Chapter 6
I scrunched up my nose as specs of dust wafted through my nostrils. A chill ran down my spine as a familiar sensation worked its way towards my nose. I knew it was coming and I could already picture the outcome. If I didn't find a way to control it, I would sneeze out aloud again, and for the umpteenth time too.
The last thing I wanted was to draw more attention to myself. No, the last thing I wanted was for Dominique to hear me. A small part of me couldn't help but think he would have a problem with me sneezing all over the place. Heavens forbid all my germs over his mansion.
The moment the sensation in my nose settled, I went on dusting the furniture. I'd just finished with the center table and was currently on the huge bookshelf in the far corner. If I was being honest, Dominique didn't strike me as the kind of man who read books.
Because what kind of villain read books? Okay, maybe a couple of them but you get my point. With how stuck up and ruthless he was, I doubted he would have time to read. I could bet his hobbies were looking down on people and locking up people's fathers. Now that sounded more like him. In fact…
I felt the hairs at the back of my neck stand on end, and whenever that happened, it always translated into one thing; I was being watched. Slowly, I turned just for my gaze to land on the man of the hour himself.
Dominique stood at the foot of the stairs, his gaze trailed solely on me. Goosebumps crept up my skin as his blue eyes pierced into mine, its deep hue pulling me in. Blonde hair dangled from the side, obscuring his forehead and a part of his eye. His pristine white shirt and Navy blue pants were a perfect fit, his biceps almost bulging out. The outfit clung to him like a second skin and I found myself itching to run my hands over them.
I sunk deeper into my uniform, suddenly too conscious of myself and how my uniform hung loosely on my body. Beads of sweat dangled on my forehead and my palms felt clammy against the handle of the feather duster currently nestled in my grip.
From the corner of my eye, I could make out stains on my uniform. They weren't unusual since I'd been up and around cleaning the mansion, but with Dominique's gaze resting on nowhere else but my body, it didn't feel so normal anymore.
I would give anything for the ground to swallow me whole and let me up again. With a set of new clothes, that is.
"I see you're up already." His voice broke into my monologue. His voice was cool and calm, with a little bit of icy tendrils underneath. My eyes caught his face instantly, my focus shifting to how his lips parted but only slightly. " I'll be having guests over today."
"Yes, sir." I hung my head low immediately, hoping he wouldn't notice the heat that rushed up my cheeks. " Is there anything you'd like me to do sir?"
"Don't interrupt me!" He seethed and I flinched at the high octave of his voice, the heat and tension that was once present sizzling into oblivion. " You only speak when you're allowed to."
"Yes sir." I nodded twice, my voice barely a whisper. The last thing I wanted was to rile him up, and on his way to work too.
"Prepare the house and make sure it's fit to welcome guests." He continued. With each step he took towards me, the sound of his shoes kissing the linoleum flooring reached my ears. It went on like that until they stopped, just a few inches in front of me.
I gulped.
"Not only that, I'd like you to make a casserole for dinner." I nodded again. "Everything had to be perfect, do you understand?"
"Yes sir." It wasn't like I had a choice. If I didn't adhere to his instructions, I was more than sure that Dominique would see to it, and right now, I wasn't curious as to what he'd do. " I'll do as you ask."
"Don't disappoint me. Or else." Were his parting words as he exited the living room.
If I didn't know better, I would have said it was just a simple threat, but I knew better.
I stared at the ingredients sprawled out in front of me atop the kitchen counter. Ingredients ranging from beef, to chicken, ham and a couple of others caught my attention and I grinned. This was going to be a piece of cake.
As per Dominique's request, I was instructed to make casserole, but I could bet my life he had no idea I was a culinary prodigy in that field. Growing up, mum and I spent a good part of our days in the kitchen, whipping up all sorts of culinary goodness.
Of course I couldn't learn everything before her demise, but I was able to pick up on some of the recipes, casserole included.
Dominique wouldn't know what hit him.
Three knocks on the door behind me had me turning momentarily. I peered a bit from my spot in front of the sink, until I was able to make out a figure just behind the oakwood door of the kitchen.
"Who's there?" I called out. There was no way it was Dominique. If it was him, he would have barged in here already. " Who's that?"
"Hi." I watched a young girl shuffle into the kitchen sheepishly.
A brown bob cupped her round face, the chocolate color matching her irises. Freckles stained each side of her nose as she broke into a small smile, her heart shaped lips almost looking like a pout.
"Hi?" I blurted out as she stepped closer into the kitchen. She looked just about my age but I hadn't seen her before. " Are you new here?"
"Oh no." She giggled, waving a hand. " I've been here for quite a while now. I'm Aliyah"
"Florence." I took her hand in mine, just for some dirt to fall off her fingers.
"I'm sorry." She grinned. "I just came in from the garden. I'm a Gardener."
"Gardener?" I chorused. I thought I had it bad but I guess I was wrong. I couldn't imagine toiling around under the sun and digging my fingers and feet into mushy and yucky dirt.
"It's really not that bad." Her voice cut through my voice, like she'd somehow read my mind. " Yes, it's hard work but in the end, the sight and pleasant smell of the flowers and nature makes it all worth it. That and sunscreen with a good hat helps too."
"Nice." I nodded. It took a while to realize she was glancing behind me so I responded. "I was about to make lunch. Casserole."
"Ouuu." She skidded to the sink immediately, her eyes gleaming with excitement. " What should I do? Where should I start?"
"Okay, hold up, hold up." I found myself grinning as I rushed to her side. Her excitement was contagious and I found myself grinning as I turned on the faucet to wash the protein.
Conversation flowed as we took turns preparing the meal. While she chopped the vegetables, I handled the meat and protein. When I started cooking, I didn't think I would get any company, but now that Aliyah was here, I definitely didn't mind. As time went by and snippets of conversation flowed, it didn't take long for me to realize that Aliyah was a victim too.