I made him cry
Let's pause this part of the story briefly, and go back to what happened immediately after the ruined marriage.
Chapter Five: I Made Him Cry (Yes!)
"No, she won't!" Mother finally spoke up, and I felt a bit relieved.
"I am sorry, but I won't be able to join the two adults together, and I will advise you to ask for forgiveness before it is too late," the priest apologized and left the room.
I was relieved after he left, and I didn't even know I was holding my breath.
"Hmmm," the groom cleared his throat and walked down the altar meticulously.
"It is not over yet; I will be back for a pounce of your flesh!" He whispered into my ears with a threatening voice, and I caught cold feet immediately.
"We have to go! We have to leave right now!" I informed my sister immediately after I snapped out of the chilly feeling.
I didn't wait for her reply; I quickly held her hand and dragged her out of the church hall as quickly as I could.
I could hear my Father and Mother's voices as they exchanged hot words, but I paid no attention to it.
The only thing on my mind was to protect my sister, and I was willing to do it, even if it cost me my soul.
"Sister, walk faster," I increased my pace, my hands tightly holding hers. We both entered the nearest car we could find.
Throughout our journey, the atmosphere inside the car was tense, with a noticeable anxiousness lingering between Angela and me.
The events at her arranged wedding echoed in our minds, and the threat from the mysterious groom hung in the air.
I wasn't scared of him, nor was I feeling belittled because of his threat, but a sudden cold was in my mind, as though a part of me was trying to warn me of an impending danger, which I chose to ignore.
As I handled the steering wheel, I occasionally looked at the rearview mirror, trying to check if my sister was in good condition. I was so bent on watching over her, that I didn't notice when I accidentally ran into a moving truck.
"Be careful!" Angela murmured under her breath, I could see the look on her face. And I needed not to be told that she was thinking wild.
"Thanks!" I muttered and tried to focus my attention on the road, the driver of the truck yelled at me furious, warning me to watch where I was going.
"Savage, and barbarian!" I cursed quietly, enough for my sister to hear, and she looked displeased.
"You are the one at fault Nita! He is no savage, you are the one driving like a savage!" Angela replied, sounding stressed and worn out, and I felt angry because my better half was supporting a stranger over me.
I wanted to take it up with her, but then I realized that she was right, I was the one at fault.
Anyways, we have both been through a lot of shit, and it would be insensitive of me if I bring out fault in everything she had just said.
As we sped away from the chaotic scene, I couldn't help but glance back to see if we were being followed.
"Sis, I am sure that the groom and his men have gone back! They looked so ashamed and embarrassed! Didn't you notice the look on their faces?" Angela asked with a soft voice.
"I wasn't able to see the look on their faces, because they were wearing black masks," I said, trying to ease the tension with a light joke, but Angela didn't laugh, she just shook her head pitifully.
"I wasn't expecting that!" I murmured and laughed dryly at my boring joke.
"Sis, what just happened back there? How were you able to defeat them? I hope they didn't hurt you?" Angela finally broke the silence, her voice trembling with a mix of sadness, confusion, and anxiety.
I took a deep breath, trying to compose myself before responding. "I don't know all the details, Angela, but that man meant trouble. We need to get away from here and figure out what's going on.
Also, do I look hurt to you? Have you forgotten that I am Anita, your brave sister?
I can't get hurt, and I am always here to protect you, no matter what it costs!" I said, sounding confident, and a smile was on my face.
Angela smiled in admiration for my bravery. "My hero! Thank you very much, Anita! I will never forget you!"
"We are sisters for life," I replied with equal energy.
She nodded, her eyes reflecting a mixture of fear and gratitude. We continued driving until we reached a safe distance from the chaos we left behind.
"Let's find a place to stay for now, somewhere discreet," I suggested, scanning the surroundings for any signs of pursuit.
"You are right, but we can't go home, Dad and Mum would probably eat us alive!" She replied, and I agreed with her.
"You said the same thing that was in my mind!
They are the worst parents in the universe!" I agreed and shook my head, as I drove through a bridge.
"That's not a new thing.
Anyways, how about we lodge in a motel, a small and shabby-looking one, they will never know where we are because Father knows how proud you are of picking a hotel!" Angela said, and I nodded in agreement.
"Then it is settled, a shabby motel would do!" We called a truce, and I drove into the nearest motel I saw on the road, promising Angela that I was going to check into another hotel the next day.
We settled in a small motel, away from prying eyes. As we approached the reception desk to register, I kept glancing around, my senses heightened, wondering if anyone was observing our every move.
"Anita, do you think we're safe here?" Angela whispered, her eyes nervously scanning the lobby.
I tried to sound reassuring, "We should be fine for now, Angela. Let's keep a low profile, and I'll reach out to our contacts to gather more information."