Chapter One - Welcome Back
I have to admit that the summer in Gaian, the capital, was the most beautiful in all of Luavyn. The sun shines as if it blesses our land making everything seem perfect, like in a fairy tale. It's easy to believe in witchcraft when you live in a city like this - and have a view like mine.
My room is one of the few on the third floor of Luavyn Royal Castle. The window faces the royal garden, with the city in the background. This is the best view of all, in my opinion. You may find those who disagree, as the other side of the castle offers an entire view of the ocean. However, even though the sea is beautiful, there is nothing more beautiful than my land.
My love for Luavyn is true, strong and present in my decisions. Some would say it's exaggerated. The truth is, I don't remember existing without this feeling inside me. It all started in my mother's belly, when she told me stories about the great heroes of our land, as a form of connection. Mom didn't choose these stories for nothing - she was always in love with Luavyn too.
And this love of mine has only grown over the years, as mom made me know every corner of the country and our history - from mistakes to successes, so that one day I would be the Queen of Luavyn, my fate was already sealed. I would do anything for my land and my people.
Whether I will be Queen or not, I don't know. But what I feel for Luavyn is strong enough that I agree with this arranged marriage madness. Only the total certainty that I can make a difference for my people on the throne is what keeps me on this journey.
And talking about the journey to the throne, today the race will begin. Price Nicko will arrive at the Castle at night to begin his twelve-month journey alongside his father, the King, to prepare for the wedding and, perhaps, to assume the throne at the end of his training.
The perhaps comes from the fact that some Kings retire to be advisors to their children before their death, while others rule until they die. Honestly, I don't know what the King Arthurian's choice will be. The man is enigmatic when it comes to his choices about his son.
In any case, a grand reception party was prepared. Which will also be the "official meeting" between the prince and his two fiancées. In this case, me and my half-sister, Marienne. Yes, a competition not just between women, but between half-sisters. Sometimes I find myself wondering what King Arthurian had in mind when he said that his son would choose between my father's daughters.
Obviously, one of his biggest government mistakes. No exaggerations.
Anyway, Mom said I could prepare for this day however I wanted. She would have a whole team taking care of my hair and skin all day or I could be free to enjoy myself until the end of the afternoon, and then I would get ready normally for the party.
Of course, I chose the second option. No one even pretended to be surprised by this.
With a book in my bag and some fruit, I'm ready for my relaxing day. I plan to spend the morning in the royal garden, have lunch at one of the restaurants near the beach and end the afternoon on the sand, relaxing. No stress, no thousand people around me, no speculation about whether or not I will be the next queen…
Today I would have my last hours of peace.
I take one last look in the mirror to make sure I haven't forgotten anything important and, of course, to check that I look presentable. I may not be the most vain woman to ever live in this castle, but I am far from disinterested in my appearance. You won’t find me running around looking disheveled, not even on my “off” days. Luckily, his tight cargo pants and white shirt were impeccable.
With everything in order, I leave my room towards the several stairs that lead to the garden. I try to use the secondary stairs to avoid meeting other nobles who live here, but I know from the looks on the staff's faces that my escape is not being discreet. The entire palace will be talking about this in half an hour at the most.
Fortunately, I am not committing any serious crimes. I'm free to go for a walk if I want. And going to the gardens is a recurring habit of mine, when I'm living in the castle. Everyone whispers about my solitary habits, like reading, while they whisper about my sister's art shows, which are always full of people. They love that we are opposites. This fuels gossip, betting and makes all this confusion the perfect entertainment.
More than the castle dwellers, the Luavynian people love that we are opposites. My sister and I could be considered fire and ice for all I know. And there are several magazines that exploit our opposition and sell covers urging which would be the prince's favorite in the end.
I know it's a tight crowd. Many believe that my sister is the perfect queen, while others believe that I will be the ideal leader. My sister wins in all the style, manners and charisma surveys. I win in leadership research, firm pulse and support for the local population.
There are also those who say I'm too wild to sit on a throne. Don't ask me what that means - I just know it was the headline of the most nationally circulated magazine this week.
I go down the last flight of stairs and finally I am in the large royal garden. I walk between the perfectly manicured plants to the small clearing where it was allowed to sit on the grass. There were a number of trees nearby, which gave the environment some shadows. Not far away, a stream also ran, which left a slight sound of water in the background.
Bottom line: the place was fucking perfect for my plans.
I sit down and open my book on the revolutions of the 18th century. I let my mind wander away from the royal dramas, focusing only on the already resolved problems of the past...