Chapter 07 - Lunch
Convincing Dorian to wait for me in the car was difficult. He didn't want to give in, but with a lot of insistence, I managed to get him to give me the space I asked for. I liked him a lot, but I felt I had to give that lunch to Carbon.
"Satisfied?" I said as I sat down opposite him. "What's in it for you?" I asked, wondering what it all meant.
"Your presence. I told you I wanted to be with you, completely," he said, calling for the waiter and ordering a bunch of things with complicated names. "I know about your feelings for Dorian. And I know about Axel's feelings for EVE," he said. "Of course, the nature of my information is confidential, and I won't tell you, but all you need to know is that I'm here to put an end to the doubts and worries in your life," he informed me, taking a sip of his champagne. I appreciated that I wouldn't have to drink any more wine.
"And you think that trapping me in a car is the most effective way to win me over?" I asked. "I'm not attracted to you, Carbon. You have money, but so do I. You're an entrepreneur, and so am I. Our lives don't match up. If you want a submissive woman, I'm sure any other beautiful woman would accept being by your side. I'm not that person, and neither is EVE," I told him, also taking a sip of my drink.
"I didn't think you'd come of your own free will," he said. "I apologize if it was that uncomfortable," he said, trying to sound sincere. It didn't work. "I just want to emphasize how serious I am about wanting you," he stressed. His penetrating gaze seemed to seek me out somehow. Perhaps it wasn't entirely false.
"Why me?" I asked, still looking for reasons to understand his interest in me. A successful man like him should be looking for the right woman to have by his side. What did he want with a saleswoman and a prostitute? What kind of strange fetish did he have?
"I think you're a splendid person. In the morning, Amelie, the saleswoman and entrepreneur from Lowe's, and at night, EVE, the most sought-after stripper in the whole region, with a completely different personality. You didn't create a persona, Amelie. EVE is real, and she's not you. You're two incredible, independent women, both with names. If someone like me deserves to have a woman to match, it has to be you. I can't imagine any other woman who could take that place," he said, almost giving a speech.
"Have you ever stopped to think that maybe you shouldn't be with anyone?" I asked, ignoring his entire speech. Just then, the food arrived. I thought he was going to give up talking, but he didn't. Apparently, the entire point of that lunch was to make his intentions clear. I was beginning to regret accepting. The food would have to be worth a lot.
"There are pressures for a man like me. I can't stay single. I'm sure you know that," he said, taking a generous piece of meat into his mouth.
"People don't even really know you. Who is Carbon Moz? They only hear your name and your brand. Nobody sees you. There's no reason for all this. You're assuming too much," I said, enjoying the dishes being served.
"My name belongs to me, Amelie. Talking about me is still about me. And people do. Of course, when you're by my side, everything will change. I intend to be visible to everyone and expose my wife for all to see her beauty," he said, taking a sip.
"So it's all about looks with you?" I asked. "You want my beauty, is that it? Like I said, there are more beautiful people."
"I like everything about you, Amelie. Your personality, your manner, the way you speak. Even now, with you treating me the way you are, I can only be even more charmed by you," he said, staring at me. Avoiding eye contact was difficult. Why did he have such penetrating eyes?
"And what's your plan, Carbon?" I asked. "Are you going to expose Amelie or EVE?" I wanted to know. "Are you going to be the enterprising saleswoman or the stripper? Are you sure you want to tarnish your name with this double trouble?" I asked. I hoped that questioning would stop him from wanting what I wanted. In the last few hours, all I wanted was some peace, and to try to get away from the problems I already had, and not look for more.
"I'll introduce the two of you. I don't care about public opinion. My brand is already established. It's not as if it's really going to mean anything," he said. "Don't worry about that. Besides, everyone has a past," he commented. It was obvious what he was talking about.
I laughed before I could say anything. "And what do you expect? That EVE is just going to become an ordinary woman, stop being who she is, and just surrender to you? Is that what you think?" I asked, imagining how hilarious the scene would be.
"Is it that unreal?" he asked seriously. The situation seemed even funnier. It wasn't possible that he was actually considering it.
"EVE would never surrender to something that wasn't like her. And I'm not going to surrender to a reality I don't fit into either," I said, finishing the first plate of food.
"Don't get me wrong, I don't want you to change," he said, even though his previous speeches indicated the complete opposite. "I want you as you are. But I admit that the idea of erasing EVE's past crossed my mind. In fact, I was planning to talk to her directly now," he confessed.
Then I threw my napkin on the table. "Right, so what am I doing here?" I asked him. "If I'm not the one you want to be with, what am I doing here?" I repeated.
"I want to be with you, Amelie. But the situation with EVE is more complicated, and I didn't let him finish.
"More complicated? That's right, Carbon. Life with EVE is more complicated. Complicated for me, who has to live with it. Do you know what I wanted? For her to disappear. And I'm sure she wishes that too. But we can't erase each other's existence, so we just live together and dream about it. So I'm sorry if it's complicated for you," I said, getting up from the table and walking out of the building. "Honestly, fuck off," I finished, saying, before leaving. He didn't stop me.
I walked in heavy steps, looking for Dorian's car. I saw the cab from before, with the same driver. I couldn't resist, so I approached him. "Next time you kidnap me, I think you should keep in mind that I'm going to finish you off. Fuck you and your boss," I said, kicking the tire several times. I finished by walking away and showing my middle finger.
When I got to the car, Dorian was wide-eyed. He knew better than to ask what was going on. "Where to?" was all he said.
"To Lowe's," was all I replied.
So, before long, I was at the store. I arrived, still furious. Axel tried to talk to me, but I could see Dorian gesturing for him not to. "I'll check the stocks," I said. "Please don't bother me unless you have to," I said, heading for the back.
"I just want to know if you're okay," Axel said, staring at me.
I was too angry to be polite. "Yes, EVE is fine," I emphasized. Of course, I knew she was her favorite. I'd never cared much for the information, but at that moment, I only had anger to vent. I'll apologize later. Maybe.
"She's a beast," Dorian said. "That guy must have said something to her," Dorian commented to Axel.
"I don't like him. I don't want him anywhere near me. I'll bar him from OWE," Axel replied. Despite everything, I wouldn't let him.
"If you need help, count on me," Dorian warned.