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Chapter 6 - Can you feel my heart breaking?

The shrill ringing of my phone jolted me awake in the dead of the night. It was Karen, my father's personal nurse. Panic set in as her voice trembled through the receiver.

"Miss Cleo. I'm sorry to disturb you."

"Karen? It's late. What is it?"

I asked as I looked at the time. It was around three a.m. I just started sleeping after struggling to find sleep for a while.

"It's your father. He's health has deteriorated. We need you here."

My heart skipped a beat. What was going on?! I thought as I jumped out of bed.

"I'll be there." I said with my voice trembling.

Without a second thought, I rushed to throw on some clothes, my mind racing with worry. No, not again. Would I lose my father again?! I couldn't do it.

I couldn't endure it.

I rushed out of my room, wearing only jeans and a plain blouse with a blue woolen sweater. I had alerted the staff, and the sleepy-eyed driver Crowley was already awake, starting the car.

Mabel, one of my staff who was still in her nightgown, rushed over to me; she looked as worried as I was.

"Miss Cleo, should I come with you?"

She asked and I paused and shook my head. It was happening again. I remembered it too vividly. The last time my father had died, Mabel had come with me. We had gotten the call around midnight too.

I didn't think I'd lose my father again with the second chance I was given. But I was already losing him.

"No. Thank you."

I told Mabel as I walked out.

The old me would have been racked with tears and unable to do anything. I would have been calling Michael and narrating everything that was happening to him, telling him to come quickly.

But there was no Michael. Not anymore. It was just me this time.


"Karen, what happened?" I questioned urgently as I entered the hospital. Karen was outside my father's room, stating the doctor was with him. My heart was pounding.

"Everything was fine, we thought he was improving. But then his health suddenly deteriorated. I thought you should know immediately." Karen spoke softly, her eyes reflecting sympathy.

The door opened shortly, and the doctor joined us, his expression grave.

"Miss Fontana."

He murmured as he looked up at me.

"How's my father?"

I asked him, and he shook his head.

"His condition deteriorated overnight. We didn't expect it. Your father is dead Miss Fontana."

He explained how my father's condition had worsened overnight, the details a blur as I tried to absorb the crushing reality. I nodded, barely comprehending; I was still stuck on the words that he had uttered that shattered my world—my father had passed away.

"Let me see him."

I murmured as I walked past the doctor and Karen.

Tears welled up as I approached his bedside, the reality sinking in. Not again.

I remembered this feeling all too well, and it was horrible the first time, and it was even more horrible the second time.

Why should one person have to go through so much suffering?!

Why was I given a second chance if I would lose my father?

I sobbed uncontrollably, a sea of emotions crashing over me. The weight of loss pressed upon my chest, leaving me breathless and shattered.

As I wept beside my father, I heard the door open. I ignored it till I heard Michael's voice calling my name.

I turned and I Michael, my ex-fiancé, appeared in the doorway. His presence caught me off guard, and anger surged through me. "What are you doing here?" I snapped, my voice laced with bitterness.

"I heard about your father. I wanted to offer my support," Michael replied, concern etched on his face.


How on earth did he hear?! Why is he even here?!

I recoiled, unable to fathom his audacity. "Support? You don't get to waltz in here after everything you've done. I told you, we're done! Leave, Michael. I don't want you anywhere near me," I spat, the pain of the past intensifying my anguish.

"Cleo, please, this isn't like you. Just let me stay for a while and comfort you," Michael pleaded, reaching out to touch my arm.

I jerked away, my eyes ablaze with resentment. "Comfort me? Have you forgotten what you did?! What did I tell you when you came over yesterday?! I told you we were done. So, Michael. Leave and never come back."

He tried to utter words of comfort, but I couldn't bear to listen. My grief had morphed into a potent force, fueling my anger. I lashed out, my words cutting through the air like a bitter wind. "I regret ever meeting you. I regret ever seeing you. I regret ever bringing you into my life. You are the worst thing that has ever happened to me Michael Pritchett!"

Michael recoiled from me. His expression was one of genuine fear, something I've never seen in him before. He took several steps back.

"I'll give you some time. But I'll never stop coming back."

"I'm sorry for everything, Cleo."

I scoffed, a bitter laugh escaping my lips. "Sorry?! Your apology is useless. Your actions are useless. You are useless! It doesn't bring my father back, and it certainly doesn't erase the pain you caused. Leave, Michael. I don't ever want to see you again."

As he left, the weight of grief settled back in. Alone in the hospital room, I clung to my father's body.

I had the chance to save him this time; I had the chance to do something, yet I didn't. I was helpless, as usual. I couldn't help him.

My father couldn't have just died like that, though he was weak the hospital had managed to keep him alove for so long. He was plugged into various machines to keep him alive. I suspected foul play.

Someone, something must have caused this.

Someone or something His sickness was sudden, and his death was sudden. It was just like the last time, only this time I had more reason to be suspicious. I turned back and saw Michael finally walking out of the ward.

I didn't call him. I didn't inform him of my presence here, yet he was in the hospital almost at the same time my father died. Has he done this?!

Had he anticipated this?

If he could make plans to kill me, then he could very well kill my father.

Michael was a suspect.

Michael could have killed my father.

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