mind?” Officer Jon asked

“Well if you can ask them quickly, it is fine. I have to catch a flight in an hour and a half.”

“Oh, I didn’t know you were going on vacation, or is this for work?”

“It’s for work. Your question?”

“Oh yes, do you get along with all your neighbors?”

“Well, the ones across the hall I do, but the one down further I don’t know since I am not home a lot.”

“Do you travel a lot?”

“Yes, I do. I’m a travel writer.”

“Okay, I see. Well, I think that is it for now. Sorry if I took up so much of your time.”

“Officer Jon, the night someone tried to get into my apartment. She said she lived in the building on the 4th floor in room 405. I told her she was on the 5th floor and was at the wrong apartment. But nothing has happened to me in the five years that I have lived here. I thought you should know.”

“Thank you for telling me and I will look into that while you are gone. Do you know when you will be back in case I have any more questions?”

“I’m usually gone for a week but this trip looks like it will only take about four days, but you never know.”

“That’s good to know. Well, have a good trip, and let me know if anything happens that may relate to what happens here.”  Then my mom showed him out.

I finished getting ready, and Mom was doing something related to that protection spell she said she wanted to do. As I walked back out to the room with my bag to go to the airport, Mom handed me a necklace in the shape of a panther.

“Put this on and don’t take it off. This charm will protect you as long as you wear it.”

“It’s pretty Mom. I will not take it off. But I have to go. I’m running late. Lock it up when you leave and I will see you when I get back.” I said as I walked out the door and went to my car to leave. I get to the airport and park the car. Go check in and head to where my plane is boarding. It didn’t take me long to board the plane and get seated. It was a smooth flight. I knew I would call Mom once I got to my room. The good thing was that this was a short flight. Getting out of the airport and getting the rental car is what will give me a headache. I finally got off the plane and was able to grab my bag. Then I headed to the car rental to get a small car to drive till my time here was done. I get my car and head to Cambridge House Inn to check in. Once there I went to my room and sat on the bed to call my Mom.

“Mom, I’m just calling to let you know that I made it safely.”

“Good, I always worry about you when you're not at home and even more now with everything.”

“I know. Try not to worry. I’m going to take a nap before I get started today, so I will call you a little later. Love you.” Then I hung up the phone.

I put my bags in a chair and I just lay down on the bed. I am just drained from it all. I don’t remember falling asleep, but when I woke up it was one o’clock. I got up and went into the bathroom, turned on the shower so I could get ready. Once that is all done I know I need to get going so I can keep to my schedule. So I walk down to my car, so I can head to The Davers (Salem Village) Witch Trials Memorial and look at restaurants along the way to see where I will grab a bite to eat. I arrive at the museum and I pull my phone out to take pictures. Then I walk up to the building, inside go, to the counter t, pay my ticket and, make sure I get a receipt for the boss man. As I look around the museum I see it is full of history and learning experiences. That if you were a history buff this would be a place to see. So I take notes about things and some pictures just so I can use them in my article. As I walk around it feels like someone is following me around. But every time I turn to look I don’t see anyone. As I finished up my tour of the museum I returned to the desk and asked what places they were at. She let me know that this is a place called the Howling Wolf Taqueria and that it’s a Mexican restaurant. I thanked her and went to my car. I looked up the address of the restaurant and started driving. I kept thinking that this was a beautiful town and had a lot of history. This is going to be a good travel history article. Then I came up to the restaurant and parked my car. I went in and only waited for about five minutes to be seated. Then I was handed a menu and while I looked over the menu I ordered a cocktail with a coke. I also ask for some chips and salsa and two grilled tacos for starters. Then as I look I think it would be nice to have a taco salad. That way I get a variety of food to write about in my article. I was enjoying the atmosphere of the place, and I noticed someone that looked a little familiar. I thought I was seeing things and just brushed it off for a while. I was trying to work as well as enjoy myself. So I took more notes about the place and as I finished my notes all my food arrived. I thanked the waiter and started trying all the food.

I was in heaven with how all this food tasted. I was taking a drink when I noticed that a person was standing next to my table. I looked at the person and realized that it was Officer Jon. I was shocked that he was there and started wondering how he knew where I was. It made me feel like he could be the one behind it all. I knew I would have to call Mom and tell her what was going on and that Officer Jon showed up here.

“You are probably wondering why I am here and how I found out where you went for work. Am I right?”

“Well, yes you are. Now can you answer those questions?”

“Yes, I can. I know you will call your mom and ask her if what I am saying is true. So, go ahead and get her on the phone now so she can hear all of this and know what I am saying is true.”

I did what he asked. I called my mom and got her on the phone. It happened that Nigel was there as well. I told them that Officer Jon was here with me and everyone had some explaining to do.

“Honey, don’t be upset. This is for the best and I need you to understand that. I told Officer Job where you would be because he is on the supernatural council as well as being an officer of human law. It helps us blend in with the humans. He can tell you a lot more about some things than I can or even your sister. He is also the one who is going to help you transform into a panther since he is a cat shifter as well. But again he will explain all of that. Now put me on speaker so I can be in this conversation as well.” Mom explained some things to me, but still, I had to wonder what was going on. I put her on speaker and when I looked up at Officer Jon he had his food sitting across from me eating his food with a smile on his face.

“Okay, I have talked to Mom and now she is on speaker. So, I’m guessing we will have to not talk about some things out loud or use code since we are in public.”

“You funny, I like that. You also say what you are thinking and mean it. That is a good trait and quality to have. We can talk in a lower tone that normal people will not be able to hear and we can hear just fine. Well, your family on the phone may have a hard time hearing but we won’t. Unless you would like to wait till you go back to your room and we have a talk there?”

“Well let’s start here. Why didn’t you tell me any of this when you came to my apartment the few times you were there?”

“Now how would I have done that? There were humans there and it’s not something you just drop on someone like that.”

“You could have told me the day I was leaving. Plus, what happened with that lady that knocked on my door?”

“Because I feel surprise is the best method to get a true reaction. She was there for you. She didn’t live in the building and I don’t think she thought you would have been staying in your apartment so soon. I asked the landlord and it’s supposed to be all young couples that live on that floor. Not the woman you described to me that day.”

“Why do you think she was there? Now why did you follow me here?”

“To answer your first question I’m not sure. I think she was working for someone. Your second question is simple. I wanted to keep an eye on you and keep you safe.”

“Keep an eye on me for what and what do you mean to keep me safe?

“Yes, you are going to start feeling your animal soon because I know your adopted mom took off her spell. Secondly, I know you're in danger because I know some of your past. I am here to help you and something tells me I need to be around you, even if I don’t understand that part myself.”

“Did you follow me to the museum earlier?”

“No, I arrived after you left the museum. I saw you as you were leaving. Someone was following you? Did you see who it was or was it just a feeling?”

“I didn’t see anyone, it was a feeling, but I could feel their eyes on me. I know someone was there, but I also feel like I could have imagined it because of everything that has happened.”

“I am sure you were being followed. I just don’t know who yet. I will find out. So, I want you to think of me as your shadow until we figure this out.”

For a little while I didn’t know what to say. So we just ate in silence for a while, neither of us wanting to be the first to break it. I told Mom I would call her back when I got back to my room because I didn’t know what else to do. So I hung up the phone and just focused on my food. I didn’t know how to feel about all of this and I was wondering if I could trust this guy or not.

“I can see the wheels in your head turning. You're going to have smoke coming out of your ears soon if you just don’t tell me what you're thinking instead of holding it in.”

“I was wondering if I could trust you or not. I was trying to figure out how I felt about all of this. And before you ask, I have not figured it out yet.”

“You may never really figure out how to feel. What I do know is that you will learn how to deal with and learn who you can and can’t trust. All of that comes with time.”

“I hear what you are saying, but that doesn’t make things any easier.”

“I didn’t say any of that to make it easier. I said what I said because it was the truth. If you're finished then let’s get out of here so we can talk about everything. Plus, I’m sure you want to get your notes written up.”

“Well mostly I want to talk about all of this, but as far as my notes I just get them in order then I either write the whole article before I leave and proofread it when I get back or I write it all when I get back. But you can bet I won’t miss a deadline.”

“Oh, I do not doubt that you won’t miss your deadline. You don’t seem to take your job seriously. I paid the bills so we can go now.”

“I should have paid for mine since I got my money back. I keep my receipts and the company reimburses me for everything. But okay let’s go.”

We both walk out and get in our separate cars. We drove back to the inn and got out to go to my room. Then it dawned on me where he was staying.

“Jon, where are you staying?”

“I was wondering when you would ask that or figure it out. But I am staying here as well. I am in the room right across the hall.”

“Wow, you are something else and I don’t know how you did it.”

“Then I would say you're going to have to get used to not knowing everything. I don’t let just anyone know all my secrets. You should get used to surprises and it would make you smile more.”

“Well, okay then.”

He just laughs and I had to admit that I liked his laugh. It was soothing for some reason. I just shook off that feeling and thought and opened my door. I asked him in and he sat in a chair near the sliding door where there was a small table and another chair. So I moved my bag and sat in the chair across from him. Waiting for him to begin.

“I am trying to figure out where to start. I know that your mom gave you books to read. I know that you have gotten through at least the first book and you are in the middle of your second one. So I guess I should ask if you have any questions so far?”

“Yes, I have lots of questions. So, I hope you're ready for them.”

“Oh, I am so ready to hear what your questions are.”

“Why is there a council and are they all the species out there?”

“What a good question to start with. Well, the council is made up of one representative from each group and then we have one that sits at the head to help keep order. We vote and handle any major problems that come up. The council has a group that handles our missions that need special attention and then we will go around and speak with each leader to make sure everything is going the way it should or there are no disputes that they can’t handle. Next question.”

“Wow, you guys do a lot. I had no idea that it took so much to handle all of that. What is it like to have another person in your head and how can you understand them if they are an animal?”

“I was wondering if you were going to ask me that question. It’s different for everyone. As for me, I can say it was interesting. I got my other half earlier than most do, but that could also be because I’m an alpha. But he came to me early because I was trying to protect my little sister against a rogue male who was trying to kidnap her. So I was angry and turned to save her. But, as I was fighting one another came and grabbed her and my father didn’t make it there to help me in time to save her. When we found her she was dead and they had tried to rape her. I lost my sister who was also my best friend and became one of the most feared jaguars in the country. Even my father was scared of me because he knew I took her dead hard. No one blamed me for her death, because they all knew I changed early to save her. After that day I started training with all the warriors and even went to alpha school early because of my aggressive nature. But as I learned about my animal and we dealt with the loss and our failure we learned to work together. We both agreed that this would never happen again. That is part of the reason I am one of the youngest members of the council. Now my animal's name is Titan and he likes to talk a lot. He is very protective of the people he deems him. Also, he can get on my nerves sometimes. The best way to say this is like having a sibling living in your head all the time. You will never be alone, you will always have someone to help guide you and support you. But the one thing is that your animal will always want their mate. That can sometimes be a problem. Your mate is not someone that your human side wants or likes but because they are the other half that your animal needs they will want unless you or they reject you. We will talk about that part another time. But I hope this helps some.”

“I am sorry for the loss of your sister. I know I would do anything for my family as well. Even though they are witches I am still learning about what they can do. It’s getting late and I still need to work a little.”

“I understand. I know what I have told you can be a lot to take in. So, I will give you time and let you get some work done. What time are we starting tomorrow?”

“You want to go with me on my outings tomorrow.”

“Yes, I do not want you by yourself until we know what is going on.”

“Well, I will get up around seven in the morning, get breakfast, and then figure it out from there.”

“Okay, sounds good. I will meet you in the lobby in the morning. Good night Ginger.”  Then he left my room and I was just left a little disappointed and I couldn’t explain why. I sat back down and started to do some work. I wanted to get a little done before going to bed. I worked for about an hour then went to bed.

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