Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 8

The girls got to work on my face and hair. By the time they were done with everything, the finished result was dazzling. I had always done my own make-up. Olga was good with it but she only ever did it for her daughter, Sabrina. It always made me miss my mother.

So, I learnt how to do it myself and it was never anything much, just usually subtle but looking at myself in the mirror and how radiant I looked made me feel like a princess. My hair was carefully packed up and pinned down in a beautiful and delicate bun. I had never seen myself in this light before. I looked beautiful and it made me want to tear up. My heart ached and I really missed my mom at that moment.

Cara went into the closet and brought out the dress, holding it up carefully, like it was going to fall apart. The three girls helped me into the dress and zipped me up. I twirled around and I knew I looked absolutely amazing from their smiles and the awe reflecting in their eyes. I stared at myself in the mirror, my eyes zeroing in on the dangerously low back of the dress and a fleeting thought of Alex touching me there passed through my mind. My eyes widened by a fraction before I played it off.

What was wrong with me? Ew, no. Not that asshole.

"You look beautiful Miss Renée" Cara said and the other girls nodded in agreement.

I smiled appreciatively "Thank you"

I quickly went back into the closet to select a pair of heels to wear with the dress while Cara dismissed the other girls.

She then joined me in the closet as I looked through the mass of shoes. There were so many, I couldn't possibly check them all. I eventually decided on a pair and Cara helped me slip into them.

"How late am I?" I asked her

"About five minutes" she answered

I rose a confused brow "Alex should be here by now"

"I don't think he'll be coming" Cara said

"Why? He mentioned he would" I answered, suddenly anxious about walking into the grand hall all by myself.

"Trust me Miss, he won't and I think it'll be best for you to get going. Really important guests are here" she reasoned, looking a bit nervous

I was a little confused but my guts told me to trust her and so I did. I let out a breath and nodded "Okay"

We both left my room and she led me to the grand hall that was used for events. She stopped right by the door and I thanked her, before she left.

I took a few seconds to breathe and put on a brave face before going inside the hall.

The first step I took in, I immediately found my eyes staring at the interior decoration. The glamor and shine of the entire place screamed undeniable wealth. People were in different corners, talking and catching up while waiters and waitresses passed by with drinks and snacks of different sorts. A few people turned as I entered and I passed small smiles their way. My eyes immediately searched for familiar faces and they landed on Sasha who was quite busy talking to guests. Just when I decided to approach them, someone blocked my path.

Sabrina Sinclair.

My stomach boiled with immediate rage and, irritation I could not hide crept its way to my face. I don't think I've ever hated her this much. Of course, a Sinclair daughter being sold off provided immediate free access to private guests events like this. Father must be so happy.

"Hey sister" she said, a fake smile plastered on her face.

"Step-sister" I corrected her.

She rolled her eyes "How has your first day here been?"

A crease formed between my brows. The sheer audacity she had pissed me off so much.

I sighed and plastered a smile on my face. I wasn't going to let anyone make mockery, especially not Sabrina.

"Been good" I simply replied, causing her sick smile to fall immediately.

She regained her composure quite quickly though. She cleared her throat "Where's your Prince Charming?"

My eyes skillfully eyed her "It's really not your business, Sabrina"

She laughed, "Is he even physically able to do anything?"

"You'd be surprised" I answered

"Then why isn't he here?" she asked, mockingly.

I was growing increasingly frustrated, so I just stared her dead in the eye "Stay away from me Sabrina. You make this place reek."

She gasped but I didn't wait to see her reaction. Goddess, that felt so good. I walked away from her with pride. The murmurs suddenly got louder and everyone was turning towards the entrance, so I did too. Wrong move.

I will never forget the smile on her face when she walked in with her arm hooked around his.

Stella Lyons and Alexander Dekker. What a pair they make.

I had no feelings for Alex whatsoever. I mean, it was the first day and I already hated the guy but he seemed a little humane earlier in my room. I should have known. What an asshole.

My heart hammered painfully in my chest. Everyone stared at them and the murmurs could be heard. "I thought he was getting married to a Sinclair daughter", "Is that not the Lyon girl he's been fooling around with?", "Is his leg ever going to heal?", "Where is the Sinclair girl?", "Ooh, this should be interesting, I love drama"

The embarrassment was so bad but at least, people didn't know it was me. Yet.

He walked straight towards me with Stella still hooked on his arm. She looked so gorgeous, it hurt to see. I stood rooted to the ground because at this point, I didn't know what to do. Embarrassment washed over me and just when I turned around to avoid him, he grabbed my arm. Shit.

I turned to him and stared at his stupid face. There was a smug smirk on it and all I could think of was how not to punch the Alpha Prince in front of so many people.

"How are you enjoying your welcome party?" He asked.

By now, almost everyone was looking at us. I was pretty sure they were figuring it all out.

I scoffed and moved closer to him "You're such an ass"

"Step back bitch" Stella whispered

"Ooooh, I'm so scared" I mocked. What did she think she was? What an idiot.

"Stay out of this" I warned her, my eyes blazing with anger.

Alexander simply looked amused. He bent over and whispered in my ear "Puppet"

Then he walked away from me, Stella hot on his heels.

"Deep breaths Renée" Hera spoke up

I can't do this, Hera. I need to leave this place.

"You cannot" she stated

Why not?!

"Just trust me. Don't leave" she said

Ugh. Fuck you.

I loved Hera but when she does things like this, I really really hate her. Tonight was already a lot, there's only so much more I could take.

I grabbed a drink for a waiter passing by and downed it at a go. I turned to find Sasha and saw she was already with Alex and Stella. She looked so mad but she was trying to keep cool.

She then glanced at me and her eyes looked sad as she made her way to me.

"I am so sorry about this Renée" she said, a sigh following after

I shook my head and swallowed past the bitterness I felt in my chest "It's no problem"

She held my hands "I'll make the announcement now"

I nodded and offered a forced smile.

Shortly after, Alexander came to stand beside me. This time, without Stella. He planned this. He just wanted to make a fool of me and now, he's here because he already achieved what he wanted.

I forced myself to stay put to avoid even more scrutiny from the eager guests.

His mother stood in the middle of the hall and got everyone's attention by tapping her glass of drink with a spoon. It worked, everyone turned to her.

She cleared her throat and spoke with absolute grace "Tonight, we've gathered here to celebrate the welcoming of my son Alpha Alexander's beautiful bride-to-be, Renée Sinclair, daughter of Matthew Sinclair."

Murmurs ran through the crowd questioning whether my father had two daughters. Of course, who knew me? He never took me anywhere. I was just not important enough.

Sasha turned to me to continue speaking and I forced a smile "Renée, thank you for being here. You're such an amazing and beautiful woman and I cannot wait to see you and Alexander flourish beautifully"

I smiled and mouthed "Thank you"

Inside, I wanted to die.

"Everyone, please raise your glasses" she commanded and we all did.

"To a fruitful marriage with many babies" she joked and everyone laughed

"Cheers" she ended and everyone downed their drinks, clapping after.

Alexander took my hand against my will and pulled me towards guests. Even though, I despised everything that was going on, I could not deny the tingles that I got from his touch. My body betrayed me yet again.

We greeted people and thanked them for coming. We had greeted a lot of people when Alex started leading me towards where my father stood and I froze in my steps and turned to him "No"

His eyes twinkled even more with mischief glinting in them "Yes"

He then spoke up "Mr Sinclair" and led me towards the place.

My father had a fake smile on his face when he saw us approaching him. Nothing new. Just a father showing genuine love to his daughter.

My heart hammered in my chest as we grew closer. No matter how much I hated my father, he still made me nervous. I was still so desperate for his validation.

I plastered the most genuine looking smile on my face and greeted him with a hug "Father"

He planted a kiss on my cheek. Anything for the crowd's validation.

"Alpha Alexander" he said as he turned to Alex and shook hands with him.

"Doesn't your daughter look quite dashing tonight?" He asked my father.

My father eyes me swiftly and nodded "Really radiant. I've never seen her like this before"

Well father, you know why.

From the corner of my eyes, I saw Sabrina and Olga make their way towards us.

I wanted to let them know I was very okay and I wasn't going to breakdown and get ruined. I wanted to prove it to them so bad.

As soon as they were within earshot, I did a little twirl "Alexander got me this dress. Isn't it gorgeous?"

My father hummed in agreement and I could see the jealousy in Olga's eyes grow by the second. Probably think this should be her daughter.

"On first name basis now, are you?" Sabrina asked as she neared us, trying to mask her jealousy.

"Of course, she's my fiancee" Alexander said, supporting me.

For once, I felt grateful to him. I smiled. Genuinely this time. The pure joy from getting the look on their faces. Alex greeted Olga and Sabrina. Sabrina's eyes lingered a little too long on Alexander and an unexplainable rage sizzled through my body. Then, I did something I could never take back.

Still with the smile on my face, I hooked my arms around Alex's, tiptoed and planted a quick kiss on his lips.

What the heck did I just do? My heart hammered in its cage as he looked at me with a blank expression on his face. I had crossed a line I couldn't cross back.

I bit my lips nervously when he bent down to my level.

I was dead for sure.

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