Chapter 5 - Royal Breakfast

Teegan's P.O.V.

When we pull up to the palace, I'm so blown away by its massive size that I don't see the people standing out front at first. I'm shocked to hear my name when I get out of the car. I never thought I'd see Kiana again.

"What are you doing here?" Kiana asks me. I look over at Joel, who is staring at us in shock.

"Apparently, I'm his mate." Kiana looks at Joel and then back at me with her mouth open.

"You're mated to my brother?" She starts squealing with excitement and hugging us both.

"Your brother? You never told me you had a brother. If he's your brother, you're a lycan; you didn't tell me that either." I stare at her and feel like I'm looking at her for the first time. I feel somewhat hurt that I didn't know she was a wolf like me. Although I didn't tell her, I was one, either.

"Can you two explain how you know each other?" Joel asks. Kiana and I start laughing.

"Do you remember when I left home when I was eighteen because I decided I didn't want to be a princess?" Everyone nods except for me. That's why she showed up out of nowhere? "Well, I covered my scent so you couldn't find me, and other shifters wouldn't know I was one of them. I ran into Teegan, literally on the street, when she was getting off the bus. She had just moved to town. We shared a hotel room, and both of us got jobs. I had so much fun until you sent the guards to get me. I never got to tell her goodbye. She was the first to treat me like a person, not a princess."

I hug her again. We were both so lost back then, and all we had was each other. When she disappeared, I was hurt. Now that I know it wasn't her own doing, I feel like I have my friend back.

"You were my only friend. I've missed you so much." I tell her. When I hear someone clear their throat, I realize there are a lot more people standing around us. I pull back suddenly and feel my face getting hot. Joel puts his arm around me, and Kiana holds my hand.

"Everyone, this is my mate Teegan," Joel announces proudly. I think some of his thunder was taken away by his sister, but everyone still comes up to greet me. The king and queen are last, and I don't know whether to bow, curtsey, or give them a fist bump. Queen Victoria doesn't give me an option. She pulls me into her arms and hugs me. I'm too startled to move at first.

"We're so happy to have you here, dear. Joel has been desperate to find his mate." Tears sting my eyes. I forgot what a mother's hug could feel like. I can't remember the last time my adoptive mother hugged me. On second thought, I can. During the custody trial, she was trying to get as much child support as possible.

"Thank you. I'm glad to be here." I reply honestly.

"I'm Victoria, and this is my mate Adrian. We were just getting ready to eat breakfast." Victoria puts her arm around me and leads me inside. I look around in astonishment. I expected marble floors and white walls, but this is entirely different. The floors are a beautiful dark bamboo, and the walls are a warm cream color. There are family photos going back generations hanging on the walls. It's warm and inviting even with its enormous size.

"This is incredible," I say with a smile as we walk through to the huge dining area. Some people are already there, and I get nervous as they stare at me. Joel pulls me against him, and I notice several young women glare at me.

"Ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce my mate Teegan." Most people clap and say congratulations, other than the few jealous women. That's right, you hags, this prince is mine, all mine. I snuggle into his arms and feel like sticking my tongue out at them. As laid back as the family is, I don't think they'd appreciate that. Joel helps me into a chair and sits beside me while Kiana sits on my other side. Adrian and Victoria sit at the head of the table together. I think it's sweet how they still look at each other like they're young and in love.

"So, Joel, where did you meet her?" I glance over to see who the female is with the nasal voice. Joel slides his arm over my shoulders and pulls my chair against his.

"On my way back from the Silver Moon pack. Who knew that trip would end up being the best thing that ever happened to me?" I smile up at him, and he gives me a soft kiss. The jealous redhead huffs but doesn't say anything.

"Don't let the bitches get to you. They were all hoping Joel would pick them as his chosen mate." Kiana speaks quietly but still loud enough that almost everyone can hear. I expect her parents to say something, but they just smile and eat their food. The women she was referring to all glare at us. I rub it in a little more, putting my head on Joel's shoulder, and he kisses my forehead.

"Does it make you angry that I knew your mate before you?" Kiana asks her brother. He glances at her but doesn't say anything. "It's too bad you didn't come to find me yourself back then. Instead, you sent the guards. You could have had her all this time. See what you messed up."

"What have you been up to since you left?" I ask Kiana, giving Joel a break from her. He kisses my forehead again in thanks as he begins speaking with his parent.

"Not much. I haven't found my mate even though I've been searching everywhere. I'm the only one of us who isn't mated yet. I'm sure it was too overwhelming outside when you first got here, so let me tell you who's who. Logan is the oldest and will be king after Dad and Mom step down. His mate is Emily. Next to them is my sister Leslie and her mate Isaac. Then, Alisia and her mate Dale. Last, we have Michael and his mate Dina." They all smile at me warmly as Kiana points them out. This is not how I pictured a royal family. They're in jeans and T-shirts like me and Joel. The only ones dressed up are the harpies that were hoping to get my prince.

"It's nice to meet you all," I say.

"What pack are you from?" Leslie asks. She has dark brown hair like Joel and Kiana, but her eyes are golden brown.

"I don't know. I was abandoned as a pup and adopted by humans. I have no idea where I'm from." The nasal loudmouth can't let that go.

"Great, so we have a princess who's an orphan. This just gets better and better." She snarls at me. Adrian slams his hand on the table, making everyone jump.

"Wendy, I will not have you speak to Princess Teegan in such a way. One more word, and you will be escorted out." So the wenches name is Wendy. Please say another word bitch; I dare you. Should I help her along? Yeah, why not.

"Actually, I didn't even want to find my mate, and I was on the verge of rejecting Joel, but he convinced me otherwise. He said there were no good choices for chosen mates, and if I didn't accept him, he would be alone forever." The family snickers, including the king and queen. Kiana can't hold back as she rails with laughter; Wendy, on the other hand, turns red with anger.

"I am so much better than you. She didn't even want to be mated. I demand you reject this human wannabe and choose me." Bye bye bitch. Adrian snaps his fingers, and I smirk at Wendy.

"Get her out of here. Wendy, you shall not step foot on these grounds again until you have remembered your place." Is it rude to wave as she's being pulled out of the dining room? Yes, it is, but I do it anyway. I turn back to the family, who are all looking at me.

"I'm sorry. Sometimes, my mouth gets the better of me." I say even though I'm not sorry at all. Adrian lets out a loud belly laugh.

"Don't apologize. That just made my day." I giggle and take a bite of my food. These are my kind of people. Joel leans over and whispers in my ear.

"I told you they would love you. Now, how about we talk about marking each other. Are you ready for that?" He asks low so the others can't hear. I appreciate him not rushing me, but now I'm ready to be rushed. Let me claim my man.

"Yes, I'm ready." He smiles and kisses me before turning to the others. "We would like to mark each other right away."

"How about tomorrow? We have the butterfly festival, and most of the kingdom will be here. We'll also do the official crowning." Victoria looks excited while I feel scared. A festival and a crowning? Kiana takes my hand under the table.

"Don't worry. We're about the same size, so I'll help you with a butterfly gown, and the crowning is more for show. We don't really wear crowns very often unless it's for something official." I smile at her in thanks. Okay, this won't be so bad. After breakfast, everyone goes their separate ways, and Joel takes me to the second floor to our bedroom. When he opens the door, I feel instantly at home.

The walls are the same warm cream color, and the carpet is also cream-colored with little flecks of blue mixed in. The furniture is dark cherry wood and looks old but beautiful. The bedding is a deep maroon.

"I love this," I tell him. I notice my suitcases and boxes sitting near what I assume is the closet. I go to unpack, but they're empty. Joel chuckles when I look at him in confusion. He comes behind me and wraps his arms around me.

"They're already unpacked. So, maybe we can find something else to do." When I feel him pushing into my back, I know exactly what he's thinking. I wiggle against him, making him groan.

"I don't know. I think I've been giving it up too freely. I better hold out until after we mark each other tomorrow." I wiggle again, and he slides his hands under my shirt.

"No way. I've been waiting thirty years, and I'm going to take every chance I have to be with you." He spins me around and lifts me so I can wrap my legs around him. He carries me to the bed and is inside me before we even have all our clothes off. I don't care. I need him, too. If this is a dream, please don't wake me up because being with Joel is definitely a dream come true.

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