V. Tangled Fates in Bloodhill

His chest was warm behind her. His scent invading her senses as she tried to focus on anything but his muscled body. It was hard to do when he tensed so rigidly. He did as before, held her closer, pulling her tighter against his chest.

She closed her eyes, wondering what that feeling was that grew in the pit of her stomach. It was like a sour ache, begging for release from the tension that held it so tight.

"I do not like the way he looks at you either," His voice vibrated with an edge.

The sour ache exploded in a wave of warmth, sending shivers down her back and to between her legs. She inhaled slowly, reveling in the highs and lows of the feeling that just crawled through her body. She had never felt that before and wondered if it was a normal experienced for a soon to be married woman.

For the first time since she had set eyes on the man that held her, she felt hopeful for their marriage.

"Sten," Eksel called for his friend.

Elva didn't mind Sten, he had kind green eyes, even if he did stare at her with questioning eyes. He was unsure about her and she thought that was more than understandable.

"We'll stop here for a moment, eat and rest the horses before we make our way to Grimsgil for the night."

Sten offered no words and instead left them to relate his words to the men. Eksel lead his horse to a large tree that offered copious amounts of shade.

He dismounted, grabbing her around the waist to help her down. She inhaled slowly at the feeling of his large hands, biting her lip to quiet the breath.

Even as he set her on the ground, he did not take his touch away from her and she was grateful for that. It made her feel grounded and surprisingly safe. Especially as Kos approached them.

Eksel growled deep in his chest, pushing her behind him. Kos's lifted his glare from her, eyeing Eksel with hesitant courage.

"We are clear until Grimsgil."

Eksel didn't even offer a nod and though Elva could not see their faces, she could feel the tension in the air. It wasn't until Kos walked away that Eksel turned to her.

He looked down at her, his hands wrapped around her hips. His thumbs sat against her bone and he inhaled slowly as he watched the features of her face.

Elva looked up at him, wondering when she began to think him so handsome. His presence was intimidating, but the way he touched her was lighting up unknown feeling that made her giddy.

"You will tell me if he says anything to you."

Elva was surprised at his words but nodded anyway.

He dug through his bags, offering her a skin of water and some dried meat. She took it happily, her hunger finally getting the better of her.

The rest was short lived.

Thundering hoofbeats filled the air, and though they could not see who was approaching them just yet, the men already moved into position.

Eksel grabbed her, lifting her quickly to the horse.

Elva shrieked, looking up to the hoofbeats that finally made an appearance. The men that rode the horses whooped loudly, their swords drawn as they made their fast approach toward them.

"Halfdan's men!" Sten yelled, mounting his horse and making his way to attack the coming wave.

Eksel growled, his eyes scanning the horizon before looking to Elva.

She didn't want to be on the horse, she felt unsafe and exposed. She knew it meant that Eksel was planning on leaving her here and entering the fight without a horse. She knew it was a disadvantage and she did not want to be the reason for it.

He placed his hand on her waist when she attempted to dismount. He shook his head, digging his fingers into the skin of her stomach.

"Stay here," He grumbled.

She lifted her gaze, looking to the fight that had begun. The screams and bloody scene had her shaking her head.

"Please don't leave me," Fear crawled up her chest and into her throat and she clung desperately to his arm, almost burying her fingernails into his arm.

He brought his hand to her face, pressing his thumb to her chin, "Stay. If anything happens to me, run."

She shook her head.

"Ride west until you hit Grimsgil. I promise someone will find you and take you to Gleneg safely."

"No, please-"

She didn't even get the words out of her mouth before he turned from her, running to where the fighting was most intense. She locked her gaze onto him, not wanting to look away.

Blood sprayed, screams reached her ears and bodies fell. The sight was absolutely gruesome, but she would not turn away, not from him.

He was formidable. Fighting as if he was born to do it. His body moved smoothly in the crowd, his sword following his arm elegantly as if they were one in the same.

His lips were lifted in a scowl and he remained unflinching even as blood splattered across his face. Elva shuddered at the sight, that ache in her stomach returning and increasing between her legs. The feeling was odd but not unwelcome.

She pressed her hands together with worry. Not only was her safety and life meaningless in the case of her betrothed's death, but she had become accustomed to his chest at her back and that fluttering feeling in her stomach.

It was probably so naïve of her to already create such a bond with a man she had only met a day ago. Still, he was supposed to be her husband, or so she thought, so she let the feeling grow. She let her heart attach itself to him piece by piece.

Her breath grew shallow as the fight continued, Halfdan's men were losing, their numbers dwindling. Eksel didn't seem fatigued at all, in fact he looked as if the fight only gave him more strength and agility.

She wondered for a moment why he even bothered to tell her what to do in case something happened to him. With the way things were looking, Eksel never lost a fight.

Her focus on him was so intense, she did not notice the man that approached her. She didn't notice the way the horse beneath her shifted nervously. It wasn't until he was too close that she turned her face and saw those familiar beady eyes.

His arm wrapped around her waist and his hand covered her mouth in a second, suddenly pulling her across his horse.

Her ribcage exploded in a burst of pain. He held her down with the strength of his arms, and no matter how much she fought, she couldn't manage to move an inch.

The fear in her chest stretched until her fingertips felt ice cold when they were suddenly covered in the darkness of Bloodhill Forest.

No, she thought to herself, he would not be able to find her in here.

She kicked her legs, flailing them as much as she could. Kos grunted behind her, baring his teeth at her.

"Stay still," He mumbled, angry.

That only made Elva fight harder and she tried to rip her mouth from his hand but no avail.

Her body was thrown back against Kos when he pulled the reins back, forcing the horse to stop abruptly. She screamed into his hand, both from the pain and the shock of coming face to face with one of the scariest looking men she had ever seen.

His near white eyes were wide as he stared at her, with blood painting his lips red and his hair a mess of a brown nest atop his head. Blue tattoos were painted on his cheeks, down to his neck where he wore Tor's hammer on a necklace.

He tilted his head eerily his eyes scanning Kos and then Elva.

"You brought me a girl," His lips seemed to not move as he spoke, though Elva saw the deep red of his mouth.

Kos lifted her up roughly, forcing her to sit in front of him. She grunted against him finally voicing her discomfort when he removed his hand from her mouth.

"She is Agnar's betrothed."

The man tilted his head in the opposite direction, "Is she? And what would I want with her?"

Kos seemed to be confused by the man's lack of interest in the petite woman that he held. He shifted nervously, his horse following suit when men began to step out from behind the trees.

Elva shuddered, deciding then that she'd rather stay with Kos than get anywhere near them.

"H-he would do anything to keep her safe. It would be to your advantage, Halfdan." Kos stuttered through is words, his fear tangible in the air.

She shivered at the mention of his name.

Elva whimpered when that brought Halfdan's attention right back to her. His gaze pierced right through her, making her stomach flip with nausea. For a second, she doubted if her betrothed would find her, if he would actually do anything to keep her safe. Because she imagined no one would want to face the man that stood before her.

"Anything?" He quirked a non existent eyebrow.

The silence was heavy, all Elva could hear was her own breathing as her chest rose and fell with every inhale and exhale.

Halfdan nodded to one of his men who then approached them, placing his hand on Elva's thigh. She shuddered, jerking back as Kos placed the tip of his sword to the man's neck.

"I claim her as my reward first, and then I will hand her over."

Elva tensed, tears filling her eyes as she hopelessly tried to pull herself away from Kos's hold. The man with the white eyes leaned his head back and barked a laugh so loud it cause her to flinch.

He rubbed his hand on his chin, his shoulders still shaking with laughter, "Go ahead then."

Elva's eyes widened, "What? N-no."

Kos hesitated for a moment before he dismounted his horse, lifting her from the saddle and pulling her with him as he walked her to a tree.

He pressed her back to the trunk, looking down at her with evil want in those little beady eyes of his.

"Please," Elva begged, "Please don't. Please."

He pressed himself against her and she choked on her words when he felt the hardness of him against her. He pressed his fingers to her neck and she tilted as far from him as she could.

She pressed her lips together as he caressed her skin, feeling every inch of it from her neck to the top of her breasts and to her shoulder.

She struggled for air, but instinctively turned to him and slapped him across the face when he reached for the sleeve of her dress. The fabric still managed to rip, even as Kos grunted and covered his cheek with his hand.

The step he took away from her gave her enough room to dislodge herself from between him and the tree. She held her dress over her chest with her hand, gasping for air, and trying to stop her body from shaking.

Halfdan's laugh shocked her into fright and she froze, watching him approach her. She looked around, Kos looked at her with angry narrowed eyes but the rest of the men were amused at Halfdan's approach.

He stepped toward her, wrapping his hand around her neck and she screamed.

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