Chapter. 3
Grace delicately turned the knob on the door and entered Katie’s office, trying not to ruin the perfect manicure she had just given herself. She nudged the door closed behind her with her hip and flopped onto Katie’s small office loveseat. Flapping her hands in the air to dry her nails, she looked like a manic baby bird.
“Well?” Grace asked. “What’s up?”
“Ok, so... have you met Tyler yet?” Katie said, slowly.
“OMG he’s so hot!” Grace gleefully exclaimed with a devilish smile. “I told him to take the desk by mine.” Grace had a bad habit of trying to date the new hires.
“Yeah, so…” Katie trailed off as she realized her first thoughts about Tyler had been exactly the same.
Seven years ago, Katie Kim was a sophomore in college and had a one track mind: her career in marketing was all that mattered. She was going to graduate with honors-- maybe even early, if she took a few extra classes over the summer. Her mother had worked so hard as a single parent to make sure Katie got a good education, and Katie was going to prove her mother’s efforts weren’t in vain.
Katie hadn’t been interested in rushing a sorority, or trying keg parties, or dating football players like many of her friends had--in fact she didn’t think much at all about boys. While everyone else at the dorm was out every Friday and Saturday (and come to think of it, every Sunday through Thursday, too), Katie had her nose buried in a book.
And then on the first day of class at the start of her second year, she walked into Principles of Marketing, and everything changed.
His back was to her, so the first thing she noticed was his impatient finger-tapping on the desk, creating an impromptu rhythm, which was weirdly soothing. Katie was running late from a frustrating meeting with the financial aid office, so almost every seat was already taken--except the one right next to him.
She breezed into it and started digging in her bag for a pen, which of course she couldn’t find among the myriad books, highlighters, and dining hall napkins that had accumulated. She let out a loud sigh of frustration, drawing his attention.
“Hey,” he said, calmly. “You ok?”
Katie’s eyes raised to his face to say something snarky and instead, her heart skipped several beats. His chocolate eyes drew her in, and a small dark curl laid over his left eyebrow, which he raised at her.
“I’m fine,” she blushed. “Just can’t find a pen.”
“Here,” he offered. “Take mine. I have an extra.”
He handed her his pen and as their hands touched, only briefly, Katie knew she needed more of this brown-eyed stranger in her life. Immediately.
“Thanks,” she smiled. “I’m Katie.”
“Tyler.” He answered.
“Remind me to give it back at the end of class. I can be a real pen thief,” Katie warned.
“Keep it,” Tyler said. “But you owe me.”
“Oh yeah? What’s the going cost for a Bic these days?” Katie was happy to play along.
“Let’s start with dinner,” Tyler said. And then he winked, as their professor entered to start class.
“So what about the new cutie?” Grace asked impatiently, back in the present. “What’s the problem?”
How could Katie even begin to explain? Grace would hate her. Anyone would for what she did. Katie lost her nerve. “The problem is this proposal. I need your help,” Katie lied for the second time today.
“Sure, what’s the issue?” Grace jumped into action, ready to brainstorm.
“I’m not sure how to phrase this,” said Katie, while pulling out a file and eyeing Tyler outside her office window at the same time. Grace followed her gaze.
“You know what?” Grace leaped to her feet. “I think we should bring Hottie McIntern in on this. Get his ideas.” Grace was already halfway out the door before Katie could stop her.
“Hey new guy!” Grace yelled. Tyler pointed to himself and raised an eyebrow in response. Grace nodded. “Can you come in here for a sec?”
“Grace, I really think you and I--” Katie started, but Tyler was already there. “Did I already mess up?” Tyler asked.
“No, no, it’s just... I’m working on this project and have gone over it so many times--I think I need fresh eyes.” Katie sighed in defeat.
“Sure thing--happy to help! Oh, and these are done.” Tyler handed his stack of paperwork to Katie and their fingers brushed every so slightly--but just enough to make every hair on her arm stand up. Tyler exhaled. Just enough that Katie noticed he felt something, too.
“Thanks,” was all Katie could say in response. “Actually, Grace, can you get Tyler up to speed on the Myers account? I’ll...be right back.”
Katie had to get out of that room. She moved quickly past Tyler, careful not to touch him again, or she thought to herself, she may not be able to stop touching him.
Katie ran to the bathroom and turned on the bathroom sink. She splashed cold water on her face and looked at herself in the mirror. What was she going to do?