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Chapter 4 - A proposal for you.

The soft glow of golden chandeliers bathed the high-end Italian restaurant in a warm, intimate ambiance. Plush velvet chairs embraced the patrons, and the low hum of conversation danced with the gentle notes of a grand piano in the background. I sat at a corner table, a glass of red wine cradled in my hand, my fingers tracing its delicate stem. I was waiting for Nicholas Moretti. I had called my assistant and told her to set up a meeting with him. He had agreed quickly, immediately, almost as if he had been waiting for me to call him.

I was dressed in my finest, eager to make a good impression—a sheer chiffon pink gown. Lisa had helped me arrange my blonde hair into delicate curls that framed my face. I had managed to put on a little makeup, even though it did little to mask how pale my skin had become over the past few days.

I had paid my father a visit in the hospital and then left to see Nicholas.

The scent of exotic spices mingled with the delicate aroma of freshly cut flowers, creating an intoxicating atmosphere. The subdued lighting cast a flattering glow on the faces of the well-dressed clientele. My gaze wandered over the menu, but my mind was elsewhere. I had not slept all night. I had tossed and turned, wondering and thinking about what I could do differently.

After Lisa had sent me pictures of my cheating ex, I contemplated the best way to break up with Michael, and I decided public humiliation was the best option.

Michael and his family, despite being bankrupt, led very lavish public lives and appearances, thanks to me. He had made our engagement public; it was only right that I shared his cheating story publicly.

I had been given another chance; surely my fate must change. I eagerly anticipated the arrival of Nicholas Moretti. I knew about him—Nicholas's father had been my father's business partner. They were so close that they even had shares in each other's companies.

When Nicholas's father died, Nicholas became a major shareholder in my father's company. My father always talked business with him. They were as close as they could be.

I never really knew Nicholas. I remembered seeing him a few times, but we never said more than hello. I was a bit intimidated by him growing up—he was young, dashing, and handsome, and I was a timid teenage girl with a massive crush on him. I avoided him like the plague while watching him in secret.

I hadn't really seen him in almost five years. He was always away on business or some sort.

As I sipped the rich wine, my nerves tingled with a mix of mild fear and anticipation. And then, with a magnetic pull that seemed to command the room's attention, he entered.

Nicholas Moretti strode into the restaurant with a confidence that bordered on arrogance, yet it was undeniably magnetic. His tailored suit accentuated his broad shoulders and chiseled features, and the play of shadows highlighted the strong lines of his jaw. He moved with a grace that could only be born of self-assurance, and every step resonated with authority.

His eyes, a shade of deep, dark brown, surveyed the room, and for a moment, it felt as if time itself had slowed. A hushed murmur rippled through the restaurant as heads turned to catch a glimpse of the man who had just made such a powerful entrance. I shifted in my seat a little. I hadn't seen him in years—had he really changed that much?

As Nicholas approached, a wave of anxiety washed over me, but I kept my head high. I wouldn't allow myself to be intimidated, not anymore. I wasn’t eighteen years old anymore.

"Cleopatra Fontana," he said, his voice a low, velvety rumble that sent shivers down my spine. "You look even more stunning than I remember."

Flattery. Mere cheap flattery. I instantly disliked him. He didn’t have to lie to me like that. But I was there for a purpose, and as I looked into Nick's deep brown eyes, I took a deep breath and began.

"Mr. Moretti, thank you for meeting with me. My father has always held you in high regard," I said, trying to keep my tone steady.

He smiled, a charismatic gesture that seemed to come effortlessly to him. "Your father is a great man, Cleo. We go way back."

"I occasionally worked with your father. I'm afraid ever since I started my own business, I haven't had much time to help."

I nodded slowly as I took a tiny sip of my wine.

"My father still thinks fondly of you. He was the one who asked me to meet you."

"That's right," Nicholas replied, sipping his wine.

"Your father called me a few weeks ago; we've been talking. He told me a lot of things. I've been expecting your call."

I cut to the chase. "I found out you're a majority shareholder in his company. He must trust you a lot to have let your family hold on to those shares."

Nicholas leaned back, his expression serious. "Yes, Cleopatra, your father has trusted me a lot, even though I've stayed in the background. He wanted it that way. He wanted someone he could rely on to ensure the company thrived if something ever happened to him."

I didn't like him calling me Cleopatra. People rarely called me by my full name, yet here he was, throwing it in my face every minute.

I furrowed my brow, wondering if there was more to what he was telling me. "He asked me to reach out to you. Why is that?"

Nicholas Moretti paused for a moment as if choosing his words carefully. "Your father told me to look out for you. I can't give you all the details now, but what I can say is that there is a plot to push you out of the company."

I sat back, my mind racing. "Push me out? But why?"

Nicholas's gaze held mine, and he sighed. "Cleopatra, your father wants me to be here for you. He's very worried about the future of the company and your safety. He wants me to make sure you are protected."

I couldn't help but wonder if there was more to my father's intentions, especially since he was making all these plans while he was still alive.

Then I remembered something. About two years ago, my father had proposed that I marry Nicholas. I had outright refused. I was too smitten with Michael then.

"Is that why he tried to set us up, why he wanted us to date?"

Nicholas chuckled softly. "Your father has always looked out for you, Cleopatra. He believed in our connection, in the strength of our partnership."

"Moreover, he believes in me. And that I would never take advantage of you."

I looked down at the table, swirling the wine in my glass. "What exactly is my father's plan? He didn't tell me much, and you're not speaking directly. Does he want you to take control of the company directly?"

Nicholas's gaze softened, and he reached across the table to take my hand. I pulled away quickly, not quite wanting him to touch me.

"Cleopatra, your father's intentions were always to protect you and the company. That's how much he loves you."

"He thinks I'm the best man for the job, especially with the kind of fiancé you have."

His words carried weight. I wanted to ask him what he thought of Michael, but I decided against it. I didn’t want to hear it.

I took a deep breath and met his eyes. "I don't have a fiancé anymore. I've called off my engagement."

Nicholas raised an eyebrow, concern flickering in his eyes. "Is everything all right with you, Cleopatra?"

"I don't remember much about you because we rarely had a chance to talk much, but you’re different from what I expected. And everyone always mentioned that you were bright and always happy."

"Is this about your father's illness? Are you still worried about him?"

I smiled faintly. "Life has its way of shaping us, doesn’t it?"

"The doctor says my father doesn't have much time left. And one of my father's dying wishes is that I talk to you. That's the main reason why I'm here, Nicholas."

He nodded, understanding. "Your father did tell me to look after you. It was all he kept saying."

I considered his words carefully. "This plot to push me out of the company, do you think it will work?"

Nicholas's expression gave nothing away. He looked calm. "You know nothing about business; you don't know how to make decisions for the company. There's a likely chance that they might succeed if proper care isn't taken."

He was right. I knew nothing.

I was soft. Weak and pampered my whole life. Spoiled rotten by my father, who believed I had no reason to know or learn how to run the family business. He had probably thought the husband I would marry would take care of that. I also had no idea how to run a company. I had no idea what to do when it came to that.

I took a deep breath. It was hard.

It was going to be hard. But the man in front of me, he could help me. My father told him to help me for a reason.

Because he was the only one he could trust.

"That's why my father told me to contact you, right? Because you can help."

"Is there a way for you to help me?"

I asked Nicholas, and he relaxed in his chair as he shrugged.

"I can. But there's a limit to what I can do, Cleopatra."

"Limit? Why is there a limit?"

There was a long silence, and it felt like Nicholas had no answer for me.

Then he finally spoke.

"What if we get married, Cleopatra Fontana? Become a team, not just in business but in life. It's clear your father always wanted me to have a significant role in both."


I blurted out.

"Will you marry me, Cleopatra Fontana?"

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