Chapter 8
"What? What…" I watched as she stuttered, something flashing in her eyes. Her eyes darted around, somehow unable to focus on one place. Red hue tinted her cheeks as her lips parted slightly. Amidst the erratic beating of her heart against her ribcage, I watched as she squirmed under my gaze. She wanted to be everywhere but here.
"Don't speak unless you're asked to." I seethed and watched as she clamped her mouth shut, her lips quivering in fear. " How many times do I have to repeat that?"
"I'm sorry sir." She stuttered, her voice barely a whisper. " Please."
"What just happened out there, huh?" I leaned in even closer. Even the thought of it was enough to get my blood boiling all over again. "What the hell did you thibk you were doing out there?"
"Nothing, sir." She shook her head so hard I thought it would roll off her body. "I didn't…"
"Yes you did." I cut her off, my grip on her chin tightening even more. " I saw you. With my own two eyes I watched you flirt with my guests. Do you not have any shame? Is that how you were raised?"
"I swear, sir, you're only misunderstanding…"
"The only misunderstanding here is just how much I underestimated you." I lashed out on her, somehow enjoying the streaks of fear that flicked across her facial features. "I'm not entirely surprised, you are your father's daughter are you not? Birds of the same feather. Literally. I shouldn't have put it past you to come up with something so sly."
"You don't understand." I could see the tears in her eyes threatening to break out of their dam. " Please sir,..."
"I'll say this one last time." She listened to me with rapt attention, her doe like eyes staring into mine. " You're mine. Fucking mine."
"Do you understand me?"
"Yes, sir…"
"Good. Make sure this is the last time something like this ever repeats itself." The words were barely out of her lips before I let her go.
Without sparing her so much as another glance, I stormed out of the kitchen and into the direction I first came from.
"There he is!" Derek whooped as I walked back into the dinning room. A huge grin was plastered on to his face and as I sat back down, I wondered how long it would take for his face to freeze in that position. "The man of the hour's back!"
"Not like we missed you or anything." Jack let out slowly as he sipped on his wine. I could already tell he was drunk, even though he did a good job at hiding it. Most times. " What took you so long back there anyway?"
"And why are you alone?" Anthony chimed in. I watched as his gaze scoured the spot behind me and the ones leading in to the kitchen too. He was searching for something, or more specially, someone and I felt my pulse jump at the very thought of it. " Dominique?"
"Yes." I turned to him immediately, quirking my eyebrows. "Can I help you?"
"Yes, actually." He responded. "Where's Florence?"
"Why?" I quipped back immediately. "Is there something you would like her to do for you? Would you like more wine? More dessert? Anything at all? Just let me know and I'll have another maid get it for you."
"I don't want another maid." Did he know just how ridiculous he sounded! Could he even hear himself? "I want Florence here."
"Why? So you can keep on ogling at her like some sick pervert?!" It was taking everything in me not to lash out at him. In all honesty, if someone had told me that I would be able to keep in my anger for this long, I'd have laughed at them, right in the face. " Is that it, Anthony?"
"I don't.. you don't know…" he let out immediately, his words a jumbled mess. " You don't know what you're talking about."
"Is that so?" The look on Anthony's face was surprisingly satisfying. " Do you really believe that?"
"Snap out of it, man." Derek guffawed out of the blue. " You've been caught already. Even I saw how you pronounced her name. And the compliments? You might have gone a little overboard."
"Glad to see I wasn't the only one who noticed." I smirked while a frown crossed Anthony's facial features. " So I would prefer it if…"
"Why don't you lighten up?" Jackson's voice boomed suddenly in the room. I slowly turned my gaze to him as he smacked his lips, obviously after Downing the last of his meal. The moment he'd finished wiping at the corners of his mouth with his napkin, he added. " I think you're being too hard. And to uptight too."
"Pardon me?" I tilted my head towards him. "What did you just say?"
"You heard me." Jackson repeated. "I think there's no harm in what Anthony did. He was only trying to have some fun and I think you should too. Let Florence back out."
"Incase you didn't notice." I let out slowly, my grip on my fork tightening. " Florence is my maid and whatever I say goes."
"No." Anthony snapped. " She's not your maid. She simply works for you. So stop talking like you actually own her."
"I'm not going to warn you again." I let out, totally ignoring everything he'd just said and tossing it out the window. " I think you should mind your manners. You're in my house after all and I do not appreciate the turn of events lately."
"Oh, is that right?" Anthony snickered as he got up to his feet. " Well in that case, I'm leaving. Jackson, are you coming?"
"Goodnight, Dominique." Were the last of Jackson's words to me before he walked out of my house, he and Anthony walking side by side.
Time seemed to slow to a halt as the only sound that reached my ears were the sound of my friends leaving, sand ultimately, the sound of their car's engines revving to life as they drove out of my parking lot.
For a good while, the only bits of conversation that could be heard was the gentle hum of me sipping on my wine and occasionally, Derek munching loudly.
"Well, that was a disaster." Derek finally spoke up. " Well, almost, I'm still here."
"Right." I nodded as I threw him a glance. "Do you want a medal for it?"
"No." Derek laughed. "How about you actually tell me what this dinner about?"
"I wanted to hear your opinions on something." I glanced out the door before turning to him again. " I guess it's just your opinion now. I'm planning on venturing into a new line of business.
"What is it?" Derek's ears perked up immediately.
"Shipping." I let out, a tad proud of myself. " Cargo shipping to be precise."
"Wow." Was all Derek could say. For a while, he looked stunned and I had no idea what that expression meant. Knowing Derek, it could mean a lot of things. " That's.. that's…"
"Yes?" I pressed on, anxiety eating at my bones. " What do you think? Is it not good enough?"
"Well, seeing it's you and considering the fact that you've made quite a name already in the business world." I watched my Friend stroke his chin thoughtfully. " I think it's perfect."