Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 5 - Give me a moment.

I sat there, contemplating my choices. I had just planned to get out of one engagement, only to be offered another on a golden platter. What exactly was going on?

I thought with a small frown on my face. I dropped my wine glass, immediately offended by Nicholas's proposal.

What the hell was he saying?!


I refused immediately.

Nicholas didn't budge. He didn't move. The waiter came towards us to ask for our order, but it was clear neither of us was in the mood for food. Nicholas sent him back to get more wine. Then he leaned forward and looked at me.


He asked, and I shrugged.

"Will you help me or not? Why must there be an exception? Why should I marry you?"

Nicholas shrugged.

"Just think about the endless possibilities. You and I together..."

What possibility would come from marrying him?! Marriage. I was tired of hearing the word already. I was tired of it.

"That's not really what I’m thinking about at the moment."

"Why, Cleopatra? You know who I am. You know where I come from. I'm not a stranger to you," he said, and I hesitated.

"It's not a business transaction, Mr. Moretti."

"Please. Call me Nicholas."

I sighed as I rolled my eyes.

"It's not a business transaction, Nicholas; this is marriage we're talking about," I repeated. Nicholas shrugged.

"Marriage is something I have always viewed as a business transaction. We can draft a contract and decide on terms to put your mind at ease about it," Nicholas Moretti suggested.

I raised my eyebrow, wondering what he meant. What was he getting at? Who meets someone and asks them to marry them within the hour?

"Are you also lusting after my father's money, Nicholas Moretti?"

It was the only explanation I could think of. The only reason why a man like him would want to be tied to a woman like me for the rest of his life.

I wasn't the typical woman he would go for; I had nothing but my father's money to attract a man of his caliber. So if money wasn't the reason, what was it?

"You know very well that I have enough of my own, Cleopatra Fontana."

"If you say no to my marriage proposal, I'll still help you. But note that the help I offer you will be limited."

I scoffed.

"Limited? You're only using me for what you want then?"

"Everybody uses people, Cleopatra. I'm being upfront about things now. Much of life and relationships for me have always been transactional."

I shook my head wearily. He was even worse than I had imagined. Just one conversation with him, and I already knew the kind of person he was.

"Who broke your heart? Why are you like this?!" I blurted out, wondering. The question came as a surprise, to me and to Nicholas, who raised his eyebrow and leaned towards me.

"Who broke your heart, Cleopatra Fontana?"

I stayed mute, but only one name came to mind: Michael Pritchett. That lying, scheming, conniving bastard.

Nicholas continued, "You know very well that love doesn't exist for people of our status," he whispered slowly.

And as much as I hated it, he was right. He was telling the truth. I could lie to myself about it all I wanted, but love would always be hard to find for someone like me.

"This is the closest we can get, Cleopatra Fontana. And it's on our terms, too."

"Think about it and give me a call."

With that, Nicholas Moretti stood up and left the table. I saw him approach the waiter and whisper something to him.

The waiter came to meet me moments later to tell me that my tab had been paid for.


"Did you send them out?" I asked Lisa as we drove back home, and she nodded.

"Yes, I did. The story will go out later today," she confirmed.

I sighed in relief. Since our wedding announcement had gone public, it was only natural that Michael's cheating scandal would be plastered on the face of every local tabloid in Hadron. I had instructed Lisa to sell the story to the highest-bidding gossip blog and told her to keep the money as a bonus.

Michael wouldn't even have the chance to deny it or register his shock quickly enough. I was determined to break up with him the moment I saw him.

As my car pulled into my father's mansion's driveway, I saw Michael's car parked there and sighed in relief. The faster this was over, the better.

I walked into the mansion, feeling the tension thick in the air.

"Oh, you're here. I've been waiting for you," he said as he glanced at me.

Michael's eyes bore into mine, and before he could say anything else, I spoke with an icy calmness, "Michael, we need to talk."

He scowled, his frustration evident. "Wait, before that, what's going on? Why are you canceling everything for the wedding?"

I sighed, meeting his gaze squarely. "Haven't you seen the news?"

He frowned. "What news are you talking about?"

Without a word, I pulled out my phone and showed him the incriminating photos. His face paled as he stammered, "Cleo, it's not what you think. I can explain."

I cut him off, my voice firm. "Explain? You've been caught kissing your supposed stepsister, Selena McKinney. There's no explanation necessary."

Michael muttered, panic rising in his eyes, "It's not what it looks like. Cleo, please. Those photos are doctored. You know how malicious people can be."

I shook my head, a bitter smile playing on my lips. "There's no need to lie to me. We're done. Please leave now before you make me even angrier."

He pleaded, "Cleo, don't do this. I love you."

I remained composed. "Love me? Love doesn't betray and deceive, Michael."

"Lisa, please have Mabel pack up whatever belongings Michael has here. I don't want his things in my house any longer."

As he stumbled over his excuses, I calmly sent him the photos as proof while simultaneously blocking all his contacts and numbers.

He started mumbling, "I can fix this. We can work this out."

I walked towards the front door and opened it, resolute. "You should also start looking for a new job. I don't want you working for my company any longer."

"Cleo?! Cleo?! You can't do this to me!"

"I already have. It's over, Michael."

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