Chapter Six - Her smile
The open hall was one of the most beautiful areas of the castle. It was like any other royal hall, with a large glass roof supported by marble pillars and, of course, marble floors. The big difference was being... Well, open. There were no walls, allowing the royal garden to surround any party we threw there.
I love open parties. It was always full of laughter, games, good drinks and traditional food. Plus they were in the afternoon, which meant we would be partying all day.
On a normal day, I would be with my friends, drinking the best white wine in our lands and laughing as we watched the women parading their best summer dresses. However, times have changed. I barely arrived and Sorah Roseanne already trapped me in her boring speeches that, despite Mari's attempts, didn't get any lighter.
Then Lenna arrived and my mind went to space.
How can I think about wine, women and light laughter when my heart seems to explode around her? I had to drag her away from that madness, but the effects on me don't slow down.
Lenna? - I ask, completely changing the subject.
Do you feel like you've become more... Irrational?
Near to you? Yes - she laughs and looks at me - I've always been rational, you know. But in the last twenty-four hours I've been experiencing a tsunami of feelings and confusion... I feel like I am a teenager sometimes.
I have the same feeling - I smile, remembering our childhood and how I was always affected by her smile - Do you think this is a sign?
Yes. You are the first man who messes with my emotions. That means something.
And are you willing to enjoy this feelings with me?
Until the last second - she promises me, squeezing my arm.
I had an answer to give, but my father notices our approach. The sparkle in his eyes when he sees the two of us together is obvious. I know we are a beautiful couple. Both tall, brown-haired, her skin just a few shades darker than mine, her eyes in similar shades of brown... Nothing about us screamed contrast. Just harmony.
Even though I don't think beauty is the fact that makes Dad's eyes shine like that.
- Finally, something to make me happy - Dad laughs and doesn't explain his enigmatic comment - Lenna, my girl, would you mind joining me in a boring conversation about climate change?
Lenna laughs and I see real happiness on her face. She really likes dad.
Not at all, my King. But if I remember correctly from our last conversation on the subject, we will need some glasses of wine.
I'll go get it - I offer - Escort the most beautiful woman at the party for me, dad. I'll be right back.
Smart boy, wants to get away from the tedious talk - he smirks and show Lenna the way to some Sorehs, who look anxiously in her direction - Come on, Sorah Ailenna, it's time for fun.
The two of them head towards the Sorehs and I make my way to the bar. It's true that I don't want to talk about climate changes and politics right now, but my real goal is something else: to talk to Lenna's father. And I had seen my dear Soreh Augustiano go exactly to the bar. That's the only reason I offer to be away from Lenna.
Soreh Augustiano - I call, scaring him.
My prince - he smiles when he recognizes me - How can I help you?
Augustiano had been a good uncle while I was growing up. He and Dad were best friends, so he became family. We always talked openly and he taught me as much as Dad about how to be a good ruler and a better man.
Seeing his gray hair squeezes my heart. Augustiano was always a man with an easy smile and looked younger than he was. But now, looking at him closely, I see that time is taking its toll on him. Even if that doesn't change what I'm going to say...
I would like to make a request - I take a deep breath and straighten my posture, realizing that I shouldn't see him as someone above me - Actually, it's an order.
Whatever you say, my prince - he states, looking me in the eyes.
He is loyal to me. I see that. But was he loyal to his own daughter? I remember Lenna's eyes, so similar to his, full of tears and I feel angry. Anger at a man I love like a second father. The uncle I never had.
Augustiano, from today onwards, you will no longer take a stand in favor of any of your daughters - my voice comes out harsher than I would like and I see him lose his breath.
But, my prince, I don't...
You favor Mari, Augustiano - I sigh, trying to control my feelings - I see. Everyone sees. You didn't even look at Lenna today. And you didn't dance with her yesterday.
He looks away and when he looks at me again, I see tears there.
Mari loves you, Nikco. And I say this as a father and not as a Counselor or Soreh... - he sighs - But Ailenna? Lenna just loves causes. She loves knowledge, science, fighting, this land. And as much as I love them both more than anything, I must care for their happiness.
So, you're saying that Lenna wouldn't be happy with me?
Ailenna will never be happy with anyone, because she is happy on her own. But Mari? Mari shines by your side, my boy. She is the right choice.
I look at the man who I loved and respected for many years. A man who was the King's Advisor, a man I admired. And yes, I put all the verbs in the past, because that's how I felt about him until now. Until I realized he was blind.
- If that's what you think, then I'll have to tell you something I never imagined saying: you're a foolish man, Soreh Augustiano - I look him in the eyes so he can see the truth in my words - And let's be clear: you are prohibited from giving preference to either of them. If you even look towards Mari, you must do the same to Lenna. It's your Prince's order.
I grab three glasses of wine from the counter next to me and leave without waiting for a response. I make my way straight to Lenna and Dad, noticing that my mom is with Mari and Roseanne.
So much for fair competition.
Of course I forget all the anger as soon as Lenna looks at me and smiles. A smile that makes me smile too.
Screw this. I'm so fucked up.