Uncontrollable desire
"You know, we're going to do it during the big night. Jeremy says he's going to get on a regimen, and I recommended that skin care line from those two dermatologists. What's it called? Right, Rodan and Fields. It's expensive, but it's worth it, because I've heard that once you start using their products, your skin heals very easily," Isa confides to me.
I smile and nod, but inside I don't pay attention. Teenagers trying to fix their skin problems in the days leading up to prom are not my thing. Hot, masculine alpha males who make me quiver with need are my thing.
The rest of the school day goes by like a breeze, and when I get home, I force myself to do my homework, knowing that getting good grades will be instrumental in trying to get my dad to change his mind about letting me go to college. But I find it hard to concentrate. Over and over again, I see the dark figures in my mind, with their bright blue eyes and sculpted bodies. Bodies that made my mouth water and make me wet even now. The memory of how they fucked me at the same time, while holding me down and making me cum, makes me shudder with lust. I manage to finish my homework, but it takes me much longer than usual because I'm so distracted. It's time for dinner.
When I take a seat at the dining room table, everything seems more or less normal. My mother is off to the side, looking like an ice queen, and my father has the newspaper with him. Even though it's dinnertime, he still wants to glance at a business paper or two.
I sit quietly and eat my meal-should I bring up the college topic with my father? But a glance at him, who is reading while shoving peas in his mouth, changes my mind. Given the hard circles under his eyes, it's clear he's in a very bad mood. Maybe he's lost money today. Meanwhile, my mother eats in silence, pecking at her food with bird-like gestures, until my father looks at her with annoyance.
"Melissa . Do you think you could show a little more appreciation for our chef by actually eating the dishes he's prepared?" he barks, glaring at her. My mother sighs almost inaudibly and tries to take a bigger bite of the swordfish. "You think I'm made of money?" my father continues to rant. "That I can splurge to make sure you eat the best and not even eat the damn food?" he continues, pounding his fist on the table and making us both jump. I keep eating, afraid to look up from my plate. But I can't escape Harrison's fury .
"And you. Always stuffing yourself with food," he continues, now addressing me. I stop mid-chew, terrified of what comes next. "I swear, you two are upside down. It should be you, Ariana , the one eating like a fucking bird. You could use a little trimming." My face heats up at the insult. "Whereas you, Melissa , could do with putting on a little weight. I swear you had real tits when we got married, and now I'm left with a fucking scarecrow in bed." This finally makes me look at my dad because I can't believe how horrible and rude he's being. Even for him, this is out of character. He must have had too much whiskey before dinner.
But I'm getting tired of his bad behavior. I'm tempted to speak up, but what would I gain? Probably nothing. So I wait for her to stop bickering. I don't touch another bite of food as my mother tries to finish everything on her plate. Tears come to my eyes at how horrible my family situation is and how unfair it is. What have we done to my father to make him treat us this way? What kind of man takes out his frustrations on the women in his life? Why is he like this?
Finally, I finish dinner and find myself back in the sanctuary of my room. Now I'm burning with desire. I have to lure the criminals into my room so I can see them again. My father's insults about my body are nothing new, but after finding an outlet for my desires last night, my quest to see my lovers takes on new meaning. I will prove to my father that I can be adored for who I am. I will prove to my father that he has less control over me than he thinks. I will show him that even though he thinks he is the king of his castle, there are things going on under his own roof that he has no idea about.
The amusement at this rebellion makes me smile and shudder at the same time. I'm going to get those men back, and I'm going to do it tonight. I go into the bathroom and shave my pussy and ass for the first time. The feeling is strange and tingly, but very exciting. If the criminals come back, I want them to find me naked and pink, ready for them both ways. I moan a little as the blade runs across my sensitive flesh and I bend over. My ass blinks and winks a little, but I smile as I look at my plush folds in the mirror. Perfect. Pink and tight, just the way they want it.
I brush my long brown hair until my curls shimmer and shine and choose a diaphanous gown. It's short, lacy, pale pink, and I've never worn it before. I feel my pussy moisten with anticipation; if someone had told me when I bought this teddy that when the time came for me to put it on it would be to spend hot times with two incredibly handsome strangers, I would never have believed them. I thought I'd have more fun alone with a romance novel in my hand.
My breasts quiver with anticipation as I admire my reflection with satisfaction: the translucency of the robe strongly hints at my curves. The enormous turgidity of my tits is barely contained, revealing a deep plump cleavage almost to my large pink nipples. My shaved pussy is barely hidden from view, and the short length of the gown only reaches the tops of my thighs. I turn around to see my big buttocks peeking out from under the fabric. Very nice. My long brown curls cascade down my shoulders over the soft pink fabric, and I'm happy to see how my skin seems to glow. It's thanks to them. God, I hope the thieves come back tonight because this is all because of them.
After an hour or so, the silence in the attic indicates that everyone has gone to bed. I turn off all the lights in my room, except for a small lamp by the bay window. I want those alpha males to be able to see me. I want their cocks to throb in their pants and their breaths to quicken, like last night. I want them to crave my body like mine craves theirs. I want them to know I'm ready for their hard bodies to crush mine beneath them as they do what they want with me.
But I tremble when I open the curtains. I feel exposed as I stand in front of the glass and stare out into the darkness of Central Park, a black square in a sea of sparkling Manhattan. I know they're out there, somewhere, watching me and, hopefully, lusting after me. My breasts heaving, I bring my trembling fingers to my lips and lick them, hoping they can see the movement. I let my fingers run down my chest to caress the fullness of my tits. My small hands can't hold them fully, and they spill lightly over my wrists, the lush cream huge and generous. I think about how big men's hands are and how they can encompass and manipulate my gigantic tits. I rub my aroused nipples and exhale immediately, my moan fogging the glass in front of me.
In a sudden burst of inspiration, I pucker my lips and press them against the glass in a kiss, pressing my tits against the glass as well. I lick the glass, tasting the cool wetness of the window, as I drop my hand to my pussy, which is soaking wet. My fingers find my clitoris and my knees buckle in a sudden rush of excitement that forces me to stretch one arm toward the glass to steady myself.
The excitement is unbelievable, what have these men done to me? They have unleashed a kind of fierce woman inside me, who wants to be taken, fucked and enjoyed. She wants to be a woman in fullness, with the lushness of her body at these men's disposal, as they shove their hardness deep inside her.
Oh God, where am I getting this rush of inspiration from? I - shy, nerdy Ariana Smith - am standing before all of Manhattan as I finger myself. I could cum so fast, with one hand on my pussy and the other on my tits as I press them against the glass, licking and kissing them.