Chapter. 4
What a day. Katie’s mind was still reeling, hours later. Tyler was back in her life--and working in her office as her intern. She had to tell him the truth. Right?
“Babe?” Jack’s voice broke her reverie. “Which do you want?”
“What? Sorry. Long day at work.” Katie tried to re-engage.
“I should have known work was on your mind,” Jack smiled gently. “You have that look.”
Understatement of the year, Katie thought. But instead, she said “What look?” feigning innocence and playfully swatting him on the shoulder.
“That look that says you’re thinking about spreadsheets and not what you want to eat for dinner.” Jack answered, with a small, knowing, sigh.
“Alright, you got me, boy detective,” Katie paused and considered spilling everything, but instead said, “There’s this new client, and they’ve been so high maintenance, but I want to do a good job, obviously, so I’m trying to figure out how to give them what they want and maintain my sanity.”
“And dealing with the new intern too, right?” Jack looked straight at her.
WHAT. How did he know already? Katie’s mind was racing. How could she possibly explain?
“Yeah. So about that--” Katie tread carefully.
“I know. Onboarding can be such a pain in the ass. Did you have to give the whole ‘company culture’ speech, too?” Jack leaned in, genuinely curious.
And then Katie remembered. Of course. When Jack had stopped by the office earlier she mentioned this new intern--before she learned who it actually was. She didn’t realize she had been holding her breath until she let it out. He knew her too well.
Katie gave Jack a sheepish look and said, “You know, honestly, you’re right. I had a hard day… I don’t want to talk about work until we eat, but I promise I’ll tell you soon.”
Jack smiled and held up a menu in each hand. “Tacos or Pizza?”
“Tacos it is,” except it was Tyler answering, not Katie. She was immediately pulled back into the memory of her first date with Tyler.
Everyone at school talked for weeks about the fancy, bright red sports car that had pulled up to the dorm to pick her up. It was worth more money than what some of them were paying in tuition. Katie had never seen anything like it in person. She paused before getting in.
“Everything ok?” Tyler asked, holding the door open for her.
“Yeah. Great, actually.” Katie smiled, taking in the moment and feeling like a celebrity.
“C’mon, I know the best taco spot around here-- and it’s pretty cheap, since you’re paying.” He winked at her again and she melted into the leather seat.
Tyler cranked up the music and rolled down the windows, and they were off.
If Katie was being honest, she hadn’t been on many dates before--or really any at all in college. But she was confident this was the best first date she’d ever been on.
They rolled up to a hole in the wall just outside of campus and Tyler, in Spanish, ordered one of everything for them to try. He didn’t let her pay, either. He told her while he got the food together to find the best picnic table out back.
By now, the sun was just starting to set and sparkling, tiny white Christmas lights adorned the restaurant’s patio--even though it was Spring. Katie thought it looked like a million little fireflies dancing in the sky.
Katie chose a table underneath the white oak tree and waited patiently, starting to get nervous. What if he doesn’t like me? What if I’m not funny enough, or pretty enough, or-
And then Tyler came around the corner, balancing two trays of food on his arms and carrying two beers, somehow making it look effortless. Katie stood to help.
“No, I got it. Here you go--a taco feast, as promised.” Tyler set everything down in between them and took a seat. He handed her one of the beers. It all looked delicious--and too good to be true.
Tyler raised his beer. “Make a toast for us,” he instructed Katie.
Katie thought carefully. “To promising beginnings,” she said.
“And carnitas,” Tyler added.
“And Bic pens,” Katie finished. They clinked beers, smiling.
“I think it’s a pizza night,” Katie said quickly, back in the present.
“You sure?” Jack said. “It’s Taco Tuesday at El Pimienta Grande--”
“Let’s change it up. Plus I need some pepperoni in my life.” Katie said confidently.
Jack just grinned at her, running a hand through his sandy blonde hair. “Oh yeah?”
“You’re ridiculous,” Katie said, laughing despite herself. Jack pulled her closer to him on the couch. “How about an appetizer?” He asked, smiling, as he leaned in to kiss her.
Katie kissed him back, enjoying it. This was what she needed to get her mind off of Tyler. Tyler and his soulful eyes and perfect command of languages, and… why was she thinking about Tyler while she was kissing her boyfriend?
Katie abruptly stopped kissing Jack and pulled away, surprising even herself.
“Katie?” Jack looked confused. “Are you sure you’re ok? Is there something besides work on your mind?”
Now Katie felt even worse. She shouldn’t be thinking about her ex when she was with her boyfriend. It wasn’t fair to Jack. Rationally, she knew he deserved the truth, but she didn’t know how to explain it in a way that wouldn’t make him hate her.
“I’m sorry,” Katie said genuinely. “I have a headache, and it’s getting late...I think maybe we should call it and do pizza tomorrow.”
Jack looked at his watch and frowned. “Okay...if that’s what you want.”
“I promise it’s not you--I just need to get some sleep and clear my head.” Katie tried to be as reassuring as possible. “I love you,” she added.
“Love you too.” Jack replied, starting to gather his suit jacket. “You know you can talk to me, right? About...anything.”
“Yes, one hundred percent. I’m going to pop an ibuprofen and go to bed. I promise to be Fun Katie tomorrow.” Katie hoped it was true as she said it.
“Fun Katie is my favorite,” Jack kissed her again. She did really enjoy kissing him. The way he started slow and took his time was different than how Tyler kissed her…
“Ok ok, time to go,” Katie was practically shoving him out the door. “I’ll see you tomorrow,” she added for emphasis.
“Text me before you fall asleep?” Jack asked, standing at the door.
“Promise,” Katie answered. “Good night.”
“Good night,” he answered, making a small face Katie knew meant disappointment.
She closed the door and leaned against it, sighing deeply and closing her eyes. After a moment, she grabbed her cell phone off the coffee table and dialed.
“Hi, I’d like to place an order for delivery. No, not the usual--just me tonight.”