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Chapter 10 - An enemy in my camp

I was seconds away from falling asleep, it was still morning but I was sleeping in. My eyes were slowly closing when a knock at the door disrupted the tranquility.

I turned to look at the door and Rita stood there, an expression of concern etched across her face. "Miss Cleo, there's quite a commotion downstairs. You might want to see what's happening."

"What's happening?"

I asked and she shrugged.

"I don't know how to explain it Miss Cleo. But there's a man downstairs claiming to be your father's son."

I sprang up, the calm replaced by a sense of urgency. As I descended the staircase, the muffled voices grew louder. It sounded like my staff were arguing with him. What was he up to now?!

When I reached the bottom of the stairs, my eyes widened in disbelief.

There, in the midst of the turmoil, stood Alexander Anderson. He had at least three suitcases with him and a smug expression on his face. "What on earth are you doing here?" I demanded, my tone a mix of anger and astonishment.

Nonchalantly, he looked up from his suitcase. "Moving in, obviously. This place belongs to me too now."

Fury welled up within me. "This is my home, not yours. You can't just waltz in and claim it."

A smug smile played on his lips. "Well, according to the legal documents I have, it's as much mine as it is yours since we're related."

I clenched my fists, fighting to maintain composure. "I don't know what game you're playing, but you're not welcome here. Leave."

He remained defiant, unmoved by my demand. "Sorry, sister, but I'm here to stay. I suppose you should get used to it."

I stood there confused and angry as Alex moved in with his suitcase. He walked past me with one and I didn't even make a move to stop him.

My staff looked at me, waiting for my next line of action and I sighed and followed Alex.


I checked at least three rooms only to find Alex unpacking in what used to be my father's bedroom. My blood grew hot.

"Alex, what are you doing here?" I questioned, my voice laced with surprise and irritation.

He looked up, a smirk playing on his lips. "How many times should I explain this to you?!"

He smirked and continued.

"Well, Cleo, I thought I'd move in and make myself comfortable. After all, it's my father's mansion too."

I clenched my fists, fighting back the fury that threatened to burst. "This is my home, Alex. Not yours. I don't care what any document says, you're not living here with me."

He chuckled, unfazed. "Oh, Cleo. How many times do I have to explain it to you?! When are you going to accept the truth?"

I glared at him, feeling the weight of betrayal. This mansion was my home. I grew up here my whole life. Of all places to give Alexander, why would my father give him this too?!

"My father would never do that. You must have forged the documents or you're lying or something. He would never give you this mansion!"

"He did. And now I'm in charge," he declared, unpacking with a confidence that irked me.

"This place is my home. I've lived here my whole life Alex," I insisted, desperation creeping into my voice. "You can afford any place you want now. So just leave."

He paused, staring at me with a sly grin. "Why should I Cleo?! It's a beautiful mansion, perfect even. There's enough rooms for both of us. Besides, I'm quite comfortable here."

I took a deep breath, frustration bubbling within me. "I'll pay for your new place. How much do you want?! Just leave this one alone."

His laughter echoed through the room. "Cleo, darling, money is not the issue here. I want this mansion. And what I want, I get."

I bit my lip, struggling to control my emotions. "Please, Alex, don't do this. Don't force me to take more drastic measures."

He leaned in, his tone menacing. "Drastic measures you say?! Oh I have something that might change your mind, Cleo. Something your father kept from you."

I narrowed my eyes, fear and curiosity mingling within me. "What are you talking about?"

He smirked, relishing the power he held over me. "A deadly secret, my dear. I was lucky to have found out what your father was doing behind the scenes. It's something your father hid to protect the Fontana name and goodwill."

My heart raced, the room closing in on me.

"What is it?"

"You don't need to know the details. Just understand that if you don't do as I say, I'll reveal it all. The Fontana name will crumble, and you and whatever is left of your family name will suffer dearly for it," he threatened.

I felt the ground beneath me shift, the weight of the revelation crushing my spirit. "You're bluffing."

His eyes gleamed with a sinister delight. "Am I? Are you willing to risk everything to find out if I'm bluffing?"

I swallowed hard, defeated. "What do you want?"

He leaned back, satisfied with my answer. "Stay out of my way. Let me enjoy this mansion in peace. And remember, Cleo, only I hold the key to your father's secret."

"And I can reveal it whenever I want. And you'll bear the brunt of the backlash."

With that, Alex turned and continued unpacking like I didn't exist. I was dizzy with rage, I managed to make it out of the room before collapsing in the hallway.

Mabel rushed to my side.

"Miss Cleo, are you okay!'"

She asked and I nodded, mustering the courage to stand up.

"I'm fine Mabel."

I said as I stood up and walked back into my room.


The next morning, I woke up dreading facing Alex again. I noticed Mabel had not come to get me ready for the day, I was sure Alex had something to do with that. I walked into my bathroom and stood in front of the bathroom mirror as I brushed my teeth and washed my face. I put my blonde hair in a ponytail and washed my face after, getting ready to go downstairs.

Because of the possibility of running into Alex, I switched into my pajamas instead of the sheer pink nightgown I had on and put on my slippers.

As I walked into the dining room, greeted by the clatter of plates and my staff preparing breakfast for Alex. As I approached, I noticed his smug expression, a sight that irked me more each day.

"Good morning Miss Cleo. What will you be having today?" She asked and I shook my head.

"I'm not hungry anymore."

I said as I glared at Alex sitting at the head of the table. My father's spot.

"Cleo, darling, aren't you joining us for breakfast?" he sneered, a mocking tone lacing his words.

I paused, choosing not to let his taunts provoke me. "Not today, Alex. I have other matters to attend to," I replied calmly, maintaining my composure.

He chuckled, his eyes scanning me judgmentally. "Missing breakfast?! That's very unlike you, considering how you look."

he remarked, a malicious grin playing on his lips.

Suppressing my frustration, I locked eyes with him. "Enjoy all of this while you can, Alex. I promise you, I'll reclaim everything you've taken from me. Your time here is temporary," I asserted, I made a turn to leave the dining room.

He laughed dismissively, confident in his perceived dominance. "You're cute Cleo. How exactly do you plan to reclaim everything you've lost?!"

"You don't know anything about business. There's nothing but pink and fluff in that blonde head of yours. I don't even recall you going to school. Did you go to school Cleo?!"

He asked and I reined in my anger. I wish I could slap the stupid smirk off his face.

"You just wait and see."

I said.

"You're all talk, Cleo. This is my domain now. I think it's better you go back to stuffing your face or whatever it is you do when you're awake." he retorted, taking a leisurely sip of his coffee.

I turned away, a fire burning within me. "We'll see about that," I muttered under my breath.

Oh I wanted to kill him.

I wanted to throttle him with my own bare hands. That was how much I hated him.

That was how much I was burning to defeat him.

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