Chapter 08 - The Prophecy

I'm shocked by this. Soren cast a spell on me.

— When did this happen?

— A few days after the council interrogation. Once a week, when you sleep, Soren comes here.

What? Soren has been coming here? Why didn't I ever notice?

Then I remember the tea that Silvana makes me drink every night.

— The tea? — I ask even more disturbed.

— Yes. It's made with Solestia's luminous flowers. They grow in the desert and are excellent for spells where the person needs to sleep deeply. You only wake up when the effect wears off.

That sounds dangerous and terribly invasive. And no one thought to ask me anything.

— I was with Soren every time. I never left you alone until the effect wore off. — She assures me. But how is that possible when she's never here when I wake up?

As I remain silent, she continues.

— So, after you sleep, Soren absorbs some of your magic. This way, he can recognize any spells coming from you. However, as the tracking is short-lived, Soren needs to renew it frequently. That's why he comes here.

— And what's the good news?

— The big deal is that, for a few weeks now, Soren has been noticing that your magic is active around Malachai. — She seems genuinely happy about it. — And Soren could identify various spells connecting both of you.

I'm horrified to know that I'm often linked to Malachai.

— I didn't feel any of this. Shouldn't I feel something?

— It's likely that Malachai created some way to deceive your sensitivity. But after today, I think things will change. — Twyla continues, still excited.

— Twyla, be clearer with me. What's going on? You tell me that at some point, they'll tell me. But no one ever tells me. — I ask, and I see her expression change to resignation.

— All right. — She gets up and rings a bell to call a servant. After ordering a hot drink for both of us, she sits in front of me.

The full moon shines, illuminating the night. In an hour, the day will begin to break.

— You are a chimera, Thalassa. This means you're the child of magical beings of different species. Usually, a baby like that receives the magic of only one parent. If it's the child of a wizard and a fairy, then it will be either a wizard or a fairy. You inherited the magic of both your parents. So you're a witch, but also something else we don't quite know yet.

A woman enters with a tea pot and two cups on a tray. She leaves everything on a table, and Twyla starts pouring tea for both of us.

— Usually, when born with two magical personalities, the child has a brief life. Unable to control their powers, they are destroyed by them.

How terrible!

— Anyway, if they reach adolescence, they may die at seventeen, the age at which a magical person becomes an adult. Very rarely, a chimera manages to reach adulthood. This is only possible when their magical personalities are convergent and don't fight each other.

As I remain motionless, listening, Twyla gestures for me to drink my tea. But after learning about the luminous flowers of Solestia, I think I don't want tea. So I put my cup back on the tray.

— A chimera always has a physical trait that shows its two magical personalities. In your case, it's your eyes.

— Hey, wait. Rudolph Zev has two hair colors; is he a chimera? — I ask, remembering the councilor's half-black, half-white hair.

— Yes. In fact, there are only three known living chimeras. Rudolph, Gemini, and you. Rudolph is half-wizard and half-lycanthrope. — Twyla clarifies. — Soren has been looking for a chimera like you for the past 23 years. The search began with the former king Zaphyr and Queen Giselle, his parents.

— But why? How did he know about me? Does he know where my family is?

— I can't give you those answers. Only Soren can tell you about that.

— I still can't understand what the good news is for me.

The phoenix sorceress sighs and seems to decide on the best way to say it.

— Remember when Malachai set himself and you on fire with etheric flames? We didn't understand how he could do that. But we began to suspect that you are somehow connected. And that's why he's alive. If Malachai dies, you die too.

After Twyla left, I spent many hours lying down, staring at the ceiling, unable to sleep. I replayed the moment I saw Simon catching fire on the couch in my old house's living room over and over. And suddenly, I was burning too.

Now I know he did it to threaten Soren. He knew the king was looking for me. But the big question is, why was Soren looking for me?

This is a question that only Soren of Eldoria can clarify for me.


Days passed, and occasionally Twyla would appear to give me updates on Soren. I became even more dedicated to my study routine. There are too many secrets around here, and the less I know, the easier it is for everyone to keep manipulating me.

The council did not allow me to visit the king at any time. But Twyla assured me that I would see him as soon as he was healed.

Two weeks later, Sylvana informed me that I would finally have my audience with the King this afternoon. Lumina and Veridian help me get ready. Today, I don't need to wear the black clothes I wore at the Council. So, I choose a green dress in which I feel beautiful. I need all the confidence in the world for today.

The tutor and the guards guide me to the place where I can speak with Soren. We enter a room with a fireplace and armchairs around it. I see that Draven and Twyla are present. Then I see Soren. My heart races, and I fight the urge to go to him and hug him. I just bow before him, who remains seated. I can see that he has lost weight and looks a bit pale.

I sit next to Twyla and Draven. While Sylvana and the guards leave the room, I feel Soren's eyes fixed on me, but I don't have the courage to look directly at him.

— Thalassa. — Twyla breaks the silence. — Do you have questions you'd like to ask the king?

Damn! Now that I'm here, I feel so nervous that I can hardly speak.

— King Soren. — My voice sounded low and interrupted. — I'm glad you're recovering well. I am very grateful for everything everyone here has done for me.

He nods slightly.

— But I don't understand why they are doing this. — As I start speaking, I calm down. — I want to know why I am in Eldoria.

Now that I can look at him, I see how much authority he radiates, even while being sick.

— First, you are a witch and have the right to be in Eldoria and have contact with your magical heritage. — He pauses a bit long while staring at me, evaluating every detail of me. — Second, I received a prophecy 23 years ago, in which you seem to fit very well. The prophecy mentioned by Rudolph in the council.

— How does that work, Sir? What do they expect from me?

He gestures to Twyla, who gets up and brings me a necklace with a crystal pendant containing blue liquid inside.

I take the golden chain and observe the pendant; the blue liquid looks like moving waves of the sea. It's impressive! The waves look so real that I feel the desire to step into them.

Soren gets up with some difficulty but rejects Draven's attempt to help him. He stands in front of me and extends his hand to me. When I take his hand, I feel my feet leave the ground, and a cold wind seems to push me upward. But everything disappears, Twyla, Draven, Soren, and the room where we were, all vanish.

I am in the room full of star maps and drawings of celestial bodies where Soren and I kissed. However, something seems different, but I can't identify what it is.

A boy rushes into the room and goes to the telescope. Then, a girl comes up the stairs more slowly. They seem not to notice my presence.

The girl reaches the top of the stairs, but there's something wrong with her. She looks tired and pale. She sits in a chair near the window and looks outside. Only now do I realize that it's night, and a beautiful full moon illuminates the night.

— Hey, Susana, come see this! — The boy calls the girl.

She says nothing, continuing to gaze at the moon in the sky.

— Susana? Are you listening to me? — The boy insists.

The girl remains silent. The boy moves away from the telescope and looks at her.

— Susana? Are you okay?

— Soren. — Susana's voice is just a whisper.

Young Soren runs to her.

— Do you want me to call someone? Are you feeling something, Susana?

Susana shakes her head slightly.

— Hold my hand, Soren. — She asks, and the boy seems apprehensive but gives her his hand and stays by her side. In an impulse, she holds his hand with a strength I didn't think she had.

— Soren, listen carefully.

The girl's voice suddenly becomes firm and clear.

— A chimera, in the land of Thundervale. A great queen and a great king. Side by side, as one. They will belong to each other. They will rebuild the five Magical Kingdoms. You need to find her, Soren! Or you will never find your destiny, and Eldoria will die with you.

Then Susana started coughing, as if she had choked on something. Young Soren reached into his pocket, from which he took a glass vial with a small frog inside. He took out the frog and released it into the room and brought the vial to Susana's lips. Blue liquid flowed from her mouth into the vial, which he capped and pocketed.

Susana slumped in her seat as if she had fainted. Then Soren picked her up and went down the stairs.

The cold wind lifts me again, and when I come to my senses, I am in the room holding Soren's hand. My body is shaking, and Twyla comes to help me sit.

Soren steps back and sits in his chair. Draven appears with a goblet of wine and hands it to me.

— Drink, this will help. — I don't question it and drink almost all the wine in one gulp.

— What was that? — I ask afterward.

— A memory, preserved along with the prophecy. — Soren replies, and I see that the necklace is in his hand. — My sister Susana died on this same night, and this prophecy was her last words.

— I'm sorry. — It's the only thing I can say.

— Thank you. — Soren nods.

— Do you think I am the chimera of the prophecy? The chimera of the land of Thundervale?

— This prophecy may have been made on the day of your birth or when you were kidnapped. Or it may be that you are not this chimera. — He explains. — But so far, we haven't found any chimera that fits the prophecy. You are our best chance.

— But if I am the chimera of the prophecy, what will happen?

He looks at me intensely.

— If you are the chimera of the land of Thundervale, then I need you to marry me.

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