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5. Welcome to Coleman's Villa

The cars came to a stop, and gradually, the doors of the SUV opened. A sophisticated woman stepped out of the car, smiled, and waved at my dad.

I immediately recognized the girl; she was the arrogant and self-centered Rachel Winterberg, the former Miss Universe and the only daughter of Mike Winterberg, the Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration.

Rachel and her father had visited Coleman's Villa countless times before Brandon left. Rachel had hoped to take advantage of the close relationship between her father and my father to get Brandon's attention. However, Brandon had never looked at her twice; he despised her self-centeredness and her thin figure.

I never knew that Brandon would later change his mind and decide to marry the very Rachel he had hated so much. Perhaps Brandon had pretended to dislike Rachel because he knew I hated seeing women around him then.

"Jumping Jehoshaphat! Rachel Winterberg!" Vera exclaimed. "I told you back then when you were busy driving Rachel away from Brandon and making things difficult for her that Brandon loves that girl. But you said Brandon did not love her, and that Brandon dislikes Rachel….bla bla bla! Now, do you see them?" Vera asked. I was still in shock, so I couldn't answer her question.

What did I ever do to Brandon that made him despise me like this? I murmured to myself. Marrying someone he knew was my sworn enemy is the worst thing Brandon has done to me.

"He could have chosen someone else," I murmured as tears started falling from my eyes.

"Emma, your problem is that you don't take people's advice. I told you that Brandon and Rachel are secretly seeing each other. You kept believing that Brandon loves you. I'm glad you can see where his heart truly lies. Brandon loves Rachel," Vera said, speaking in a tone that intensified my tears. Slowly, I wiped my face and focused my eyes on the bodyguards, who had gone to open the other door.

From the other side of the car, a strikingly handsome man emerged, exuding an air of commanding self-confidence. Unconsciously, my lips curved, my eyes squinted, and my tears flowed as I gazed at Brandon Henderson, the man who had stolen my heart and vanished.

Standing at the height 6"4, Brandon's features were flawlessly perfect and symmetrical. His muscles flexed beneath his tailored corporate attire. Despite what he had done to me, I realized that nothing had changed. I still loved him crazily and wasn't ready to give up just yet.

"Wow... He looks even more handsome now," Vera whispered. My eyes remained fixated on Brandon, refusing to look away. It felt surreal that two years had already passed.

"He's going to be my husband someday," I whimpered, unintentionally letting my thoughts slip out.

"Yes, he'll be your husband in your dreams!" Vera chuckled. "Wake up, girl. Brandon is out of your league, and he's much older than you. Rachel is twenty-seven, so they're a better match for marriage," Vera said.

Brandon stepped forward, taking Rachel Winterberg's hand, and they began walking down the red carpet. Their faces beamed with smiles as they approached Samuel Coleman, my father, and Marbella, my witty grandmother who had also been Brandon's best friend back then. Marbella had fallen ill and was hospitalized for days when Brandon returned to Stockholm two years ago.

"Welcome to my humble abode, Brandon," Samuel Coleman smiled.

"Thank you, buddy," Brandon replied, embracing Marbella.

"Rachel, how is your father?" Samuel inquired, addressing the girl whom Brandon held firmly.

"He's doing well, sir," Rachel responded with a slight bow, wearing a smile as if she were the kindest person on Earth.

"Devil!" I muttered through gritted teeth as I looked at Rachel Winterberg.

One of the security men standing near the door signaled Brandon, and he began walking towards the entrance of Coleman's Villa.


"Let's go, guys," I said to Vera and the other servants who were in the room with me. We quickly scanned the area, ensuring everything was in order before dashing out. I wanted to leave swiftly, hoping to avoid encountering Brandon and Rachel in the corridor. I knew Rachel would revel in the fact that she had finally won Brandon's heart, and I didn't want to see her face.

As we hurried down the long corridor, we spotted Brandon and Rachel approaching us, hand in hand, accompanied by four of Brandon's bodyguards. I paused for a moment, considering turning around, but it would have been childish, so I continued walking, trying my best to force a smile that simply wouldn't appear on my face. Vera and the other servants swiftly turned and took a different direction, while I continued walking towards Brandon and Rachel.

"Welcome to Coleman's Villa," I said to one of them in particular, trying to avoid their gaze.

"Thank you, Emma," Brandon replied, and Rachel burst into triumphant laughter. Brandon had never called me Emma since I had known him.

Rachel's laughter, filled with the satisfaction of her victory, and the name Brandon called me, intertwined to create a surge of heartbreak. I felt as though my heart was falling out of my chest.

I simply waved at them and continued to walk away, but Rachel's voice echoed, causing me to halt.

"Emma, I sent our civil marriage invitation card to you last week through my mom. Did you receive it?" Rachel asked, her tone laced with triumph.

"No," I responded without turning my head to look at them.

"Alright, I will..." Rachel began to speak, but Brandon quickly interrupted her.

"Don't worry, Rachel. Emma's name is not on the guest list," Brandon said. His words hit me like a torn brick and I was compelled to turn my head and look at him for the first time in two years. Our eyes met, and Brandon swiftly narrowed his gaze before returning his face to a neutral expression, as if he no longer held any fondness for me. The little bit of hope I had managed to hold onto shattered completely.

Brandon is someone I anonymously donated one of my kidneys to when he had kidney failure two years ago. Apart from my maid, Vera and my friend Gabrielle, no one else knew what I did. My parents did not know. Even Brandon did not know I was the one who saved his life.

As I stood still staring at them as they walked away, tears blurred my vision. Brandon didn't even want me to attend his wedding. Although I had no intention of going to the wedding, I felt that Brandon should have included my name and given me the honor of declining. Why did he suddenly develop such hatred towards me? I asked myself as I continued staring at them. I felt someone's hand on my shoulder.

"I told you, didn't I?" Vera said from behind me. I sniffled and wiped my nose with the back of my hand. Vera had been insisting that Brandon didn't love me. I couldn't believe how right she was.

"Brandon is no longer your best friend who showers you with affection. He didn't even include your name on his wedding guest list! Move on, girl," Vera said with a sympathetic tone.

"Let's go," Vera said, grabbing my hand and I followed her. At the doorway of my room, I turned and looked at Vera.

"I want to be alone," I murmured.

"Alright, but stop thinking about Brandon. You and him can never be together. Brandon is like a father to you," Vera said.


Throughout that day, I locked myself in my room and wept bitterly. My mother, who would have consoled me, traveled to spend time with Pauletta, her mother.

In the late hours of the night, the door of my room opened. I did not move an inch from the window where I was standing to look at the person who opened my door. The scent of masculine body wash filled my room, and I turned my head slowly to see who was standing there.

I saw Brandon leaning on the door frame with his arms folded across his chest. He was clad in a simple night robe with a plunging neckline that exposed his muscles and the crisp hairs on his chest.

For more than two minutes, my full hazel eyes, with my natural sweeping lashes, remained fixed on Brandon's blue eyes. I wondered what was going through his mind as he stared at me.

I knew Brandon had finally come to tell me to my face that he did not want to see me anywhere near Julian Henderson's estate looking for him again. However, his next words caught me off guard.

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